Chapter 135 Qin Chu Attacks Jin
Chu and Qin sent troops suddenly, and Jin was completely defenseless.Since the rise of Jin, he has always regarded the land of the Central Plains as his forbidden domain.

Although the relationship between Jin and Chu has eased somewhat because of Huai, Chu has never given up the idea of ​​marching into the Central Plains.And Qin Guo also held this idea.

If Qin wanted to enter the Central Plains, he could only go through the confusion.The Xiaoshan River is a natural barrier that blocks Qin's way out to the east.

Duke Mu of Qin helped the king of Jin ascend the throne several times this time, just to get the land of confusion, but unfortunately he failed every time.

These princes of the state of Jin just started to promise various conditions, and they wished to directly say to Qin Hou, "I have been alone for half my life, and I only regret that I have not met Qin Hou. If Qin Hou does not give up, I would like to worship him as a foster father." That scene was touching, Qin Seeing this, Duke Mu was overjoyed. He not only married his daughter to him, but also sent troops to escort her back home.

But once they returned to the country to inherit the throne, they immediately said, "My majestic monarch, Ann is your adopted son?" ',

The Marquis of Qin wanted to acquire the land of Huohan several times, but was defeated by the Jin State, and even wiped out the Qin army and captured the general.It can be said that the face is lost, and the face in the face is gone.

Therefore, when Chu State sent people to form an alliance with Qin State, Qin State immediately agreed.

The relationship between Qin and Chu is so harmonious because both countries want to enter the Central Plains, but they are blocked by Jin. They have a common enemy, so they cooperate to deal with Jin.

When the state of Jin and the state of Huai were fighting in the state of Xu, the state of Qin and the state of Chu agreed to send troops. Naturally, the purpose was to cut off the retreat of Jin's [-] troops.

You must know that in order to fight against the Huai State, the soldiers sent by the Jin State are all elite soldiers, not those who work in agriculture on weekdays and issue a weapon in wartime.These are the elites who have food and land, and even with the strength of Jin State, it is only [-].

If the [-] Jin army can be wiped out, Jin will no longer be able to prevent Chu from aspiring to the Central Plains.

This time, the Qin State gave up its chariots and sent elite troops to bypass the Huanhan. After Shangyong joined forces with the Chu army, they attacked the State of Zheng.Zheng Guo lived in the world, and it was the only place where Jin State attacked Xu State.During the period of Duke Wen of Jin, the state of Jin defeated Zheng Guo through several wars, and finally became the younger brother of the state of Jin.

This time the state of Jin conquered the state of Xu, and it was the state of Zheng that left.

Chu State and Qin State joined forces, and more than [-] elite troops from the two countries attacked Zheng State.At this time, Zheng Guo has less than [-] troops in the whole country. How can it resist it?

The coalition forces of the two countries attacked the state of Zheng, and the state of Zheng sent envoys to ask for help from the state of Jin. At the same time, they guarded the city tightly and did not dare to fight.The two armies attacked Zheng Guo, but Zheng Guo couldn't hold on, so he had to surrender.After the victory of Qin State and Chu State, they immediately cut off the [-] elites of Jin State who were still fighting with Xu State and Huai State.

According to their thinking, the state of Jin had no food and no way out, and the state of Huai would definitely take the opportunity to keep the [-] Jin troops behind.Wang Jin heard about the abacus between the two countries in Huai'an.

In fact, when the two countries sent troops to attack Zheng, the hidden guards of Huai State passed the news back.Therefore, an edict was given to Chen Yi to let the Jin army leave.The purpose is to make these three countries compete, so that he can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Because no matter whether Qin and Chu won or Jin won, for Huai, the strategy of blocking Huai around the state was bankrupt.

It is estimated that Chu State and Jin State will be out of their wits this time. After a big battle between the two countries, how can they still cooperate with each other?

At that time, if Huai State attacks Chu State, Jin State will definitely stand on the sidelines.If the state of Jin does not intervene, then the state of Huai will be able to take care of the state of Chu slowly.

After Jin knew that the back road was cut off, the Jin State immediately wanted to retreat. At first, it was worried that the Huai National Congress would take the opportunity to entangle, but the Huai army commander sent an envoy to say that they knew that Chu State had cut off the Jin State’s back road. Huai State won this battle. Wu, they can retreat [-] miles and let Jin withdraw its troops.

At first, the general of Jin thought that the Huai army was using a tactic to lure the enemy, but he didn't believe it. As a result, the next day he saw the Huai army retreating in the dark, leaving only an empty barracks.

Seeing that the Huai country actually withdrew its troops, the general of the Jin country was overjoyed and grateful, saying: "Huai country is really a gentleman!"

The Huai State did not prevent the Jin State from withdrawing its troops, and the [-] elites of the Jin State immediately rushed to the State of Zheng, trying to open up a way out.

On the other hand, after learning that the Qin-Chu coalition forces were going north to attack Zheng Guo, the Jin State was shocked and quickly dispatched an army to rescue Zheng State.

It's just that when the army of the Jin State came to the State of Zheng, the State of Zheng had already surrendered, and the armies of Qin and Chu were already in full battle.

Jin State originally wanted to mobilize more troops to fight, but Qin State attacked Hangu Pass at this time.Although Hangu Pass is a dangerous place, but when the army of Qin State attacked, the State of Jin could only send troops to reinforce it, so the State of Jin sent only [-] troops this time.

Wu She, the coach of the Chu State, changed his face when he learned that the Huai State hadn't kept the [-] elites of the Jin State, but now he had no choice but to act.

"General Yingyue, the Huai army did not keep the [-] Jin army behind. If we encircle the two Jin armies this time, we will face the enemy. Does General Yingyue have a plan?"

Ying Yue is the official of the Qin State, and this time he led the Qin army to cooperate with the Chu State because he is the most skilled person in the official office.Hearing Wu She's words, he immediately understood the situation of the Qin and Chu armies, and immediately said: "The two armies are attacking back and forth, and our army will definitely lose. It is better to defeat one of them first."

"Which way do you think you should attack first?" Wu She asked.

"North Road!"

"The Jin army is eager to rescue the [-] troops who have been cut off from the back. They will definitely rush on the road. The army will rush and the soldiers will be exhausted. When the time comes, our army will take the opportunity to attack. The Jin army will not be able to gain a stable foothold and will definitely lose."

Wu She nodded again and again, Ying Yue had exactly the same idea as him, and immediately said with a smile: "The general is the same as I think, if that's the case, then attack the Jin army on the North Road first!"

"it is good!"

The two immediately summoned soldiers and horses and headed north.After the army crossed the river, the coalition forces of Qin and Chu and the Jin army met in Bi County, north of the river.

The Jin army came from a long way, and they were running fast all the way, and the people were exhausted.However, the Qin and Chu countries have been recharging their energy for a long time. As soon as the two armies met, the Qin and Chu allied forces launched an attack.

Tens of thousands of troops fought in the north of the river. The morale of the Qin-Chu allied forces was high. The two countries had long been suffocated with Jin.

General Xun Linfu of the Jin Kingdom commanded the army to fight against each other, but under the frenzied attack of the Qin and Chu armies, they couldn't stabilize the army formation at all.Qin and Chu defeated three formations in a row. Seeing that the Qin and Chu coalition forces were about to break through the Chinese army formation, Xun Lin's father had no choice but to lead the army to retreat.

Seeing the main general retreating, the morale of the Jin army plummeted, and they could no longer resist. It would be a big loss, but even so, the Jin Kingdom suffered [-] casualties in this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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