Chapter 177 Wu Qi Ruled the Roost
After Su Yue received Han Hou's edict, he rushed directly from South Korea to Zhao State.Among the three Jins, the territory of Zhao State is the broadest, but Zhao State needs to face Loufan, Zhongshan and other barbarians in the north.

Before the reform of the Wei State, the strength of the State of Zhao and the State of Wei was on par, but after the reform of the State of Wei, the strength of the State of Wei has far surpassed that of the State of Zhao.

Su Yue went all the way north, and soon came to Jinyang, and was received by Zhao Hou.

Zhao Hou naturally knew the purpose of Su Yue's coming, but Zhao Guo now wanted to conquer Zhongshan, and did not want to fight Qi Chu.Therefore, after meeting Su Yue, Zhao Hou said directly: "Qing's intention is known to all alone, but the Zhongshan Kingdom in the north of Zhao State invaded, and Zhongshan Kingdom needs to be dealt with, and Qi Chu is unable to deal with it."

Su Yue said with a smile: "Marquis Zhao's Zhongshan country is also barbarian. Although it has soldiers, it is trapped in it. To Zhao, it is like mustard moss disease. Although it makes people irritated, it is not fatal, but Qi Chu is a disaster that is close at hand."

"I haven't seen a person who doesn't deal with the disasters that are close at hand, but cares about some trivial matters. Presumably there will be no such people."

"Marquis Zhao, the Three Jins are united, and Wei and South Korea have formed an alliance against Qi and Chu. If Wei and South Korea fail, only Zhao will be left among the three Jins. Do you think Zhao can survive alone? Zhao, Wei and Han are dependent on each other. If lips are gone, can you keep your teeth?"

Zhaohou soon wavered, as he said, the three kingdoms of Zhao, Wei and Han depended on each other. If Wei and South Korea were defeated by Qi and Chu, Zhao would not be able to hold on for long.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Hou asked Wei Guo to help deal with Zhongshan State, and agreed to form an alliance with Han Wei.

Chu State and Qi State promised Qin State to send troops, and soon the coalition forces of the two countries began to attack Wei State, but it was only when they attacked that South Korea and Zhao State also sent troops.For a time, there were actually five countries fighting in the Central Plains.

The state of Wei defended the city, with the help of Han and Zhao. Although it was at a disadvantage, it was still able to encourage and persevere.City by city for defensive competition.Although Qi and Chu continued to win victories and conquered cities and lands, the speed of advancement was not fast, and the two countries also had to guard against Han and Zhao countries cutting off their retreat.

The war in the east of Wei State was raging, and the war with Qin State in the west was even more intense.

Wu Qi wanted to train Wei's soldiers, but the land of Xihe was not completely occupied by Wei.Wu Qi commanded an army of 20 and Qin's [-] troops defended.

Because of the consecutive defeats, Qin State no longer has any psychological advantage against Wei State. On the contrary, the morale of Wei State is high.Therefore, the Qin army built a large number of fortifications, trying to block Wu Qi.

Wu Qi saw that the Qin army was tightly defended, and the strong attack lost too much.So he planned to lure the snake out of the hole and tempt Qin to attack.Immediately Wu Qi sent someone to deliver a letter to Young Master Chi, asking Young Master Chi to lead the army to move slowly.

At the same time, the spies of the Qin army were deliberately informed that the army of Qi and Chu attacked Wei, winning consecutive battles, and the state of Wei dispatched troops to reinforce it.

When Qin Guo learned that Qi and Chu attacked Wei Zhi, Wei Guo lost consecutive battles, and his morale was greatly shaken.After the Wei State mobilized the army to return to aid, Qin Hou felt that this was an opportunity. The continuous failure made him urgently need a victory to improve his prestige, and Qin Hou immediately ordered the Qin army to attack.

In his view, the army of Wei State came back to help, and Qi Chu threatened the rear, and the remaining Wei army must be panicked.And he has 20 Qin army, Wei army is only [-], the advantage is in me!It's time to drive Wei Guo out of the land of Xihe!So Qin Hou personally ordered the main force of the Qin army to attack Wu Qi and pull out Wei's stronghold in Xihe.

