A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 308: Opening up Lingnan and civilizing the barbarians

Chapter 308: Opening up Lingnan and civilizing the barbarians
In the fourth year of Qianyuan, His Majesty Emperor Daqian officially implemented the restructuring, completely wiped out the remaining nobles of the six countries, and changed the world to a system of prefectures and counties.The left and right prime ministers and Shang Shutai began to govern the country together.

At the same time, after harvesting a large number of old nobles, Daqian also had enough money and food to start the large-scale construction of Chidao.According to Wang Luo's plan, he is planning to build five or six galloping roads across the world to connect the world together.

At the same time as the Chidao is being built, waterways in various places will also be dredged and connected to canals.The scale of the entire project is extremely large.

After Da Qian decided to move the capital, the construction project of the divine capital Luoyang received strong support. The scale of the divine capital Luoyang was also the largest city in the entire Zhuxia.

The shape of Luoyang City is roughly the same as that of Jinling City, but the area is twice as large.It took more than ten years to build Jinling City, and it is estimated that it will take about ten years to build Luoyang now.

Qianyuan Hall.

Wang Luo said in a deep voice: "Brother Cheng, there are many wise ministers in the court, and the miasma in the south is full of miasma. This road is extremely dangerous, or let others go!"

Wang Cheng shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, I know that this trip to the south is dangerous, but I am a direct descendant of the royal family. If even I am not willing to go, how many people are willing to go? Even if the court promises a huge reward, they will sincerely Do you really want to open up the South?"

Wang Luo knew very well the thoughts of the nobles and officials in the court. In the eyes of these people, Lingnan was still a barbaric and barbaric land. It was located in a remote area, with difficult roads and various miasmas. Now look at it. It is simply not worth spending a lot of manpower and material resources to conquer.

What's more, there are still large areas of swamps, mountains, forests, and wastelands that have not been developed in the original Chu Kingdom.Why go to develop Lingnan?
However, the royal family knew very well that the distance between Lingnan and the Central Plains was not as far as imagined. In fact, if the canal could be connected and a chiway built, traveling to Lingnan would take about the same time as traveling from Luoyang to Jicheng, Zibo, and Kuaiji.

The books left by our ancestors at that time recorded that Lingnan was rich in products.At the same time, the ancestor also encouraged future generations to explore the Xia.

Wang Luo sighed and said: "No, those nobles rarely have a long-term vision. Unless they see benefits, they will not go."

Wang Cheng smiled and said: "Brother, the development of Lingnan is also the thousand-year plan of the Xia's expansion. Now this world is established by my Wang family. This is my duty."

"Besides, we are protected by Haotian and our ancestor King Wen, so it is not easy to die. Going to Lingnan is not that dangerous."

Wang Luo was silent for a moment, and finally agreed, allowing Wang Cheng to lead ten Wang clansmen and [-] Tengjia troops and caravans to Lingnan.

In Jinling City, Wang Luo personally saw off Wang Cheng. There was a sea of ​​people near Jinling City. Many noble families were surprised that the emperor sent his younger brother to lead an army to open up Lingnan.

At that time, the Chu State opened up the south and occupied many places. Later, the Huai State annexed the Chu State and also developed the south. However, in order to unify the world, the Huai State did not continue to conquer the Baiyue Land.

At that time, the Huai Kingdom conquered the land of Baiyue and recovered a large number of people from Shanyue.These are also the main manpower of the current Daqian Southern Expedition.

The south is hot and humid, and northerners simply can't stand the environment here. The biggest difficulty in conquering the land of Baiyue is the acclimatization.If we use soldiers from the north, it is estimated that at least [-]% of the troops will be lost due to illness along the way.As Wang Luo's youngest brother, Wang Cheng was proficient in military strategy, and was also good at internal affairs and political maneuvering. It was the best choice for him to lead an army to open up Lingnan.

Da Qian had already made plans to open up Lingnan. The land of Baiyue was not as powerful as the Central Plains, and the Fang country in it was not strong either.However, most of these kingdoms are spread in the form of tribes.Many are in mountains and forests.

The most powerful Fang country may have a population of one million, but most Fang countries have more than 10,000 people.Naturally, these Fang countries are not monolithic.The use of large armies for conquest also needs to be treated differently.

Those from the Baiyue Fang Kingdom who have close contact with Daqian, are greatly influenced by Daqian, and are willing to cooperate with Daqian are good friends. Daqian can be controlled subtly through trade, recruitment, etc.You can annex it yourself after you have run out of production.

For Fang Guo, who did not resist but was not close to them, they also used various methods to win over them and used large armies to intimidate them.Let them stand on Daqian's side, and as for Fang Guo, who was finally hostile and resisted Daqian, they would resolutely attack him.

The entire development plan is about unity, win over the centrists, and attack the opposition.To put it simply, treat him, behead him, and treat him like a dog!
Wang Cheng's army marched south, taking the waterway, and the speed was not slow.At the same time, the army was equipped with a large number of doctors.At the same time, all southern soldiers were selected.

But even so, many soldiers still got sick due to acclimatization.The army headed south by boat, passing many Baiyue Fang Kingdoms who had good relations with Daqian along the way.

Daqian made good friends with these Fang countries and sold them grain, cloth and some iron tools through trade, and then purchased furs, tendons, wood, ivory, rhinoceros horns and other things.And every once in a while, the population will be recruited from these places.

It can be said that these Fang countries are basically controlled by Daqian. As long as Daqian is willing, he can easily annex them.But Da Qian didn’t do that.Instead, adopt a subtle approach and annex it bit by bit.

The Lords of Baiyue in these Fang Kingdoms were naturally aware of it, but they knew very well how powerful Da Gan was. If they obeyed, there would be some benefits in the future. If they resisted, they would immediately be struck by thunder and their entire clan would be destroyed.

After Wang Luo collected the intelligence of these Fang countries, he passed the news back and asked them to deal with it.For those who are almost assimilated, we can consider sending people to organize households and integrate the people, and abolish the country and establish counties. For those who have not yet assimilated, we need to increase our efforts.

The Wang family has sufficient experience in reconquering and assimilating these barbarians.

Daqian is a state of etiquette, and since the Celestial Empire is a kingdom, there will naturally be admiring barbarians who come to seek refuge.As for those who do not take the initiative to seek refuge, they can be persuaded to do so.

With Daqian's flourishing culture and national power, would there be any barbarians unwilling to join us?Wang Cheng thinks there shouldn't be.If there is, then it must be that they are not aware of it and have not seen the prosperity and power of Daqian with their own eyes.

Wang Cheng has the obligation to let them tell them how powerful Daqian is.I have great martial virtues, but I still like to use culture and education to convert the barbarians and make them return to their hearts.

Persuade them to use the noble Zhuxia writing and language, abandon their writing and history, erase their memory, and then assimilate their population. Of course, if they refuse, then convince others with virtue.Presumably these barbarians will accept it happily in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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