Chapter 625 Rain

The last heavy rain greatly alleviated the drought in Luoyang and restored a lot of vitality.

A large number of people migrated from Guanzhong, and there were villages along the way.

With the help of the government, the people tried their best to replant vegetables and bean sprouts.

The climate in Luoyang is much warmer and milder than that of Guanzhong and Hebei, making it feel like you are in a warm current.

When Shi Hu was in power, he recruited hundreds of thousands of people and vigorously built the Luoyang Palace. Although the palace was deserted, it could still be used with a little repair.

The city still maintains its old appearance, and its scale is not smaller than that of Ye City.

The army only had a full meal after entering Luoyang. Chang Wei sent tens of thousands of sheep from Yecheng to reward the soldiers.

Li Yue looked at the fragrant broth and roasted lamb, and felt as if he was in another world.

"This year, the weather in Huaihe and Huaihe Rivers has been good, and the harvest is still bumper. The Qingqi and Qinghai harvests are a bit worse, but the harvest is flat. The Ministry of Household Accounting estimates that even if there is a severe drought next year, it will be able to survive, but there will be no surplus in the government treasury." Lu Qing reported.

Li Yue nodded. In this era of great famine, all he wanted was for the country to be stable and the people not to starve to death. Don't think about anything else.

"This is Shangshutai's memorial to deal with the disaster."

Li Yue took it and opened it to browse.

After experiencing such a severe natural disaster, Liang Guochatang summed up a lot of experience.

Such as setting up grain and grass, promoting frugality, reducing corvee labor to encourage people to raise poultry, building nationwide straight roads and post stations to facilitate people's migration and the transfer of materials...

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the imperial court was relatively efficient and clean. Although there were overt and covert struggles for power, it was generally within control.

No matter what the faction is, they can still put the people of the country first.

Those old nobles who like to fight have all moved south, and the overall atmosphere in the Liang Dynasty Hall is still positive.

Of course, this is also due to the work of the Honglu Division and the School Affairs Office, both of which played a supervisory role, both overtly and covertly.

Any disturbance in the local area cannot escape Li Yue's ears.

In addition to the lower reaches of the Yellow River and the north and south of the Huaihe River, a more conspicuous place this year is Liaodong. Five million stones of millet were transported to Yecheng this year, which greatly alleviated the famine in the Central Plains.

Wherever Zhou Qian went, it became the granary of Daliang.

Coupled with the drought, Hebei relocated a lot of people, and Liaodong was booming, especially around the Bohai Sea, where a large number of new cities had sprung up.

If not for this drought, Liang State would have already entered a period of vigorous development.

After living in Luoyang for more than ten days, I felt pretty good. The people were relatively close to the emperor Li Yue, and there were always people offering food, meat, money, silk and other gifts.

Most of the Central Plains gentry went south, and there was only one Zheng family in Xingyang. However, there were Cui, Lu, Liu, Gao, Shen and other wealthy families in Hebei. With the rise of Daliang, they became more and more powerful.

In turn, their influence on the Liang court was growing.

Luoyang is a blank slate.

"Your Majesty... Yu, it's raining..." While Li Yue was reviewing the memorial, there was a burst of exclamation from outside the hall, and he quickly got up and went out.

Sure enough, thin lines were hanging down between the sky and the earth, covering the mountains and rivers in the distance.

Rain seems to fall into people's hearts.

It's not big, but it's a good sign.

Soon, the raindrops became heavier and heavier, and kept falling.

Cheers came from the entire city of Luoyang, and people danced in the rain.

They were the ones most affected by this drought. It lasted for a whole year, but now they finally see hope.

"Quick, hurry up and go to Guanzhong and Yecheng to see it!" Li Yue was overjoyed. Luoyang is really a blessed land. It rained heavily last time. This time, it rained again when he came.

It seems that I have a close relationship with this city.

"Wei!" The guard trotted away happily. It rains in Luoyang, which shows that heavy rain in the Central Plains will not be too far away.

Li Yue suddenly remembered something, "What day is today?"

