Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 42 The Treasury

Chapter 42 The Treasury
Li Yue led the soldiers into Jijiabao through the gate.

The past came to mind one by one, "Catch Zhang Shan quickly!"

This guy was going to eunuch him back then, but now that the feng shui is turning, Li Yue certainly won't let him go.

Wei Shan and Xu Cheng quickly cleaned up Wubao.

In fact, there was no need to clean it up. Most of the people in Wubao gave up resistance on their own initiative.

Ji Yong was escorted by Xu Cheng in front of Li Yue, his face was bloodstained and he was extremely embarrassed.

"General, Zhang Shan sent Ji Yong's daughter into Ye five days ago." The scouts came to report.

That pretty face appeared in Li Yue's mind, and he felt a little more disappointed.

Such a person was given to a beast by his biological father?
"Master Ji Wu, what else can we say now?" Li Yue stared at Ji Yong.

Ji Yong opened his eyes and licked his chapped lips, "I can't die, I can't die!"

There was laughter all around.

"Why can't you die?" Li Yue didn't want to tease him, but in order for the people in Jijiabao to see clearly what their dock master was, he could only hold back the nausea in his heart.

"The crown prince promised me to be the prefect of Xingyang. After I ascend the throne in the future, I will be the head of the country. It is not difficult to find a governor of Yuzhou!" Ji Yong's eyes suddenly lit up.

Like a gambler unwilling to recognize reality.

There is nothing wrong with being ambitious. Since the Yongjia Rebellion, there have been many ambitious people.

There were Wang Jun and Wang Mi in the front, and Su Jun and Wang Dun in the back.

Troubled times is a big stage.

However, if you want to climb up by nepotism, it can only be wishful thinking.

Ji Yong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he landed on Li Yue, "I am far-sighted, you are brave and good at fighting, this is a match made in heaven, why don't you worship me as a righteous father, our father and son are of the same heart, in time, the two prefectures of Siyu and Yu will fall into the hands of my father and son , ten years of gathering, ten years of lessons, great things can be expected!"

The surroundings were silent, and everyone was stunned.

We all know that Ji Yong has ambitions, but he didn't expect him to be so wild and have such a big appetite.

Li Yue was also a little dizzy by his crazy brain circuit. He tried his best to attack Jijiabao, just to find a "father" to be his adopted son?
"Who will win this battle?"

"Those who achieve great things don't care about small details! Why care about mere reputation?" Ji Yong spoke eloquently.

There was a burst of laughter all around.

The people in Jijiabao looked extremely frustrated.

A person can go so far without the lower limit, what is a daughter to him?
The troubled times are distorting everyone...

In my previous life, I would never have thought that I would kill someone without blinking an eye...

Li Yue felt a burst of emotion in his heart, "Pull it down."

Ji Yong struggled violently, "I can't die...I can't! If you don't give up, I'd like to worship you as a foster father..."

With a "puchi", Li Yue's knife pierced his mouth.

Finally, the surrounding quiet down.

This guy was wearing a basin collar armor and couldn't be beheaded.

"In the future, anyone who dares to surrender to Jie Nu will be like this!" Li Yue raised his arms and shouted.

Hatred is the best way to unite people's hearts. Although it is a double-edged sword, it has to be used in this matter.

The captives looked at Li Yue much closer.

After collecting the weapons and armor, let them go home.

Wei Shan took over the city defense, and Xu Cheng tapped the treasury.

At this time, the shortcomings of Li Yue's lack of available staff were exposed.

Not only is there a shortage of generals, but also people who understand literary affairs.

If Heiyunshan wanted to become bigger and stronger, he couldn't just charge forward.

Fortunately, they finally have a piece of land now. Jijiabao is next to the Sishui Plain, and there is a lot of land that can be reclaimed.

After watching all night, I also thought about it all night, about the future of Heiyun Mountain.

After Shihu's death, the northern kingdom was in chaos, and more tragic killings were coming. There was no peaceful land on both sides of the Yellow River, and more ambitious people followed the trend.

Although Xingyang is a good place, it is close to Luoyang, but it is also close to Yecheng.

Don't look at the fact that Heiyun Mountain is booming now, it's because people didn't pay attention to it at all.

