Chapter 102
Xiong Jian looked sad and said to the ministers: "Young father drank too much alcohol last night and caused an old illness, unfortunately passed away!"

"Sorry, my lord's condolences!" All the ministers looked sad.

"A country cannot be without a king for a day, and please mourn the prince! Ascend the throne and inherit the country!"

A look of joy flashed across Xiong Jian's face, and he almost couldn't maintain the sad expression on his face. Fortunately, Xiong Jian is also professional, and quickly restored the sad expression just now: "Your father passed away, and I am very sad, but For the sake of the country and the community, I can only ascend the throne first and inherit the position of the monarch."

"Prince please ascend the throne!" Tuo, who had been prepared a long time ago, shouted hastily.

"Please crown the prince!"

"Please crown the prince!"

Suddenly there was a roar like a tsunami in the hall.

Xiong Jian was very intoxicated by the tsunami-like voice, and after the ministers shouted several times, he succeeded to the throne with the support of everyone.

"My lord!" Seeing Xiong Jian sitting on the seat that symbolized the Marquis of Chu, the nobles in the hall immediately kowtowed to him.

Xiong Jian, who succeeded in ascending the throne and inheriting the throne, couldn't hold back his excitement for a while.

"All the ministers are exempted from gifts!"

After the enthronement ceremony was completed, Xiong Jian ascended the throne in front of the corpse of Chuhou Xiong Qi to inherit the throne.

"Your father passed away, please discuss the posthumous title, and use the posthumous name of Quan Jun's father." After completing the enthronement, the first thing to do is to give the former Chuhou a posthumous title, and at the same time declare his orthodoxy .

After some discussion, the posthumous title given by the officials was Cheng. After all, everyone was dead, and he also did several major events during his reign, defeating Deng, Shen and other countries. If the country fails, his posthumous title is not bad.

The people handed over the chosen posthumous titles to Xiong Jian. Seeing that the posthumous titles were successful, Xiong Jian was very upset, so he said: "Although the former king has meritorious service, the posthumous posthumous titles are too much."

The ministers looked at each other and found that something seemed wrong, so they said, "Then posthumous posthumous title?"

Xiong Jian still shook his head.Now the ministers found that something seemed wrong, so they discussed for a long time, but no one was willing to express their opinion.

Finally, Xiong Jian saw the crowd and said: "Chaos does not damage the soul, it is good to sacrifice to ghosts and gods, it is called spirit. The first emperor swallowed the country, but although chaos does not damage, it is good to sacrifice to ghosts and gods. It is very suitable to look at the spirit!"

As soon as Xiong Jian finished speaking, all the officials looked at him in surprise.You must know that Ling is a posthumous posthumous title. Generally, he has not done anything that angers the sky and people complain. Basically, he will not use this posthumous title. No matter what, it is a flat posthumous title.Unexpectedly, Marquis Chu would give his father a posthumous title, and the ministers were afraid to speak for a while.

At this moment, a minister next to him suddenly pointed at Chu Houqi's body and stammered, "Master Xian."

"What's wrong with Xianjun? Is Gu's words wrong?" Xiong Jian said coldly.

"Xianjun came back to life!" The doctor pointed at Xiong Qi's body with a terrified expression, and there was a bit of panic in his tone.

"Nonsense" Xiong Jian was furious, and was about to reprimand him when he got up, but at this moment, he inadvertently glanced at the corpse next to him.For a moment, Xiong Jian felt cold all over his body, as if falling into an ice cave.

I saw the dead Xiong Qi on the altar staring straight at him, his eyes were cold and dead, making people daunting.

Xiong Jian has a guilty conscience, how can he not be afraid when he sees this situation?In an instant, his body couldn't help trembling. If he hadn't supported the pillar next to him, he would have fallen to the ground.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, did you change your posthumous title if you didn't want to die in peace?" the nearby minister Que said a little frightened.

Xiong Jian immediately realized that he didn't dare to mention the posthumous title 'Ling' any more, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes! The father of the first monarch established the government in peace with the people, overcame the punishment of the people, and the rituals and music are clear tools, and the posthumous title is Cheng very suitable!"

And the ministers in the hall also responded one after another: "The first monarch established the government in peace with the people, overcame the punishment of the people, demonstrated the rituals and music, kept the surplus and kept the full, and the posthumous title is Cheng!"

Hearing that all the ministers agreed, Xiong Qi also seemed satisfied, his originally dead eyes disappeared, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Xian, you can leave as soon as you leave. I really feel that the posthumous title is bad, but I can't be angry. I will go to your son to discuss it at night. We will give you the posthumous title.You can't just get up and say that this posthumous name is not good!It's scary!
With this episode, the originally large-scale enthronement ceremony ended hastily, and the atmosphere in the hall where the ancestors were parked was even more depressing.The discussion of the posthumous name spread quickly in the palace, and everyone was terrified.

And those eunuchs who stayed in the mourning hall to watch the night were even more mournful.

Xiong Jian hurriedly left the hall, and then returned to the bedroom. Up to now, he still has lingering fears, and those eyes are firmly in his mind.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Xiong Jian came back to his senses, saw that it was his confidant, and said, "Que, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, there is still one thing you haven't done!" Que reminded: "Yun is not dead yet, and there is such a change in his ascension to the throne. I am afraid that some people will be restless, so why don't you just do it, so that it can be done once and for all!"

Xiong Jian immediately thought of something: "By the way, there is also Yun, quickly send someone to kill Yun!"

Everyone in the Chu Kingdom knew that Xian Junqi wanted to make Yun the crown prince. If someone used this as an excuse to help Yun ascend the throne as the Marquis of Chu, his fate would definitely be miserable.

So he was going to take the first step and kill Yun to avoid future troubles!

Soon after Chuhou gave the order, groups of soldiers rushed to Xiong Yun's mansion.But it was only after the army surrounded Xiong Yun's mansion that it was discovered that the mansion was already empty.

Just when the nobles and nobles of the country found out that the situation was wrong, Xiong Yun also found out that the situation was not good, so his mother took him and fled to Suiguo under the protection of the guards.

Although Sui State is not as powerful as Chu State, it is also a prince with the surname Ji.After escaping here, there is no need to worry about being betrayed by Sui Guo.

After Chu Hou found out that his younger brother Xiong Yun had already escaped, his face changed, and he immediately ordered his army to chase him back, but it was already too late to chase him at this time.

It has been almost a day since Xiong Yun escaped, and even if he sent someone to chase him, he would not be able to catch up.

In the end, the Marquis of Chu had no choice but to give up, and sent people to strictly guard the surroundings to prevent Xiong Yun from returning to the country.

On the other hand, Xiong Jian also felt very tired after going through a day and night coup d'état, and soon fell asleep.But after he fell asleep, he found that those eyes during the day were staring at him firmly.Chu Hou's face was pale, and he was frightened awake for a moment, and it took a while to recover.

And this scene became his nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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