Chapter 317 God Capital Luoyang
When the Daqian Dynasty was first established, various things were complicated and full of contradictions.Unless Wang Luo can make up his mind and massacre all the nobles, ministers, scholars and officials of the six countries.

Wang Luo only singled out the influential ones, as well as some who were prestigious and capable, and killed them, while the rest were exiled to various places.

Relying on his own prestige, Wang Luo suppressed it forcefully while combing through the mess with a sharp knife.With Wang Luo, the founder of the country, suppressing them, those people did not dare to resist at all.

Coupled with the assistance of royal family members, Daqian's various policies are moving forward.

The edict issued by Wang Luo that day spread quickly throughout the world, and countless people were shocked by it. Officials and troops from all over the country were dispatched to arrest those who made arrogant comments on government affairs, and at the same time, they searched for books in the six countries that were not listed as official schools.

Zhou Ke looked lost. At the same time, a large number of books and bamboo slips were found and transported to Jinling.Wang Luo began to send people to screen these books. Those that meet the requirements will be kept, while those that do not meet the requirements will be sent to the Daqian Shou Collection Room for preservation. Basically, they will never appear again.

A large number of scholars or noble officials who made irresponsible remarks about the government were arrested. Wang Luo sent secret guards to investigate. Once these people were found to have violated the law, they would be dealt with severely immediately.Even the officials sent by Wang Luo not only dealt with cases after the founding of Daqian, but also retrospectively tried cases committed during the Six Kingdoms era.

Wang Luo knew very well how many of these noble ministers would be honest and refrain from committing crimes.Given the urinary nature of nobles, killing people and violating the law are commonplace.

Even many nobles didn't bother to cover up after breaking the law. They no longer regarded the lower class people as human beings. It didn't take long to find out the illegal things these people had done, and they were either beheaded or exiled. It all depends on them. Mood.

His Majesty the Supreme Daqian will not violate the laws of Daqian.

If there is no law, then create a law so that these people die clearly.

A large number of officials, nobles and scholars were arrested, and those who committed serious crimes were killed, while those who committed minor crimes were exiled to Lingnan to fill the population of Lingnan.When the crimes of these people were announced, people everywhere applauded loudly.

The people at the bottom vote with their feet. They know very well who treats them well and who bullies them.

For a time, the world was in turmoil, and no one dared to speak out and discuss the government's affairs. Even the original hidden obstacles were eliminated, and the government's decrees were implemented more smoothly.

A large number of private collections of books were collected and transported back to Jinling. At the same time, Wang Luo ordered the establishment of official schools in Jinling, Jinyang, Xianyang, Huai'an, and Luoyang.

Encourage people from all over the country to study official schools, and exempt those with outstanding performance from tuition fees.Every year, the Five Capital Official Schools can recommend a few outstanding people to Wang Luo, and after passing the test, they can be awarded official titles.Similarly, county governors in various places also have the responsibility to recommend talents to the country.

After the inspection censors from various places discover good talents, they can also recommend them to study in official schools.Wang Luo still gave preferential treatment to the scholars who were willing to obey.

Wang Luo used violent means to forcefully push the Xia to move from ideological division to unity.After Confucian's operations, he has understood that if they are not given benefits and are not forcibly suppressed, even in a hundred years, these people will not be willing to unify.

Wang Luo never got used to them.

After Wang Luo forcibly unified his thoughts, he began to promote official learning. The official learning was mainly based on Huaifa, and then absorbed and integrated parts of Mohism, Taoism, Confucianism and other schools.

Strong support is given to farmers, doctors, public servants and other schools of thought that do not involve ideology or politics.Under Wang Luo's promotion, official learning gradually replaced other schools of thought, and because people who studied other schools of thought were unable to serve in official positions, the number of people studying non-official schools gradually decreased.At the same time, there are also some people who are unwilling to study official schools and other schools of thought at the same time.

Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, blood has become less and less valuable. By the time of the founding of the Great Qian Dynasty, this kind of thinking was almost extinct.The promotion of the official school system and the conferment of military honors opened a path for the lower class people, although this path was tortuous and difficult.

As time goes by, more and more low-level people begin to stand out through these.

After unifying his thoughts, Wang Luo began to implement drastic reforms, and the salt and iron wine franchise system began to be implemented across the country.Through monopoly and specialization, the Daqian court collected a large amount of wealth.

This also provided funds for Wang Luo to promote Chidao, build Luoyang, and build the Great Wall.

The construction of Luoyang was the smallest of these projects and the first to be completed.

In the 11th year of Emperor Qianyuan's reign, the construction of the sacred capital of Luoyang was completed.

The newly built city wall of Luoyang City is 130 kilometers long, and three palaces, Shangyang Palace, Qianyuan Palace and Longshou Palace, were built in the city.The city is divided into 40 blocks, including east and west cities, academic palaces, etc. Outside the palace city is where dignitaries live.The entire city of Luoyang can accommodate [-] people.

The entire Luoyang is distributed along the central axis, with Miyagi City to the north and Zhuque Street on the central axis, which is 50 meters wide.There are three gates on each city wall.Except for the four gates that lead directly to the palace gate, the other eight gates each correspond to a street.

These criss-crossing streets divide Luoyang City into squares. The areas in these squares are either where people live, markets or workshops.The entire city of Luoyang is large in scale and well-proportioned.

Shanglin Garden was also built outside Luoyang City. The master craftsmen of Gongshu family specially introduced Luoshui into it and dug lakes. It was used as a royal hunting ground. At the same time, there was a military camp in Shanglin Garden, where five thousand elites were stationed.

[Your descendants built the divine capital of Luoyang. This majestic city is like a shining pearl, standing on the land of China and shining on this land for thousands of years. You have gained a lot of luck points. You Obtain the god-level item·Destiny Hourglass. 】

[Destiny Hourglass: Divine level, after use, you can extend the destiny for 200 years without any penalty, or deprive a dynasty of the destiny.Note: depriving a dynasty of its destiny requires a lot of luck. 】

After completing the construction, in the 12th year of Daqian Tianyou, Wang Luo announced that the capital would be moved to Luoyang.Following Wang Luo's order, more than 10 people began to move from Jinling to Luoyi.

And this relocation will last for a long time, and eventually the number of people relocated from Jinling will exceed 20.

Of course, after the relocation of so many people in Jinling, a lot of space will be freed up, and these places will be filled with people from other places.Eventually Jinling will maintain a population of 20 to 25.

A large number of people entered Luoyang, and coupled with the local population of Luoyang, the population of Luoyang City soon exceeded 30. At the same time, Wang Luo mobilized powerful people from all over the world to migrate to Luoyang, allowing the population of Luoyang to continue to rise.Soon Luoyang became the most prosperous place in Zhuxia.

(End of this chapter)

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