The army of Qin State came out together, the Qin army on the Xihe defense line cut off Wu Qi's retreat, and the Qin army stationed in Zhengdi also set out to attack Wu Qi. An army of 20 besieged Wu Qi to annihilate these Wei troops.

Wu Qi was not afraid in the face of danger, and 20 Wei soldiers went out to fight a decisive battle with the [-] Qin army.

"Although there are 20 Qin people, they are only a chicken with dog ears. How can they compare with my great Wei soldiers?"

Wu Qi's Wei Wuzu, the commander-in-chief of Wu Qi, is the best in the world, and he is unstoppable in battle. Although the Qin army has 20 people, its command and mobilization are bloated and slow, and it cannot be compared with Wei Wuzu.

The two sides fought a decisive battle in Zhengdi, and Wu Qi commanded Wei's soldiers like arms. Although the Qin army has 20 people, is it so easy for a large army to fight?

Wu Qi led the army to quickly intersperse and attack among the Qin army. The 20 Qin army was like a bloated giant. Although it was powerful, it could not give full play to its superiority.

Wei Wuzu was extremely fast and fought bravely.When Wu Qi attacked the Qin army, the surrounding Qin army had no time to come, and Wei Wuzu defeated the Qin army.Relying on local advantages, Wei Wuzu broke through seven formations in a row, and the Qin army was in chaos and defeated.

The 20 army was defeated, and when the Qin army besieged Wu Qi, Wei Guogong took the opportunity to break through Qin's Xihe defense line, and the Xihe defense line that Qin had worked so hard to build completely collapsed.

The State of Wei occupied the land of Xihe, and the State of Qin fled in embarrassment. In order to prevent the advance of Wei State's soldiers, Qin State established a defense line in Luoshui.After occupying the land of Xihe, Wu Qi did not continue to attack, but led a large army back to aid, traveling hundreds of miles in a day and thousands of miles in seven days, from the land of Xihe to the east of Wei State.

Wu Qi led his army back to Wei State quickly, and then went around behind the Qi-Chu coalition army via South Korea.At this time, the Qi-Chu coalition forces were continuing to attack the State of Wei, and they did not realize that the reinforcements from the State of Wei had arrived.

When the coalition forces of Qi and Chu attacked the city, Wu Qi's army took the opportunity to attack from behind the two armies. At the same time, Zhao Guo and South Korea also sent troops at this time.

The Qi-Chu allied forces were shocked when they saw the armies of Han, Zhao, and Wei encircled on three sides. Qi Chu always thought that the Wei army was still entangled with the Qin army. He never thought that the Qin army was defeated in the first battle, and the 20 troops were wiped out.Not to mention that the Wei army marched so fast, traveling thousands of miles in seven days, and launched a surprise attack when the Qi-Chu coalition forces attacked.

Wu Qi commanded the Wei soldiers to attack. The Qi-Chu coalition forces were originally united temporarily for the sake of benefit.

As a result, the two sides did not cooperate at all, and were easily defeated by the soldiers of Wei. The general of the Chu army was killed and the entire army was wiped out.

Wei Guo destroyed 20 Qin army in the first battle, defeated Chu army, captured Qihou, and the world was shocked.All countries in the world were shocked to see that Wei Guo had achieved such an astonishing record.Wei Wuzu became famous in the first battle.

At the same time, seeing that the state of Wei has grown so strong in a short period of time, all countries in the world began to invite legalists to go to various countries, hoping to reform and become stronger.

It's just that although these princes invited legalist scholars, none of them could reform unswervingly like Marquis Wei.After all, not everyone has the courage and skill to completely suppress the noble class.


In the 33rd year of Wei Wengong, Wei attacked Qin, and the Qin army sent envoys to Qi and Chu for help. Qi and Chu attacked Wei to rescue Qin, and Yue joined forces with Han and Zhao.Starting to show the enemy's weakness, the Marquis of Qin made a mistake, and attacked with all his troops, waiting for work with leisure, and smashed them, and the dead of the Qin army fell asleep.Later, he led an army to drive thousands of miles in seven days, and defeated Chu and captured Qihou in one battle. ——"Historical Records Biography of Wu Qi"

(End of this chapter)

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