Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 626 Death

Chapter 626 Death

As soon as Li Yue returned to Yecheng, he received news that Tuoba Shiyijian had invaded Liaodong.

They killed more than [-] soldiers, captured more than [-] civilians, and plundered more than [-] cattle, horses and other livestock.

Cui Jin, Jia Jian, and Lu Bo had already come forward to apologize.

Li Yue was completely out of temper by Tuoba Shi Yijian. This guy now focused on looting regardless of the gains and losses of a city or a place. He was like a dog-skin plaster, determined not to get through with him.

"Why do I feel that Tuoba Shi Yijian has made a lot of progress?"

The same was true for the last attack on Daijun. If he had been half a step slower, Tuoba Shi Yijian would have been locked in the south of Yinshan Mountain by Gao Yun.

"Tuoba Shi Yijian took Yan Feng as his long history and Xu Qian as his lieutenant. He vigorously recruited scholars from the Central Plains as officials and generals. His Majesty conquered the Qin Dynasty in the west and annexed Murong Yi, Murong Li, Mu Yu He Xin and other forces. His strength was It has been enhanced a lot." Chang Wei cupped his hands and said.

After being defeated so many times, Tuoba Shi Yijian became smart even though he was a pig.

There was a severe drought in Guandong, and Li Yue sent troops to conquer Di Qin in the west. If he didn't take a bite at this time, he would have no chance in the future.

"Cui Jin, Jia Jian, and Lu Bo have already been removed from the rank of nobility and have been fined for half a year to see the consequences." Li Yue punished them anyway.

Although the three of them focused their energy on Goguryeo, these were not reasons. Those who had merit must be punished, and those who had transgressed must be rewarded. No one was an exception.

In fact, most of the reason for this defeat was Jia Jian. Lu Bo had already defended western Liaoning, Jia Jian guarded Liaodong, and Cui Jin was focused on governance.

Ordinarily, this veteran should not make such a stupid mistake.

Sending out troops at will can scare Tuoba Shi Yijian away.

Perhaps it was Goguryeo's unprecedented obedience after the fall of Yan that made the Liaodong armies less vigilant.

"It seems that I have to attack the Dai Kingdom earlier. If they continue to develop like this, they will become more difficult to deal with in the future. The hunting will continue this year. More scouts will be sent to explore the situation of the grasslands, mountains, rivers and prepare for future wars."

Dai country cannot simply be regarded as a grassland country.

During the founding of the People's Republic of China, hundreds of civil and military officials were set up to take charge of various duties, laws were revised, customs were changed, and various ethnic groups were integrated.

When he first stayed in Daijun Yunzhong, Tuoba Shi Yijian was so dizzy that he could step on anyone. Once he returned to the grassland, he felt like a fish in water.

"The severe drought in Guandong lasted only five years and it was difficult to recover. Yao Chang, Fu Ya, Fu Luo, and Fu Fang each occupied one side. I thought it was better to wipe out Guanxi first, then strengthen the troops and horses, continue to provide food and grass, and then attack Daiguo." Chang Wei cupped his hands and said.

Cui Hong, who understood Li Yue's thoughts best, stood up and said: "Yao Chang, Fu Ya, Fu Luo, and Fu Fang live in the same place and attack each other. There is nothing to worry about. Tuoba Shi Yijian is quite willing to cheer up. In time, we will surely If it becomes a serious problem, it is impossible to let it grow stronger, so I thought that I would attack the country first."

Chang Wei refused to give in, "The expedition to attack Daiguo cost tens of thousands of grain and fodder. In the past, Emperor Xiaowu devoted all the strength of the Han Dynasty and spent the accumulation of two generations of Wenjing. For more than forty years, the Xiongnu could not be eradicated. The treasury is now empty. What can I do? Can we send troops to Mobei?"

Li Yue rubbed his forehead. Cui Hong was right and Chang Wei was right too.

Tuoba Shi Yijian is getting stronger and stronger now as he fights harder. If he sends fewer troops, it will be useless. If he sends more troops, he will not be able to bear the food and grass.

"Are you just watching the country of Dai become increasingly powerful and indifferent?" Cui Hong said with cupped hands.

