Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 41 Human Heart

Chapter 41 Human Heart
The first ray of dawn tore through the drowsy sky, and the night quickly faded away.

The people on Jijiabao looked at the soldiers lined up on the wall in awe.

"Ji Yong took refuge in Jienu, are you going to help the evildoers?" More than a hundred armored soldiers approached the place where the city wall was shot, shouting loudly.

The guards on the city cowered and flinched, their eyes dodging.

This sentence was not only spoken to the city, but also to the captives below the city.

Surrounded by soldiers, Li Yue inspected the captives. Since they refused to bend their knees, it showed that they were still a bit bloody. Li Yue didn't believe that they were willing to surrender to the Jie people.

When Shi Le came to the throne, he was light on corvees and low on taxes, and greatly promoted Confucianism. It is understandable to go to him.

But who is Shihu?

In the 16 years since he took office, he has committed countless murders.

Which family of Han people in the north and south of the river has no blood debt?
Li Yue said loudly: "You are all bloody men, are you willing to kneel under Jie Nu's crotch in the future?"

Half of them had gleams of anger in their eyes, and half of them bowed their heads.

There is no need to say too much, those who have a heart will naturally know it in their hearts, and those who don't have a heart can say no more.

"After the city is broken, everything will continue as usual. Only the chief evil will be punished, and your family members will not be hurt. Those who have made meritorious deeds will be rewarded, and they will never break their promises!"

Hearing these words, those who lowered their heads slowly raised their heads, with greedy light in their eyes.

National righteousness, increased rewards, that's all Li Yue can give, "Xu Cheng!"

"The subordinates are here!" Xu Cheng excitedly brought more than 100 soldiers over.

These people are all warriors who have experienced the bloody battle in Nanshan, and they are also the most vigorous group of people in Heiyun Mountain.

Meng Kai left without saying goodbye, Cui Jin went to Xuanyuan Mountain, Li Yue had no one around, and there was only one begging general Wei Shan left, so he needed to cultivate cronies.

"Siege!" Li Yue waved his hand.

Xu Cheng and more than a hundred soldiers mingled among the captives, and marched towards Wubao with simple long ladders.

Wei Shan led [-] spearmen to supervise the battle in the rear, and the spears almost touched the vests of the prisoners.

Kindness does not hold soldiers.

Between sacrificing captives and sacrificing his subordinates, Li Yue decisively chose the former.

"Don't shoot arrows, don't shoot arrows!" Xu Cheng shouted intimidatingly to the captives, there were their brothers and old friends in the city.

There was chaos on Wubao, but below the city were their neighbors on the left and right.

Jijiabao is basically formed by the clan.

Father, son and uncle are all in the army, so their fighting power is extremely strong.

This is also a tradition since the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Wei Liaozizhong advocated that more fathers, sons and brothers should be recruited into the army. In the event of a fierce battle, fathers would not abandon their sons, and brothers would not abandon their brothers. If there is a bond between them, they will move forward bravely.

What is special about Wei Liaozi is that it does not exaggerate benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness as much as other military books.

It advocates that there is no sky above, no earth below, no master behind, and no enemy behind.A one-man soldier is like a wolf like a tiger, like wind like rain, like thunder like a thunderbolt, and the world is shocked.

This is also related to the background of the times at that time.

Sun Tzu's Art of War is for geniuses, and it is more about strategy.

The current Li Yue has not yet reached this level.

He hesitated on the dock.

To deal with the enemy, they must give up their lives, but in the face of their relatives, they can't do anything no matter what.

They hesitated, but Xu Cheng didn't hesitate. He erected a long ladder and drove the prisoners to climb.

"The general has an order that only those who surrendered to Jie slaves will be punished, and the rest will not commit crimes!"

The soldiers shouted in the crowd, making the defenders on the city even more hesitant.

"Fart, how can there be eggs under the overturned nest? After the city is broken, this group of thieves will definitely kill us! They are thieves, thieves who do not believe in their promises!" Ji Yong shouted hysterically on the city wall.

The word "thief" that came out of his mouth was extremely harsh.

