A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 176 He Zong, the Stage of Strategists

Chapter 176 He Zong, the Stage of Strategists

Neither Qi State nor Chu State paid much attention to Wei State, after all, it was Jin State that fought against them before.The state of Wei is only one-third of the state of Jin, how can it compete with Qi and Chu?
Although Qi State and Chu State also declined, they were not something Wei State could stop.What's more, Wei's territory in the east is actually an enclave.

Although both Wei Xiang and Wu Qi advised Wei Hou to solve Qin State first, and then go back and deal with Qi Chu.But facing Qi Chu, Wei Hou didn't know what to do.After all, these are two big countries.

Therefore, after agreeing to Wu Qi to continue fighting against Qin State, Wei State wanted to send envoys to contact Zhao State and South Korea to fight against Qi and Chu together.

After Wei Hou expressed his worries, a scholar from the political strategist stood up and said: "My lord, if you are willing to entrust this task to me, I can make Zhao Guo, South Korea and Wei Guo form an alliance to fight against Qi and Chu."

"If you can make Han Zhao and Wei Guo form an alliance to fight against Qi and Chu, I would like to worship you as Wei Guo Shang Qing!" Wei Hou said immediately.

It has to be said that Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao Han and other countries are completely incomparable in Wei Hou's treatment of talents.As long as he has talent and is willing to contribute to the country of Wei, Marquis Wei doesn't care about his background, even if he is a slave, he is willing to reward him with a title.

Therefore, in the eyes of many scholars, Marquis Wei is the wise king through the ages.

Su Yue immediately bowed his hands and said to himself: "My lord, Yue will definitely fulfill his mission!"

After Su Yue received the order from Marquis Wei, he immediately rushed to South Korea with ease. South Korea is not far from Wei State, so he traveled fast all the way, and Su Yue arrived in the capital of South Korea in two days.

South Korea is not enthusiastic about the arrival of Wei envoy, but it is not hostile either.

"Su Yue, you are here to replace Marquis Wei, but do you want to ask me, South Korea, for help?" Marquis Han said in a frivolous tone, obviously Han Marquis did not intend to send troops to help.

Su Yue didn't care about Hanhou's tone, instead he said seriously: "Hanhou, the foreign minister didn't come here to save Wei, but actually came to save Han. South Korea has reached a critical moment of life and death."

"Bold!" A South Korean doctor next to him directly interrupted him, and then cupped his hands at Han Hou and said, "Your Majesty, this person is just a madman, cheating and deceiving, and please ask the king to drive him out of Korea."

In the main hall, other people also expressed their solidarity, wanting to drive away this raving maniac.

Su Yue was not afraid, but instead bowed respectfully to Marquis Han and said, "I heard that the ancient sage kings never condemned people with their words, and Marquis Han is a rare wise king, and he would never make such a mistake."

Hanhou was very happy when he heard this, and immediately waved his hand to stop the others in the hall.Then he said to Su Yue: "Since you said that Korea is in danger of being destroyed, then you can tell me. If you are right, I will reward you. If you speak nonsense, then you will be kicked out of Korea!"

Su Yue didn't have a trace of fear, learning the art of vertical and horizontal will inevitably face all kinds of monarchs and courtiers, if the mind is not strong, timid and afraid of getting into trouble, he will not be able to be a scholar of the vertical and horizontal school.

Immediately, Su Yue said to Hanhou: "Hanhou should know that the Chu Qi alliance will attack the land in the east of Wei State."

"Of course I know." Han Hou said.

"Han Hou should know that the border between our Wei State and Chu State and Qi State is only an enclave in the east. If Chu State and Qi State attack, at most we can only capture our Wei State's enclave. Although there are some losses, it is not unacceptable for Wei State." Su Yue said lightly.

"But this is the danger of subjugation for South Korea."

"Hahaha, what does Qi Chu's attack on Wei have to do with me in Korea?" Han Hou laughed.

"Hanhou, please bring the Kanyu map and have a look." Su Yueyue said directly without saying a word.After Marquis Han asked someone to bring the Kanyu Map, Su Yue pointed to the flying tunnel in Wei State and said, "Look, Marquis Han, Qi and Chu are attacking each other, and Wei State is naturally invincible. This piece of land will definitely be taken away."

"If this piece of land is taken by Chu State, what will Hou Han think?" Su Yue said, pointing to the connection of Wei State's enclave with Chu State. On the Kanyu map, after Chu State got Wei State's enclave, it directly surrounded South Korea.

Han Hou saw the map and brought Su Yue's statement into it. After Chu State annexed Wei State's enclave, it showed a semi-encircled situation to South Korea, and on the other side of South Korea was Wei State.

Seeing this, Han Hou suddenly felt a surge of pressure, and his whole body broke out in a cold sweat.

If the enclave of Wei State is really annexed by Chu State, South Korea will need to face the pressure of Chu State. Even if Chu State is defeated by Huai State, it will suffer heavy losses, but it is not something that South Korea can resist.

Once the state of Chu surrounds South Korea, Hou Han will worry that when he wakes up, the army of the state of Chu will have already approached the city.

"I heard that South Korea has always wanted to annex Zheng State. Although Zheng State is weak, it is a vassal state of Chu State. Although Zheng Chu State is not at ease now, if Chu State wants to attack South Korea, Zheng State will definitely follow. Will South Korea be able to resist it?"

"I'm afraid of South Korea." Although Su Yue didn't continue, everyone in the hall understood what he meant.

At this time, there was no sound in the South Korean hall, and the Korean officials who were still abusing him before were no longer as arrogant as they were just now.

Han Hou quickly came back to his senses, grabbed Su Yue's hand and said seriously: "Su Qing, please sit down, I was rude just now, so I will apologize to Su Qing."

Saying that, Han Hou cupped his hands to salute Su Yue.

Naturally, Su Yue would not let him salute to him, and quickly reached out to help him up: "Han Hou's words are serious, foreign ministers are just officials, how can they accept Han Hou's great gift? This is not in line with the etiquette system!"

Han Hou didn't insist either, and immediately said solemnly: "Su Qing, Gu already knows about the crisis in South Korea, and is willing to form an alliance with Wei to fight against Chu and Qi together!"

"Although the alliance with Wei this time is saving Wei, it is also helping South Korea. If Su Qing hadn't awakened Gu and allowed Qi Chu to annex Wei Guo, then South Korea would be in danger!"

At this time, South Korean officials also agreed to form an alliance with Wei Guo.

"Su Qing, please tell Wei Hou that South Korea is willing to form an alliance with Wei and advance and retreat together!"

"The foreign ministers would like to thank Marquis Han. Although the strength of the alliance between Han and Wei has increased, it is still not as good as Qi and Chu. Marquis Wei has ordered the foreign ministers to go to Zhao. He also asked Han Hou to give the foreign ministers an edict indicating the alliance between South Korea and Wei. The foreign ministers will then contact Zhao."

"When the time comes, our three Jins join forces again, so what if Qi Chu attacks?"

Hearing this, Han Hou's eyes lit up. With Zhao Guo's help, the Three-Jin Alliance is stronger than Jin at its peak. This time Qi Chu will definitely return in vain.Immediately, Marquis Han directly wrote down an edict and handed it over to Su Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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