Chapter 101
Chu State, Yingdu.

Twenty years have passed since the Marquis of Chu moved his capital to Yingdu. This young capital is now bustling like a piece of brocade. After an autumn rain, the city has taken on a new look.

But at this time, Xiong Jian, the Prince of Chu, was restless.Ever since Chu Houqi fled back from the defeat in Xiguo, Chu Hou began to favor Mrs. Information.And Xiong Jian, who was trained as a prince in the past, is no longer favored, which makes Xiong Jian very anxious.

Later, Mrs. Xi gave birth to a son, named Xiong Yun.And Xiong Yun is very smart and very popular with Chuhou.When Xiong Yun was 12 years old, the Marquis of Chu planned to abolish Xiong Jian as the crown prince and make Xiong Yun the crown prince.

When Xiong Jian heard these rumors, he was very anxious, so he went to ask his teacher Pan Shang for advice.

"Teacher, I heard that Father Jun wants to abolish my crown prince and make my younger brother Yun the crown prince. What should I do?"

Pan Shangdao: "If the crown prince really wants to abolish your position as crown prince, can you enshrine Yun as the monarch?"

"No!" Xiong Jian shook his head and said.

"Then can you give up your position as a monarch and flee abroad?"

"I am the crown prince, the eldest son of my father, why should I give up my position as king and run away?" Xiong Jian said.

"Then Prince, there is only one way for you to go!" Pan said.

"The way?"

"Can a coup d'etat be possible?"

Xiong Jian's expression changed, and he immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"

Ever since Chu State was targeted, Huai State has not relaxed its intelligence collection on Chu State, and will try every possible way to weaken Chu State.

After all, it is easy to defeat a large country with a radius of two thousand miles and a population of millions, but it is very difficult to annex it. It must be continuously weakened and eaten, and finally annexed in one fell swoop.

For things like the internal turmoil in Chu, the secret guards of the Huai Kingdom would naturally not let them go.The hidden guards of the Huai State have spent more than ten years of effort in various ways, and have established a relatively complete network of relationships in the Chu State.

It was also through this network that Huaiguo obtained a lot of information, for example, the Marquis of Chu had the idea of ​​replacing the crown prince.

Chuhou dotes on Mrs. Xi, loves the house and Wuxia, and also likes Xiong Yun very much, and Xiong Yunsheng is good-looking and smart, so Chuhou wants to make him the prince.

Originally, the news didn't spread, but with Huai country's hidden guards, the news was quickly leaked to Prince Xiong Jian.

Xiong Jian is a man with a sinister face, ruthless and ungrateful, he will never hand over the crown prince honestly, and even if he handed over, there will be a rebellion in all likelihood.

Because the Huai country has been secretly pushing the boat along.He even helped him make suggestions and persuaded him to make friends with the guards in the palace.

After thinking for a long time, Xiong Jian quickly made up his mind.Prepare for a coup d'état.

In order to gain the support of the guards in the palace, Xiong Jian rewarded them with a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, and bought the commander of the palace.

In October, the Marquis of Chu came back from a hunting trip and had a banquet for his officials in the palace. At the end, he got very drunk, and most of the high officials in the country also returned to the mansion drunk. Seeing this situation, Xiong Jian brought people to the palace.Taking advantage of Chu Hou's drunkenness, he directly surrounded Chu Hou's bedroom.

Then he sent people to control the army guarding the palace, and all those who disobeyed were killed. When Chu Houqi woke up the next day, Xiong Jian had completely controlled the palace city.

The ministers of the state of Chu wanted to enter the palace to meet the Marquis of Chu, but Xiong Jian stopped them all.Xiong Jian announced that Marquis Chu drank too much, suffered from the cold, and was unable to manage the government. He is currently supervising the country as the prince, and all things can be left to him.

Hearing Xiong Jian's words, many ministers immediately understood that Xiong Jian was launching a coup.Regarding this coup, many noble families pretended not to know and did not intervene.

At the beginning, the Marquis of Chu launched a coup to ascend the throne, and later moved the capital to Yingdu, which offended these nobles and nobles very much.The relocation of the capital has damaged the interests of many nobles and nobles.Therefore, after seeing Prince Xiong Jian launch a coup, no one came to stop it.

When Xiong Jian saw this situation, he felt relieved immediately, and went to meet his father, Xiong Qi, in person.

"Nizi, you dare to be rebellious and imprison father! Aren't you afraid of the army King Qin, will you die without a place to die?" Xiong Qi said angrily, pointing at Xiong Jian.

"Father, King Qin's army is far away in the sky, as long as I can sit in that position, so what if King Qin's army comes?" Xiong Jian said directly without being frightened.

Xiong Qi's eyes were about to burst into flames: "Even though King Qin's army hasn't arrived, there are so many nobles and nobles in the capital, how could you allow a rebellious son like you to besiege the palace and seize the throne!"

"It's already daylight now, before long, those nobles will come to rescue you, and then you will die!" Xiong Qi said coldly.

Xiong Jian laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Father Jun, what time do you think it is outside? It's already noon, if those officials wanted to come to rescue you, they would have come already!"

Xiong Qi raised his head and looked out the window, and sure enough, the sun was rising outside, and it was almost noon, and the palace gates were closed inside and outside for such a long time, no matter how stupid people are, they should know that something happened, but now none of the nobles came here .

Xiong Qi understood in an instant that those nobles and nobles had already expressed their attitude that they would not participate in the infighting.Just waiting for whoever wins, they will respect him as the Marquis of Chu!
After thinking about this moment, Xiong Qi suddenly fell down on the bed as if struck by lightning.

"Father Jun, it seems that you have already figured it out, then please save yourself some dignity and kill yourself!" Xiong Jian asked someone to send a white silk.

Xiong Qi looked at Bai Ling and couldn't help shrinking his eyes, and then said to Xiong Jian: "You can die if you want me, but I'm hungry, and I want to be full before I die!"

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to bring it to you!" Xiong Jian said.

"I want to eat bear's paw, you go and send someone to make me a bear's paw!" Xiong Qi said directly.

Xiong Jian's expression changed, and he immediately understood that Xiong Qishi wanted to delay the time, and immediately refused: "You want to delay the time!"

"Hang yourself now!"

Xiong Qi repeatedly shook his head and said: "I want to eat the bear's paw, and hang myself after eating the bear's paw, otherwise you will kill your father and king!"

Xiong Jian's face was ugly: "Since you don't want to be decent, then I will help you to be decent!"

As he spoke, he forcibly put Xiong Qi into the white silk, and was hung up directly. Xiong Qi struggled violently, but he was old and frail, and he was no match for several strong men. Then forcefully hang it above the beams of the house.

After a while, Xiong Qi stopped moving, and Xiong Jian immediately sent someone to send a message to the nobles and nobles, telling them that Marquis Chu was dead.

Then he knelt in front of Xiong Qi's corpse and cried loudly. Those who heard the cry were sad and those who listened to tears. Anyone who came would say a word of praise, such a kind father and son.

The nobles of the state of Chu rushed over one after another, and when they saw the body of Marquis Chu, they all burst into tears, not to mention how sad the scene was.

(End of this chapter)

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