Chapter 34 Oath

At that time, Zu Ti led his troops to make a northern expedition, crossing the Yangtze River in the north, and hit the oars in the middle of the river.

During the seven years, Shile was overwhelmed by numerous battles and victories, and defeated the [-] army of stone tigers in Chenliu. The south of the Yellow River was basically recovered, and Shile, Hebei was also in jeopardy.

Li Ju is somewhat inferior to Zu Ti in political ability.

If Emperor Jin and Yuan hadn't stabbed him in the back, Jie Zhao might not be where he is today.

Just like people, the army must have a soul.

In history, any army that has a soul and knows why to fight is surprisingly capable of fighting.

There is a saying in "Wei Liaozi": Soldiers use martial arts as their plant and literature as their seed.Wu is for the table, and text is for the inside.If you can judge the two, you will know the outcome.

Force is the appearance, and politics is the essence, which basically means that war is the continuation of politics.

Now that Huaxia is sinking, Jiangdong is in a slump, obsessed with internal strife, and has no power or thought to recover the rivers and mountains.

It is still Wang Dao's sentence "recover the Central Plains", barely holding the stage and uniting people's hearts.

A suitable political and political slogan can not only unite the internal forces, but also unite all the forces in the North that do not submit to the Jie people.

Li Yuexun came to Zhou Qian to discuss for a while, and decided to set the slogan as "Get rid of Jie slaves, restore my country!"

There are grievances and debtors, and not all Yi tribes persecute Han people like the Jie people.

The Qiang, Di, Xianbei, Xiongnu, Wuhuan and other ethnic groups have a high degree of recognition of China.

Liu Kun jointly resisted Liu Yuan in Bingzhou, and Tuoba Yilu made contributions.

Wang Jun resisted Shi Le in Youzhou with the help of Duan's Xianbei.

Back then when Shihu attacked Xianbei of the Duan family, he persuaded Duan Pidun and Duan Wenyang to surrender, "Brother and I are barbarians, and I have long wanted to be part of the same family with my brother. Today I will not go against my wish, and we can meet here. What is a resumption of war! Please let go of the battle. "

Duan Wenyang scolded angrily: "You are a bandit, and you will die for a long time. My brother doesn't use my strategy, so you got here. I would rather fight to death than surrender for you!" Dismounted from the horse and fought hard, the long spear broke, and fought again with the sword, but was finally captured due to exhaustion.

After the defeat, Duan Pixun often wore Jin clothes in Shizhao territory, held the Jin Festival, and lobbied the powerful and the old tribes to resist Jiehu.

When the incident was revealed, Duan Pidun was killed, and Duan Wenyang was also poisoned.

In fact, as long as the Sima family is more competitive and has the average level of the Qin and Han emperors, there will be no Wuhu in history, and they will all become Han people long ago.

On Heiyun Mountain, Bo Wu himself is from Wuhuan, and there are many Wuhuan in the begging army, so the goal is to fight for the best of Jie people.

Qiang Di Wuhuan Xianbei are all in the scope of unity and the like.

After Shi Hu ascended the throne, hundreds of thousands of Caucasian Jie people moved from the Western Regions.

Therefore, Li Yue has always felt that Jie Zhao is fundamentally different from Qian Yan, Qian Qin, and Northern Wei. Other dynasties took the initiative to sinicize, while Jie Zhao was leading Hu Hua.

Of course, Qiang Di Xianbei may not be a good bird. During the Wuhu chaos in China, the blood of the Han people was also on their hands, but now the biggest enemy is Jie Zhao.

As for "recovering my country", what is being restored is not the Sima family's country, but "me"!

"Heiyunshan is weak, this order must not be leaked, so as not to cause the slaves to attack! The stone tiger is tyrannical and innocent, and the world is tired of it. It is old now, and the day of defeat is not far away. The general should keep a low profile and wait for the right time!" Zhou Zhou Chiu is becoming more and more like a strategist.

Li Yue originally remembered the name of the army, such as Tiance Army, Longxiang Army and so on.

But when he said that, he let go of this idea.

Firstly, it is easy to attract Jie slaves to retaliate; secondly, it will arouse Jiangdong's jealousy. Number, unconventional, and they will be derailed.

Li Yue held Bo Wu like this in order to get on the line of the begging army.

There is no doubt that the most powerful Han Chinese force in the north is the Qihuo Army.

I have only a half-knowledge of the situation in the world, but Zhou Qian knows it like the palm of my hand, so I come here for Li Yue.

The Yan Kingdom in the northeast has risen, and Morong Ke and Murong Ba have come out.