Someone replied: "Your Majesty, today is the beginning of winter!"

Li Yue was shocked. Dongfang Chen once said that the severe drought would end at the beginning of winter, and it really came true. It seems that this person is not simple, at least he has extremely high attainments in astronomy.

The old farmers of this era could predict when the wind would blow and when it would rain based on the celestial phenomena.

The ancient Chinese calendar is actually an instruction manual for astronomy and farming. It has twenty-four solar terms and clearly marks when to sow, when the weather is hot, and when the weather is cold...

Who is the simple person who can establish a sect these days?
  Li Yue's interest in this person greatly increased.

In fact, ancient monks and Taoist priests were well-educated people. Many monks traveled thousands of miles to China to promote Buddhism. They were not just proficient in Buddhism.

The same goes for Taoists, who know everything about astronomy, geography, military arts, and magic.

Since Dongfang Chen doesn't want to rebel, he can support him.

Historically, the Danding Sect arose in the south, and Beitian Shidao also arose in the north during this period. They both revised the original teachings and no longer rebelled with swords, so they were accepted by the court.

A few days later, the personal guards sent out returned quickly.

Sure enough, there was heavy rain in Luoyang, and the surrounding areas were also affected. It also rained heavily in Xuchang. There was no rain in Yezhong, but there was a heavy rain in Zhaozhou to the north.

There was a light rain in Hongnong to the west, and Guanzhong was still in drought.

But it's a good start.

The drought has lasted so long that it won't rain all the time in the short term.

Overall, the drought in the Central Plains has been alleviated, which is already very good.

Li Yue led his army back to Yecheng.

The people of Luoyang all came out of the city to see each other off, and a dozen elders held dove poles to offer water and soil. Li Yue couldn't figure out what etiquette this was, so he could only accept them one by one, said some polite words to appease everyone, and gave gold and silk in return. , pardoned Luoyang's tax for one year.

After crossing the Yellow River, a scout came from the west and said, "Your Majesty, Yao Chang has sent me a report."

Li Yue's heart moved. What was this fox doing?
  When I opened it, I saw that it was a request for canonization. His words were extremely humble and he could say any disgusting words.

It stands to reason that Li Yue and he were old acquaintances. When Liang Yan was fighting, Yao Xiang sent Yao Chang and Yao Yisheng to assist, and together with Wang Meng resisted Murong Chui's attack on Yecheng from the west.

But Yao Xiang is Yao Xiang, and Yao Chang is Yao Chang.

With the support of the Longyou Qiang tribe, Yao Chang captured Yongcheng. Yao Chang was already full-fledged. With his character, it was impossible for him to surrender sincerely. It was just delaying time.

On the surface, his words are humble, but deep down, everyone in Longyou is Qiang and has no sense of belonging to Daliang. Yao Xiang is willing to guard Longyou for Daliang and comfort the Qiang people...

This is tantamount to asking Li Yue to admit his separatist regime.

Once he was canonized, Yao Chang would more legitimately give orders to the barbarians in Longshang.

"He has already canonized himself as the Great Chanyu, King of Qin for ten thousand years. Why does he still need my canonization?"

Li Yue of Liangzhou wanted it, Li Yue of Hetao would not let it go, and Longyou, the hometown of the Qin and Han Dynasties, could not give up.

"Yao Chang wants to use my name as Daliang to suppress Liangzhou and unify all the tribes in Longshang. This person has very deep thoughts!" Liu Ying looked even deeper than Li Yue.

Longshang is a huge regional concept, including Longyou, Longdong and Longnan, covering a huge area.

Not only the Qiang people, but also Xianbei, Di people, Lushuihu, Xiyuhu and other tribes.

Many of them are devoted to the Central Plains Dynasty.

Yao Chang took advantage of Daliang's power to eat up the dividends left by Di Qin.

"He is just wishful thinking. He wrote back a letter and said that if he wants to be canonized, he can come to Ye for a face-to-face interview." Li Yue repeated his old trick.

(End of this chapter)

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