Chapter 309 Spreading the King’s Hua
Daqian attaches great importance to the education of the south, and caravans have always come to trade.These caravans brought a large number of exquisite bronzes, lacquerware, silks, and delicacies.At the same time, the surrounding mountain terrain and hydrological conditions were also recorded.

These data will be collected in Daqian's craftsmanship supervisor, no, craftsmanship house.After the restructuring, the craftsman supervisor has been promoted to one of the nine ministers.Responsible for construction projects in various places.

The craftsmanship supervisor will use these topographic maps and collected data to select where to build water conservancy projects, canals, ditches, and where to build highways.After other projects are completed and the country has enough money, we can build this place.

The land of Baiyue has complex terrain, which is very suitable for separatist forces. If Wang Luo sends a large army to attack, it is very likely that after occupying Baiyue, the general will have an idea, block the road, and separatist kings.This is why Wang Cheng led the troops.

Because they were well prepared and had a large number of people from Shanyue as guides, Wang Cheng's army was not slow in progress.Over the years, with the implementation of Daqian's policies, more and more people in Shanyue are willing to be a dog to Daqian. If not crossed out, they are willing to join Daqian.

The army soon arrived at Cangwu, and Wang Cheng immediately sent people to contact the surrounding Baiyue Fang Kingdom and asked them to come to visit and discuss important matters.

As the messenger left, the leader of the Shanyue tribe in the land of Luoyue soon received the news.After hearing that there were royal clansmen leading armies from Daqian, these Baiyue leaders had different ideas.

Most of the tribal leaders are very hostile to Dagan, and not many are close or neutral.Therefore, few people are willing to come to Daqian's invitation.

After Wang Cheng waited in Cangwu for a period of time, he had cordial exchanges with the Shanyue leaders who were willing to make friends, and gave them many precious gifts. Even the neutral tribes who were not very close also gave gifts and expressed their willingness to Trade with them.

In the end, Wang Cheng also showed these people how wealthy they were. The Baiyue tribe leaders' eyes almost lit up when they saw the large amount of silk, ironware, lacquerware, salt, sugar, fine wine and other commodities.After returning home, he immediately started sending people to carry out transactions.

At the same time, news that Daqian was extremely wealthy also spread rapidly from these people.

When the local officials saw Wang Cheng's behavior, they were worried and went to persuade them: "Your Majesty, you bring so much wealth to trade with those barbarians, which can easily lead to disaster."

"The barbarians fear power but not virtue. If they knew that your Majesty had brought so much wealth, they would definitely rob it, and Cangwu County would also be in chaos."

Hearing what Governor Cangwu said, Wang Cheng was not worried at all. Instead, he said with a smile: "The barbarians came to riot. Isn't this a good thing?"

Cangwu County Sheriff was slightly startled.

Wang Cheng continued: "Zhuxia opened up the barbaric land, spread civilization, and traded with them, but the ignorant barbarians were unwilling to accept it, and even wanted to attack the royal family of Daqian, in an attempt to continue to turn this place into a wild land where hair and blood are eaten. This Is it tolerable?"

"As the governor of Cangwu, it is your responsibility to turn the desert into summer. However, King Gu has seen that you have not done well over the years. Now King Gu will give you a complete demonstration in person. You can follow this method in the future."

"Transforming the barbarians into Xia is a national policy that the Xia have always pursued. Now go gather the troops and participate in this honorable battle to spread civilization."

When Cangwu County Sheriff heard Wang Cheng's words, he immediately reacted.This great king came to the south to open up Baiyue. He knew in his heart that this was a military achievement, so he immediately gathered his troops happily and prepared to deal with it.

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then said to Yu Linwei beside him: "Give the order, prepare to fight." Although Wang Cheng has never commanded a battle, he has also participated in the battles to destroy Qi and Qin, and has rich combat experience, otherwise he would not be able to fight. He would not ask for orders to open up Lingnan.

Cangwu County has a vast territory, but not many people are actually controlled by Daqian. There are not many people from Xia in Cangwu County. In addition to some pioneering immigrants, there are many who were sent away for crimes.

As the news spread that Wang Cheng was carrying a large amount of property, many leaders of the Baiyue tribe were interested in these goods.

So among these Baiyue tribes, several powerful tribes began to contact other tribes, hoping to form a coalition to attack Cangwu.At this time, they not only wanted these goods, but also wanted to defeat Cangwu's robbery.

Cangwu County plus Wang Cheng's army totaled less than 10 people, and the surrounding barbarians numbered at least several hundred thousand or more.But Wang Cheng was not afraid at all. With the Tengjia Army in hand, he had full confidence in defeating these barbarians.

Wang Cheng stood on the Cangwu city wall and looked into the distance, feeling in his heart that when his ancestors established the Huai Kingdom, what the Huai Kingdom had to face at that time was a large number of barbarians outside the city.

The ancestor Zijue led thousands of people to continuously grow and annex, and finally established a firm foothold in Huaidi.Now it is my turn to lead the Xia people to establish a firm foothold in Lingnan and turn it into Xia.

The Baiyue barbarians came very quickly. On the fifth day, a large number of barbarians gathered, numbering more than [-]. But after seeing the army of these barbarians, Wang Cheng smiled.Although this army is large, there are dozens of different flags among them. With so many flags, the command can be imagined.

Moreover, among these barbarians, only [-]% were armored, and the number of iron armors was even less. Faced with such a mob, the rattan armor army led by Wang Cheng was a natural weapon.

The land of Lingnan does not yet have the art of smelting iron, and they still use bronzes. How could they be Daqian's opponent?

The barbarian army came, and Wang Cheng led [-] Tengjia troops and rushed forward.Those barbarians are just a mob, how can they be the opponent of the elite Dagan.The [-]-strong army was divided into several teams, just like a knife, quickly cutting meat.

Wherever the Tengjia Army passed, a large number of mountain barbarians were killed as if they were cutting grass.The sharp long sword was invincible, and those Baiyue soldiers could not stop it. Their armor could not block the blade of the Tengjia Army.

The weapons in their hands were unable to pierce the Vine Armor soldiers, and they were quickly killed by the Vine Armor soldiers.

Tens of thousands of barbarians were quickly defeated. The Tengjia army began to pursue the defeated army to harvest, and a large number of barbarian soldiers were killed.

The convenience of rattan armor is fully utilized here. It is light and breathable, which is completely incomparable to leather armor and iron armor.For this war, Wang Cheng's goal is to kill the enemy as much as possible and weaken the enemy's population.

At the same time, he was also preparing to send the captured people to various construction sites in Daqian. Whether these people could survive in the end depended on their own fate.

It is necessary to open up Lingnan and transform the barbarians into Xia. We will weaken the population of the barbarians in Baiyue, and then move the population of the Xia to encourage births. After a few decades, this place will naturally become the land of the Xia. This is to educate the barbarians and spread the royal way. .

(End of this chapter)

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