Chapter 134 Xu Kingdom Destroyed
The original agreement between Jin State and Xu Chang was to form an alliance with Jin State, and Xu Chang was very dissatisfied with Huai State's reluctance to help this time.Therefore, when the Jin State asked for an alliance, it agreed in a flash.

After the envoy sent by Huai State arrived, Xu Chang saw the domineering look of the envoy in the main hall, and the king of his own country actually wanted to look at his face.

When I was a prince, I was bullied by others, and I couldn't even protect my wife. Now that I am the king of my country, I still have to look at the face of an envoy, so my role as the king is not for nothing?

Xu Chang saw the envoys of the Huai country who were eloquent in the hall, and immediately interrupted: "Xu and Huai are just allies, and the relationship is equal. Xu is not a vassal of Huai!"

"The state of Xu is willing to form an alliance with the state of Jin. This is the internal affairs of the state of Xu and has nothing to do with the state of Huai!"

When the Huai country envoy heard Xu Gong's words, he was stunned, and the way he looked at him changed.

Xu Guo has been under the protection of Huai State for these years, which made the envoy of Huai State subconsciously become arrogant, but he did not expect to meet a hot-blooded young man who spoke like this under his blood!
"Mr. Xu, is this your answer?" the Huai country envoy asked with a gloomy expression.

"Why didn't you hear clearly?" Xu Chang let out a bad breath, and his mood improved a lot.

Hearing Xu Gong's words, the envoy of Huai State bowed his hands again and said: "In this case, the foreign minister will go back and report Xu Gong's answer to the king!"

Immediately, the messenger stopped staying, turned around and walked outside the hall.

Seeing just a few words, the two sides broke up immediately, and the officials next to them didn't have time to react.When the Huai country envoy left, the faces of these people changed drastically.

"Your Majesty, Huai is strong and Xu is weak. Xu Guo can continue today thanks to Huai Guo. Your Majesty can't be so impulsive!" one of the ministers persuaded.

"Using emotions? I don't use emotions. The Huai country is strong, but the Jin country is not weak. If they form an alliance with the Jin country, do they still want to stop it?" Xu Gong snorted softly.

Sudden ascension to the position of monarch, Xu Chang held great power, and it swelled suddenly.

The envoy returned to Huai State and told Wang Jin what Xu Gong said and Xu State's attitude.After listening to the envoy's narration, Wang Jin's face was very gloomy.

Huai country has always regarded Xu country as an ally and helped it not be destroyed by other countries. Now Xu country has actually formed an alliance with Huai country's enemy, which is a blatant betrayal of Huai country.

If he is not punished, will the vassal states of Huai state pay tribute in the end?

Immediately, Wang Jin recruited a large army to attack Xu State. Although Xu State was not strong, but this time with the help of Jin State army, Jin State was well prepared for this war.

In the court hall, Wang Jin's face was ugly, and he said in a hateful voice: "Xu Guo was king in the past, and was besieged by the Zhou kingdoms, and the country was about to be destroyed. We, Huai Guo, tried our best to turn the tide and save it from the fire and water, so that Xu Guo's status would continue, so that it would not be destroyed. Absolute sacrifice.

Since then, our Huai country has even provided shelter for him, allowing him to enjoy wealth and honor in this troubled world! "

"Now how are they repaying us?"

"Knowing that Huai and Jin are not on good terms, Xu Guo even formed an alliance with Jin. This is because he doesn't care about Huai at all."

"We have protected Xu Guo for so many years, keeping it from being intruded. But is this how Xu Guo repays us?"

"The Huai country doesn't agree, the soldiers of the Huai country don't agree, the people of the Huai country don't agree, and the solitary don't agree!"

"Your Majesty, I request you to lead an army to defeat Xu, and I will definitely bring back Xu Gong's head for you!" All the nobles and generals of Huai State called for the battle.

After the annexation of the Yue State, the Huai State's war machine began to operate again.In less than a month, the [-] army prepared all kinds of supplies, and then sent troops to Xu Guo.

Xu Guo was originally weak in strength, and because of civil strife not long ago, the current Xu Jun is basically a piece of loose sand.

After learning of the Huai army's attack on Xu, everyone in Xu State panicked, and the face of Xu Gong, who was still high-spirited before, changed.

"My dear friends, what should we do if the Huai army is coming to attack?" Xu Guoguo asked.

In the main hall, all the ministers looked at each other, and then said: "Your Majesty, you can send an envoy to seek peace with Huai Country!"

"Then announce the cancellation of the oath of alliance with Jin!"

"No, if it is canceled at this time, not only Huai country will be offended, but Jin country will also be offended."

"Why don't you go directly to Jin for help!"

Above the main hall, there was a lot of noise. After arguing, everyone was finally planning to ask Jin for help.The Jin army, which had been waiting for a long time, immediately began to march.

The army of the Huai State was dispatched, and it can be said that the momentum along the way was overwhelming, and the rule of the State of Xu became precarious.

Seeing this situation, Xu Chang also panicked and regretted for a while.

Only at this time did he realize that Xu Guo, whom he was relying on, was a paper tiger that could be broken with a single poke.At this moment, there was no longer any arrogance on his face.

Xu Gong has a lot of opinions on being a dog in Huai country. After all, his ancestors were once rich, and he is young and passionate. He is very resistant to being a dog and thinks he can do it.

Especially after the state of Jin was treated as a guest of honor and invaded Xudu like a broken bamboo, he had the illusion that I was the best, and that Qi Huan and Jin Wen were mediocre.

But after experiencing the power of the Huai country, Xu Gong suddenly felt that being a dog is not bad, at least the Xu country can survive, and he can still be the king of a country.Xu Gong figured it out at this time, but it was too late.

Wang Jin ordered Chen Yi to command the army to attack Xu. The momentum along the way was like a broken bamboo, and Xu State was soon captured by half. At this time, the army of Jin State finally drove away.

The two armies faced each other on the land of Xu State. The army of Huai State was elite and morale was high, and they did not commit any crimes wherever they passed.Although the army of the Jin State is also elite, it is generally inferior to that of the Huai State, but the army of the Jin State has [-] people.

The armies confronted each other, and after Huai and Jin tried each other a few times, they began to fight openly.It's just that the strength of the two sides is not much different, and it is difficult to tell the winner for a while.

When Huai State and Jin State were facing each other, Chu State and Qin State were also paying attention to this war.

After discovering the stalemate between Jin State and Huai State, Chu State and Qin State sent large armies to attack Jin State and Huai State respectively.

The State of Chu attacked from the State of Shu and wanted to capture the old land of the State of Yue, but it was a pity that the State of Huai had been prepared and had been stationed in Yue with tens of thousands of troops.

On the other side, the Jin State was not so lucky. The Qin-Chu coalition forces attacked and directly cut off the Jin army's food road.This made Jin unable to continue the confrontation, and could only retreat slowly.After seeing this situation, the Huai country did not pursue it. The Qin, Jin, and Chu kingdoms fought, and the Huai country did not want to participate in it.

It's best to let these three countries fight the real fire, so that the Huai country can reap the benefits of the fisherman.Huai State did not want to go to war with Bang Zhou this time, Wang Jin just wanted to bring Xu State back under control.

Jin State retreated, Xu State was soon occupied by Huai State, but this time, Wang Jin did not intend to keep Xu State any longer.Sometimes, one betrayal is enough.

 I was too sleepy last night, so I didn't modify it, so I revised it again in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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