When the strength is really strong to a certain extent, the iron hooves of the Jie people in Yecheng will come.

Yongzhou and Bingzhou were no longer the territory of the Han people.

During the Cao Wei period, a large number of Qiangdi migrated from Longyou. After the Yongjia Rebellion, the two largest groups of refugees came from Yongzhou and Bingzhou.

The refugees from Bingzhou flooded into Jizhou and formed a begging army. The refugees from Yongzhou followed the Li Te brothers to the south of Shuzhong and established Chenghan. There were not many Han people left in Guanzhong.

Li Yue wanted to lead the crowd into Guanzhong and Bingzhou, which was almost a dream come true.

Thanks to the stone tiger, the conflict between ethnic groups has never been sharper. If you want to gain a foothold, you must rely on your own ethnic group and then absorb other ethnic groups.

This ethnic group is not strong, even if it rises in the future, it will be picked by others, or there is no possibility of rising at all.

Of course, Guanzhong is not without Han people, but they are all controlled by tyrants.

Expect them to support me who has no title?
A fool's dream.

In history, even though Huan Wen invaded Guanzhong and stationed troops in Bashang, none of these tycoons remained indifferent, and only a few people responded.

With the current size of Heiyun Mountain, it can survive. If it continues to grow, it will definitely attract the attention of Yecheng.

In fact, someone in Hebei has already paid attention to him.

This battle was provoked by the Di people in Fangtou.

If I think too much, I get some headaches, and Li Yue feels like walking on eggshells.

Whether it is the village owner or the refugee commander, it is not so easy to be.

From the moment he walked down Heiyun Mountain, he was involved in the torrent of the times.

Either swim upstream or be swallowed up.

Isn't that true for Liu Kun, Zu Ti, Li Ju, Guo Mo, Su Jun, etc.?
In the final analysis, Li Yue is still following their old path. Their failure is definitely not due to lack of ability...

After thinking about it all night, in the morning, I have a slight headache, and I can only take one step at a time in this world.

The current Heiyun Mountain can't be too ostentatious.

The night passed safely, and Heiyunshan and Jijiabao gradually trusted each other.

At noon, Li Yue ordered the soldiers to cook porridge and distribute it to the people in Jijiabao. No matter what happened before, they are now their own clansmen and robes.

At noon, Xu Cheng finally finished counting the treasury, his face was full of joy, "I'm overjoyed, there are beans and millet in the treasury, a total of [-] shi! The treasury is full of gold, silver, money and silk. There are seven thousand catties of iron and three hundred catties of salt!"

No wonder Ji Yong is so ambitious and his family is so rich.

It is ordinary people who suffer in troubled times, not these tycoons.

A Ji family is so rich, not to mention the Zheng family and Wang family, which have been around for hundreds of years.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly a wise move for Bo Wu to communicate with the wealthy families in Xingyang first.

Otherwise, even if they captured Jijiabao by themselves, they would not be able to pass their level.

With food, Li Yue felt the boulder falling on his head, "Population, has the population been counted?"

There are 43 village chiefs under his command, and there are not many literate people.

Xu Cheng is the only one who is literate and has a bright mind.

"Sub-subordinates are short of manpower, so we only need to count the treasury." Xu Cheng looked ashamed.

Li Yue wasn't surprised. It's not bad to be able to count from one to twenty these days, let alone tens of thousands. "Invite 13 people, including Yueji from the mountain, down."

The soldiers next to him led the way.

Li Yue thought for a while, "Divide the gold, silver, money and silk in the treasury into six shares, Fangtou, Guangzong, and Chen Liu each get one, and the other three are given to Commander Bo, the Zheng family, and the Wang family."

Xu Cheng's face was filled with pain, "Won't the general keep a piece for himself?"

"What do I need these things for?" Li Yue asked back.

Gold, silver, money, and silk are valuable only when they are spent, and they are not even as good as scrap iron if they are hidden in the treasury.

People respect me a foot, and I return a fight.

During the most difficult time in Heiyun Mountain, it was Guangzong and Chen Liu who helped him.

Although Fangtou has used his own thoughts, it is also good to form a good relationship.

With many friends and many paths, I won't be able to get along in the future, so it's not bad to go to Pu's house...

(End of this chapter)

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