A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 316 Confucianism corrupts the law with literature and dominates official learning

Chapter 316 Confucianism corrupts the law with literature and dominates official learning
The establishment of Daqian has solved many problems, but also many problems have arisen.From the time when the academy was established in the Huai Kingdom to the conferment of military honors in the Qin Kingdom, the bloodline nobles had begun to be gradually eliminated over hundreds of years.More people at the bottom began to appear on the political stage.

After Wang Luo prepared to build the Great Wall, he soon discovered that Da Gan's money and food could no longer support it.So Wang Luo began to turn his attention elsewhere.

At the same time, some merchants dealing in salt, iron, and wine came into his eyes.The policies on salt, iron, and wine among the six countries were different. After the unification of Daqian, there was no time to make rectifications.Now Wang Luo finally has time to deal with this.

Wang Luo ordered the Legalist scholars to formulate a salt and iron wine franchise system and then promote it throughout the world.All management rights of salt, iron, and wine were returned to the state.This is used to increase national tax revenue.

But just when Wang Luo was about to implement it, there were many voices of opposition in the court.

They feel that the world is unified, and Daqian should act royally, promote Confucianism, and not compete with the people for profit.After these years of development, a large number of Confucian scholars have appeared in Daqian, and the number of these people has exceeded that of the Legalists.

When Confucius entered the Huaiguo Academy, Huaiwen Xianggong once said that after the world is unified, Confucianism will flourish.Therefore, after Da Qian unified the world in the past few years, many Confucian scholars began to build momentum, hoping to have Wang Luo abolish Legalism and implement Confucian governance.

When Wang Luo was promoting a unified script, these Confucian scholars also wrote letters one after another to discuss which script should be promoted.It is believed that the Huaiguo script should be promoted with more beautiful glyphs instead of simpler glyphs.

These people believe that only beautiful writing is more suitable for scholar-officials to use.Many people even secretly say that the structure of Huaiguo's writing is simple and vulgar, which is not in line with their identity.

Wang Luo ignored these people and directly issued an order to promote the Huaiguo script.When it came time to implement Tongyu, there were even more objections.

Because the states of Bang and Zhou were enfeoffed by the Zhou Dynasty, the vassal states initially used the Yayan of the Zhou Dynasty. Although the pronunciation has changed slightly over the past few hundred years, it comes from the same origin. Wang Luo naturally promoted the Yayan of Huaiguo when he promoted the same language. .

The Yayan of the Huai Kingdom originated from the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Because it was located in the Central Plains, it was somewhat different from the Yayan of the Zhou people that originated from the Qishan Mountains.Because the vast majority of nobles and scholars from various schools spoke the elegant language of the Zhou Dynasty, these Confucian scholars demanded the implementation of the elegant language of the Zhou Dynasty.

This request was naturally scorned by Wang Luo.I've become an emperor, why should I learn other people's dialects?Then wouldn’t it be true that I was the emperor for nothing?

Wang Luo was too lazy to pay attention to these people, but these Confucian scholars criticized various policies implemented by Da Qian.He believed that the promotion of Chi Dao was too wasteful, and the conquest of Lingnan was also a great achievement.

Confucianism is even building momentum in the academy, saying that they have the idea of ​​​​unification and are better at governing the country.

Jinling Palace, Qianyuan Hall.

Zhou Ke, one of the Confucian leaders of this generation, was writing to Wang Luo.

“Your Majesty, you are the Supreme Being of the World and the Father of All Peoples, shouldn’t you act with the World as your top priority?
The magnificent character Qi and the elegant words of Zhou Shi are popular all over the world. These have been recognized by many scholars and talents, have been widely circulated, and can be used without modification. Isn't this easier to promote? "

Wang Luo knew very well what these people had in mind. What was beautiful and what was easy to promote were all excuses.These words are double standards.

When I asked for books with the same text, I said the character Qi was magnificent, but the character Qi was difficult to write and difficult to promote. The character Huai was simple and easy to promote. Later, when I came to Yan Tongyu, I said that the elegant language of the Zhou Dynasty was easy to promote. Such double standards make Wang Luo really think he is a fool. Woolen cloth.

What do these people want to do?They do this not to facilitate the world, but to facilitate themselves. To be more precise, they want to raise the threshold for the dissemination of knowledge.Most of these people came from aristocratic families. They had money, connections, books, and time to study, which the common people at the bottom did not have.Since the Huai Kingdom established the Academy and the Legalists initiated the conferring of military honors, the people at the bottom began to come forward.

Although the number is not large, the base of people at the bottom is too large, and there are only so many official positions. If one more person from the bottom is given, they will have one less.Naturally these people don't want to.

In addition to these, they also mean that now that the world is unified, the Legalist way of governing the country is not good, and our Confucian way must still be used.

Wang Luo's face was expressionless, and the officials in the main hall were silent. When Zhou Ke stopped, Wang Luo finally spoke: "In the past, the state of Zhou divided the world and promoted the rule of Xia to the barbarians, so that the barbarians would learn the Zhou rites and transform the barbarians into Xia. I rule the world, but I use the word "Qi" and speak Zhou dialect, is this correct?"

"In the past, when the Yin and Shang Dynasties collapsed, could Duke Zhou allow other countries to continue to implement Yin rituals?"

As Wang Luo finished speaking, the entire hall became silent. It was obviously noon in summer, but the chill in the hall was bone-chilling.

Zhou Ke suddenly realized that they seemed to have used the wrong method. They wanted to gain recognition and let Confucianism replace Legalism in governing the country.We cannot challenge the orthodoxy of Daqian.But what they are doing now seems to be challenging the legitimacy of Daqian.

This time, all their efforts to create momentum, all kinds of arguments, and petitions were all in vain.

Zhou Ke did not dare to say anything anymore. Only then did he realize that Wang Luo's ruthlessness had resulted in the destruction of dozens of nobles and nobles. Later, the nobles of the six countries were directly moved thousands of miles away.All these are lessons learned in blood.

Wang Luo's face was cold, and his heart was filled with anger. Now he understood what Li Si meant when he said that Confucianism was confusing the law with literature.

"The world is so big, and there are thousands of subjects in the world. If there is no unified writing and the officials speak the same language, how can the government implement the decree? How can the country be governed if there are endless discussions every day?"

"The imperial edict established the official school, and ordered Sun Qian, Li Si, Han Fei, and Wang Yun to focus on Huaifa, sift out the opinions of hundreds of schools, and compile them into the official school."

"Based on official studies, students from all over the world are ordered to study. Only those who have achieved success in their studies can be recommended as officials. Those who do not study official studies cannot become officials."

"It is forbidden to give lectures from any other school of thought. All books that are not in the official school will be turned in. Anyone who violates the rules will be killed and the whole family will be exiled to Lingnan!"

Following Wang Luo's edict, Zhou Ke was stunned. This was to eliminate all opponents.If only the official school can serve as an official, will anyone learn from other schools in the future?

What do the common people, nobles and even the scholars in the academy do to learn these things?Ninety percent of people want to be officials. After becoming officials, they can live a better life. Only when they have rights can their families grow, so that the family's children have time and money to study and continue to be officials. But the emperor One hit hits the nail on the head.

As long as this continues, it will only take a hundred years for schools other than official schools to decline or even die.

(End of this chapter)

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