"Take refuge with the Jie people, you can still live, but if the thieves break through Wubao, your parents, wives and children will definitely die!" Ji Yong roared, his voice hoarse.

"Idiot!" Li Yue was overjoyed.

When Ji Yong said this, it was tantamount to taking refuge in the Jie people.

This person is usually very shrewd, but today he suffered setbacks and lost his former calmness.

Surrendering to the Jie people, Ji Yong might make a fortune, but the Jijiabao people would definitely not end well.

The reason is very simple. In the past, you only needed to serve Ji Yong's family well, but in the future, you also need to serve the Jie people...

Shi Le's light corvee and thin Fu have long been completely overthrown by Shi Hu.

In the sixth year of Jianwu (340), Shihu wanted to attack Yan State, and ordered Si, Ji, Qing, Xu, You, Bing, and Yong Qizhou to draw three out of five Ding, and take two out of four Ding, which was rejected by Murong Ba. Of……

In December of the eighth year of Jianwu (342), Shihu was about to attack Yan State by sea. There were more than 17 armored men and [-] boatmen. One-third of them drowned and were devoured by tigers and wolves. Princes, herdsmen, and tyrants competed for personal gain, and the Han people were killed and injured...

In the ninth year of Jianwu, "Auspiciousness" appeared in Qingzhou, and [-] ministers went to the "Ode to the Emperor" to sing their praises. Shihu was overjoyed and ordered that every five soldiers who were recruited should send a car, two cows, and fifteen meters Dendrobium and ten bolts of silk, those who are unprepared will be beheaded.

The common people pawned off their children, but they were still unable to supply military supplies, and those who committed suicide by hanging trees looked at each other from far and near...

This is not counting the people killed by Shihu when he was building large-scale construction projects.

Shi Hu's sons also followed suit. Shi Xuan, Shi Jian, Shi Bao, Shi Tao, etc. used various means to oppress and harm the Han people, resulting in the number of Han people in the core places of the Han family such as Yong, Bing, You, and Ji. plummeted.

Since the Shile era, those who surrendered to Jiezhao have no good end.

Jin general Liang Ju surrendered, but Shi Le refused, and thousands of soldiers were buried alive.

After Taishan Xu Kan surrendered, he was put into a skin bag by Shi Le, thrown from the city and fell to death, and then let the Jie people eat their hearts...

As for Shihu, it is even better than Shile.

As soon as Ji Yong said that, all the defenders on the city looked at him.

Suddenly awakened, but it was too late, and the words that were spoken were thrown out of the water.

Someone on the city wall had already put down their weapons and turned back to the city.

Ji Yong was furious and stabbed a fleeing soldier beside him to death with one spear, "Whoever dares to resist the enemy with all his heart, die!"

And this is the second mistake he made.

The people are not afraid of death, so how can they be afraid of death!
At this moment, who would be afraid of the word "death"?

If he was really afraid of death, he would have fled to Jiangdong long ago.

More and more defenders dropped their weapons, and the city was in chaos.

In the midst of this chaos, a short figure quickly climbed up the long ladder, swift as a monkey, leaped up, jumped onto the dock, and knocked down a person with a knife.

Being short in stature has the advantage of being short, and he is extremely flexible, hiding and scurrying around in the middle of the chaos, and a dozen defenders can't help him for a while.

Four or five soldiers also quickly climbed up.

Cooperating with each other, they firmly occupied an open space in the city and suppressed the counterattack of more than a dozen defenders around them.

More soldiers climbed up the wall.

"Brother Xu Cheng, I will help you!" Wei Shan also led the soldiers to climb.

Under normal circumstances, a Wubao would never be attacked so easily.

First, Ji Yong was defeated once outside the city, and the morale of the defenders was low.

Secondly, Ji Yong took refuge in Jie people, unpopular and demoralized.

The Jie people brought the Qiang Di Xianbei to oppress the Han people, and their hatred has long been as deep as the sea.

Those who have the same desires above and below win, and those who have different desires above and below will only get a piece of chicken feathers.

Ji Yong still brought his cronies to resist on the city wall, but the gate of Wubao was opened at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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