Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 33 The Book of War

Chapter 33 The Book of War
In the largest courtyard in Beishan, more than 30 leaders of the begging army gathered together.

"Botou, that wolf cub almost devoured our brother with every bite!"

"Yes, if you dare to kill Ma Chun today, he will dare to kill you tomorrow!"

"Since he became the head of the village, the brothers have scattered and died. In time, there will be no place for us to beg for living troops in Heiyun Mountain!"

Everyone vented their dissatisfaction.

Only Wei Shan lowered his head and didn't say a word.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Bo Wu's eyelids have been twitching for the past few days, and he always felt that something happened, so he didn't drink any alcohol today.

Several people exchanged glances, and stretched out their hands to wipe their necks.

Bo Wu's eyelids twitched violently, "You couldn't handle Zhao Guang back then, let alone Li Yue?"

"Back then, Zhao Guang didn't touch our things, so there was no need to go all out with him, but it's different now."

"So you guys pushed Ma Chun out to provoke him?" Bo Wu's eyes flashed, even he was excluded from this matter.

Several people laughed dryly and said: "I just wanted to find some bad luck for him, I didn't expect that wolf cub to attack so viciously!"

Bo Wu took a few steps with his hands behind his back. When he first gave up the position of village leader, he didn't have much confidence to handle the complicated situation on the mountain, and he didn't want to worry about it. man a chance.

"I understand, you want to be the village masters."

There was greed in the eyes of several people.

The begging army is the most powerful and has foreign aid. Since Bo Wu's ambition is not here, he should not let his wealth go to outsiders.

What's more, now that Li Yue is aggressive, he has taken away their followers and held them high, but he has no real power.

"If you go up, can you stop Jie Nu from attacking the mountain? Can you kill Zhao Guang?" Bo Wu asked two questions in succession.

Everyone was stunned and lowered their heads.

They couldn't even deal with a Zhao Guang, let alone Jie Nu.

Wei Shan snorted coldly, he was also excluded by these people without knowing it.

Bo Wu looked up to the sky and sighed, "I said long ago that there is nothing wrong with being ambitious, but you don't have the ability, and you can't beat him. We have been living in the Central Plains for more than ten years, and we are still a bunch of bandits. Since we No, replace it with someone else!"

Everyone's eyes alternated back and forth secretly.

"Don't talk about you, even I may not be able to fight him now. Everyone on the mountain is loyal to him. How many people can you gather? Once you kill him, Heiyun Mountain will immediately fall apart. You are now too old , It’s rare that Heiyun Mountain has improved now, let’s live a happy life for a few years, don’t bother, you can listen to my words, or you don’t need to listen.”

Bo Wu knew this group of people too well.

However, he has already felt that Heiyun Mountain is no longer the former Heiyun Mountain.

It's a pity that these people are still daydreaming.

Seeing that they couldn't make sense, several people took their leave and left.

Only Wei Shan was left in the house.

"I'm not wrong about the person, so I'd better follow him. Maybe after a few years, Heiyun Mountain will not only be Heiyun Mountain." Bo Wu's eyes darkened.

Li Yue cut the mess with a sharp knife, which not only made him feel a little frightened, but also made him feel relieved.

Only such a person can do great things in this troubled world.

"Yes!" Wei Shan also agrees with Li Yue, after all, Li Yue healed him and saved his life.

In the battle of attacking the mountain, he failed to stop the Jie people from attacking from Nanshan, but Li Yue blocked it, and he only respected him in his heart...

in the military camp.

"You found this?" Li Yue stared at the bamboo slips piled up like a hill in front of him.

Yueji looked smug, "I spent several months collecting and sorting these on the mountain. There are Wei Liaozi, Wu Zi's Art of War, Sima Fa's posthumous chapters, and a volume of Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases written by the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing!"

After getting acquainted, she has no dignity, no outsiders are present, and she speaks carelessly.

Seeing that Li Yue was training soldiers, she was not idle either.

Li Yue smiled wryly, "Do you think I'm not busy enough?"

This guy Zhao Guang has so many books, if he can read a few books, he won't die by his sword.

But books themselves are wealth in this era.

Yueji shook her head and said: "A gentleman says: Learning is not enough. If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach thousands of miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't form rivers and seas!"

Li Yue flipped through a copy of Wei Liaozi at random, and saw that there were many bamboo slips, but in fact there were not many, a book was only a few thousand words.

The Chinese classics pay attention to simplification.

Confucius' brilliant masterpiece "Spring and Autumn" is only [-] words.

"For the generals to forget their home, to forget their relatives, to point at the enemy and to forget their body, to die is to live, to win in a hurry, a hundred people will be killed, and they will fall into chaos; if a thousand people will be killed, they will capture the enemy and kill their generals; if ten thousand people will be killed, they will run rampant. The world!" Li Yue whispered a few words, couldn't help sighing.

These military books condense the wisdom of the ancients, and they will not be outdated even in later generations, let alone the present.

Some people are born famous generals, and they can rule the world without reading military books.

Such as Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, etc., but there is another kind of people who are inherently talented and have studied hard for many years, such as Sun Bin, Han Xin, etc. Overlord Xiang Yu has also learned the art of defeating thousands of people.

Guan Yu likes to read the Spring and Autumn Annals, but in fact, the Spring and Autumn Annals is also half a book on military affairs.

Of course, Li Yue didn't dare to compare with these good people, but even good people like Han Xin, Xiang Yu, and Guan Yu have read military books, so it's definitely right for him to read more military books.

Practical combat plus theoretical study, no matter what you do, it won't be too bad.

Among them, Sima Fa, Wu Zi, etc., also have specific methods of training troops.

"The method of all warfare is to use banners, flags, and flags as festivals during the day, and golden drums and flutes as festivals at night. The flags go left to left, and the flags to right. The drums advance, and the gold stops. Once you blow it, you go, and you blow it again. And gather together. Those who do not obey orders will be punished. The three armies obey the prestige, and the soldiers use their lives, then there will be no strong enemy in battle, and no firmness in attack."

Wu Zili's words basically summed up the ancient mode of marching and fighting.

During the day, flags are used to command, and at night, golden drums are used.

In addition to marching and fighting, Wuzi actually has the training methods of Wei Wuzu...

"Great kindness!" Li Yue was overjoyed, with his own half a ladle of water, he didn't know how long he had fumbled...

With these military books, the time to form an army can be greatly accelerated.

To be honest, in the eyes of Li Yue, the former Heiyunshan tribes were not soldiers at all, but grass bandits. When encountering a strong enemy, the first reaction was to run. , just kill yourself...

Yueji was praised, she covered her mouth and laughed, and after she finished laughing, she put her hand behind her back as a gentleman, "Well, brother, don't let this slack off!"

Li Yue was so engrossed that he didn't hear her words.

In fact, I encountered many difficulties during the training process, and now the book has all the answers.

On the surface, these military books talk about the way of being a general, but in fact they also cover the art of being a king and governing the country.

There is a saying in "Wu Zi": In the past, those who wanted to build a country must first teach the people and be close to the people.

It only took one afternoon, Li Yue finished reading Wei Liaozi with difficulty, and briefly flipped through other military books. There was no way, there were too many rare words in the ancient Chinese, and there were no punctuation marks, so it was a bit difficult to read.

After reading it, I was greatly inspired, and suddenly knew what was wrong with Heiyun Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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