On the grassland to the north, Tuoba Shiyiqian, the king of Dai, rose strongly and set up hundreds of officials to take charge of various positions.From Laya in the east to Poluona in the west, Yinshan Mountain in the south, and the desert in the north, all surrendered, with hundreds of thousands of people.

Since last year, Huan Wen raised troops to attack Cheng Han.

Jiezhao’s internal problems are also very serious. Where there is oppression, there is resistance, and the hatred of the Han people is increasing day by day.

In addition, the Di people who gathered in Fangtou and the Qiang people who gathered in Yutou both had a tendency to be too late.

Although the northern country is extremely dark, it seems to be dull before the storm.

Shihu seems to have died in the past few years.

When Li Yue was discussing the situation in the world with Zhou Qian, the scouts came to report, "Seventeen leaders of Heiyun Mountain brought their families down the mountain and went to Chenliu."

"Understood." Li Yue was not surprised.

Ma Chun is so crazy, there must be someone behind it.

It's good for these people to leave, so as not to stir up wind and rain on the mountain.

Now the entire Heiyun Mountain is under his control, the scouts are the eyes and ears, the soldiers are the minions, the begging army no longer has the strength to turn their faces.

The beggars among the scouts and soldiers may not necessarily listen to their agitation.

Anyone with eyes can see the changes that have taken place on the mountain in recent days.

Li Yue is very busy, and Heiyun Mountain is waiting to be built, so he has no time to intrigue and fight with them.

Zhou Qian then made two large flags, both of which were red in color, with the words "Expel Jienu" written on one side, and "Recover my rivers and mountains" written on the other side.

The pen walks like a dragon and a snake, like a knife like a sword.

You can see Zhou Qian's mood when writing these eight big characters.

More than two thousand scouts and soldiers gathered together.

"You fled from Bingzhou, Yongzhou, and Jizhou. You watched your homeland being trampled by Jie slaves, your parents were allowed to be slaughtered by Jie slaves, and your wives and daughters were insulted by Jie slaves. A seven-foot man has no face to stand between heaven and earth!"

In this era, Li Yue has already integrated himself into it.

In an instant, the eyes of the scouts and soldiers turned red.

Among the people living here, which family has no blood, tears or hatred?
The naughty man was eliminated by Li Yue long ago, leaving only the bloody man.

A few older people burst into tears, probably when they were children, they had personally experienced the color change of the world.

Those who have never seen it must have heard it from their parents and elders.

"Are you willing to beg for life under Jie Nu's crotch for the rest of your life, or are you willing to follow me to drive away Jie Nu and restore my country?" Li Yue glanced at everyone.

"Can the general take us back to our hometown?" A loyal man shouted loudly.

All eyes turned to Li Yue, mostly hope.

It was as if a pot of boiling hot water was being poured over, and the blood all over his body became hot.

The Han people have had a rural plot since ancient times. Fallen leaves return to their roots, and those who wander outside are lonely and wild ghosts. Therefore, the dynasties of the past dynasties are particularly prone to the rise of clan power, and then evolved into powerful and noble families.

"I can't guarantee it! But I can stay committed and fight with you to the last drop of blood!"

Although the scouts and soldiers are simple, they are not fools, and any deception can cause their uneasiness.

If Li Yue now says that he can overthrow Jie Zhao and regain his homeland, he is purely deceiving himself.

Heiyun Mountain is such a big place, with 6000 to [-] people, and Jie people own the whole of Hebei, with millions of people, no one knows what the future will be.

But one has to have some ambition, right?

The darker you are, the more you long for the dawn.

"With the general's words, I'm willing to smash my body to pieces and fight Jie Nu!" A young scout roared.

"My parents, wife and children, a family of more than 40 people, died tragically at the hands of Jie Nu. If the general can lead us back, I would like to be an ox or a horse in my life!" A man in his [-]s knelt on his knees and rushed to Li Yue. Kowtow, his forehead was broken, and the blood flowed on his face, which still didn't stop.

It seems that they don't care whether it can be realized, but they care more about whether they can get revenge...

"General, please take us to revenge!" More than a hundred people knelt down, tears streaming down their faces.

"Revenge!" The crowd roared hysterically, like weeping blood.

Hatred is like a memory, awakening in everyone.

Li Yue also felt the huge hatred from a group of people, as if something poured into his chest, he pulled out his long knife suddenly, and slashed at the big rock beside him. The stone was fine, but the knife broke. , Back to my rivers and mountains, there is such a knife!"

(End of this chapter)

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