"It's not that he is indifferent, it's that he doesn't have the strength to attack Dai Guo at the moment." Chang Wei looked calm. He had been in the position of Shangshu Ling for six or seven years, and his momentum was naturally developed.

"It's better to be down-to-earth, step by step, let go of the crusade against Dai State for now, restore national strength now, consolidate Guanzhong as the main force, and at the same time send troops to harass Dai State and burn their pastures!" Li Yue came up with a plan to exterminate the family.

The Central Plains has the loopholes of the Central Plains, and the grasslands also have the weaknesses of the grasslands.

Without winter grass, it would be difficult for their cattle and sheep to survive the severe cold winter in Mobei. Without cattle, sheep and livestock, many of their people would starve to death and freeze to death.

A monk can run but not the temple. Tuoba Shiyi has four strong legs. It is difficult to trace in the huge Mobei, but he cannot run on the grassland!

"I look at the generals in Guanxi. Yao Chang and Fu Luo are extremely ambitious and unruly, but Fu Fang and Fu Ya are content with themselves. Perhaps we can appease them and make them fight against each other with Yao Chang and Fu Luo. In the short term, , Daliang does not need to look west, rest assured to restore the national strength, when the four of them are exhausted, only [-] to [-] elites can be decided in one go!" Liu Ying, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said with his hands.

Li Yue was stunned, this was a good idea.

Yao Chang, Fu Ya, and Fu Luo cannot be left idle. They have to bite them so that the west side can be stable.

Thinking deeply, Yao Chang is a local force of the Qiang people and must be eradicated, while Fu Ya and Fu Fang are both foreign forces. The powerful Liangzhou nobles may not be willing to risk their lives with them.

Judging from various signs, Fu Ya is a smart man. He would not have known that he, the king of Western Qin, was not stable. He ruled the majority with a very small number of people, just like sitting in the crater of a volcano.

So we have been holding our ground and waiting to see what happens.

"You can give it a try." Li Yue nodded.

Although Liang Guo destroyed Di Qin, this was the normal state of fighting for world hegemony and had nothing to do with personal grudges.

"I would like to go to Hanzhong and Liangzhou as envoys to lobby the two of them." Liu Yingying refused to give in.

"Yes!" This is what Li Yue admires most about him. He does not avoid hardships and dangers for national affairs, and he has the style of a national scholar.

Both Fu Ya and Fu Fang had good reputations. When the two countries were at war, they would not kill the envoys.

When the two countries destroyed Qin, they did not persecute their family members. Some of them were sent to Luoyang and some to Yecheng, and Fu Jian was buried with the rites of a king of heaven.

The two of them should not do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise they would only anger Li Yue.

"Your Majesty... Jia Shijun died of illness." Before leaving the court, Huangmen reported outside the palace.

"What?" Li Yue stood up from the imperial couch.

The news came suddenly. Jia Jian had always been healthy and healthy, but he didn't expect that he died of illness. No wonder Tuoba Shi Yijian was able to travel so far in Liaodong.

Li Yue felt sad in his heart. A veteran general had just fallen away. "He was granted the title of Duke of Bohai, made Minister of the Ministry of War, and General Zuo Chaqi. His posthumous title was Lie. He was mourned in Yecheng."

Cao Cao raised his sword and Jia Jian lifted his arrow.

The people in the north spoke highly of him, and Zeng refuted Xun Xian righteously: Jin abandoned China, and it was not the common people who rebelled against Jin...

With this sentence alone, he is enough to go down in history. Seventy years old is considered a very long life in this era.

There were not many people in Yecheng originally, but the drought has not yet passed, so everything was kept simple. White flags were set up at each gate of Yecheng, and memorial tablets were set up on the bronze bird platform. Li Yue led the queen, prince and other clan members to worship together, and all the civil and military officials of Yecheng All present.

Jia Jian's sons burst into tears.

Li Yue glanced at him and found that no one had inherited Jia Jian's martial prowess. Only his youngest son Jia Huo had won the civil service examination two years ago and was the magistrate of Dongguang County. His political performance was average and he could not meet the requirements for promotion.

Forced promotion will only harm others and yourself. Daliang has his own promotion system and cannot break the rules.

However, the Jia family keeps the title of Bohai County Duke, which decreases with each generation, and can be famous for at least three generations...

(End of this chapter)

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