A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 318 Moving the capital to Luoyang Great Wall

Chapter 318 Moving the capital to Luoyang Great Wall
Wang Luo came to Luoyang, the capital of his loyalty.

Moving the capital to Luoyang improved Daqian's control over the north.After Daqian defeated the Huns, the Huns have not dared to go south in recent years, and the northern border has also stabilized.

And in the year when Wang Luo moved his capital to the sacred capital Luoyang, Wang Cheng, who was on an expedition to Lingnan, also sent envoys to congratulate him, and by the way, he sent more than a dozen kings of Baiyue Luoyue Fang Kingdom to the sacred capital Luoyang to celebrate.

Wang Cheng marched south for several years, and finally defeated the last Baiyue Kingdom not long ago and captured its king.Then he collected a batch of rare specialties from the Baiyue Land and sent them as tributes to the Lords of Baiyue.

The land of Baiyue is rich in ivory, rhinoceros horns and spices. These are all good things.There were even tame elephants. When Wang Cheng attacked the Baiyue Fang Kingdom, he encountered these elephant armies tamed by the barbarians.

The elephants are each two meters tall, like a hill, and their charge is unstoppable.The first time Wang Cheng met him, he suffered a big loss. The servant army was defeated by the elephant army.Even the Tengjia Army under his command changed their expressions and had no choice but to gather up the defeated troops and retreat.

Fortunately, he knew that animals are afraid of fire. When he met the elephant army again in the second battle, he attacked the elephant army with rockets. The elephant army panicked and turned around to run away. As a result, he directly overwhelmed the hundreds of troops behind him.

A large number of barbarian soldiers were trampled to death and injured by elephants. The barbarian army did not have any decent organization, let alone an army of tens of thousands composed of more than a dozen tribes. In this case, it was easily overwhelmed, and Wang Cheng saw Opportunity immediately led an army to attack. As a result, he defeated Baiyue Fang Kingdom in one battle and captured its king.

Except for a few dead elephants, the rest of the elephant army fell into Wang Cheng's hands.

Wang Cheng is very interested in these elephants. After all, these elephants are huge. If they are equipped with armor, they will be invincible on the battlefield. Even the Vine Armor Army cannot hold it in battle. If you step on it, no matter how many times you wear it, The layer of iron armor was directly crushed into pulp.

But after getting to know Xiang Jun carefully, Wang Cheng gave up this idea. In fact, Xiang Jun was just a faggot.

Elephants are afraid of flames and loud noises. At the same time, because they are very smart, they are unwilling to attack military formations. Although they have become resistant to loud noises after training, their fear of flames cannot be changed.

The most important thing is that elephants are so good at eating. They can eat five hundred kilograms of food a day. Dozens of them need to be raised, and the army's food and grass cannot support them at all.With so many shortcomings, Wang Cheng could only give up the idea of ​​forming an elephant army.

However, these elephants are very good as honor guards. They are tall and powerful, and unsuspecting people will definitely be frightened when they see them for the first time.So Wang Cheng collected eighteen war elephants from South Vietnam and sent them to Luoyang together with their trainers and elephant handlers.

There are usually three people on a war elephant. One person controls the elephant, one person holds a bow and arrow, and another person holds a spear. It looks very intimidating.

Wang Cheng informed Wang Luo of the situation of the war elephant in advance.Wang Luo immediately decided to incorporate these war elephants into the honor guard.

After the capital was moved to Luoyang, when the first court meeting was held, eighteen war elephants appeared together. The envoys from all directions who came to congratulate the barbarians trembled in horror. Even the ministers in the court were horrified.

The scene of eighteen war elephants advancing in a row is like a city wall advancing, and their running is like a landslide.The barbarian countries that came to celebrate also became more and more respectful to Daqian.

Wang Luo also likes these war elephants very much. As an honor guard, he has no other shortcomings except eating more.

After conquering Lingnan, Wang Luo established Guilin County and Xiang County in Lingnan, and then granted Panyu to Wang Cheng, who made Wang Cheng the King of Nanyue and guarded Lingnan.

Although Lingnan was opened and Daqian could reach Lingnan directly by water, it was too difficult to control Lingnan.So Wang Luocai used the method used by Zhou Dynasty to divide the world and made Wang Cheng the king.This was also the first king to be enfeoffed in the Daqian Dynasty.

For the areas outside the Zhuxia land that he could not directly control for the time being, he planned to divide the royal family and let them guard it as a barrier.

The great dynasty meeting in Luoyang, the sacred capital, ended in a bustle.

After the meeting, Wang Luo left Li Mu behind.

"Your Majesty, stay safe." "Sit down!" Wang Luo waved his hand.

After Li Mu sat down, Wang Luo asked: "Li Qing, how long will it take for the construction of the Great Wall to be completed?"

"Your Majesty, it is difficult to build the Great Wall. The amount of work is huge and it will take at least ten years." Li Mu said.

Wang Luo frowned slightly: "Ten years is too long."

"Your Majesty, it's not that the craftsmen are not working hard, it's that the Great Wall is mostly located in mountains, making transportation difficult. If we speed up the process, I'm afraid there will be countless casualties among the people." Li Mu advised.

Wang Luo nodded, knowing in his heart that such a large-scale project cannot be rushed, and immediately asked: "Build the Great Wall according to the plan. How about the logistics supply?"

"Logistics supply is pretty normal." Li Mu hesitated slightly.

Wang Luo said: "As long as there is no problem, the construction of the Great Wall is the top priority. If there are any problems, report them immediately."


After Li Mu left, Wang Luo shouted: "Here comes someone."

A person immediately walked out from the corner of the hall.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Ask the secret guards to find some common people who have served the Great Wall to inquire." Wang Luo said.


After the secret guard left, Wang Luo frowned and thought.In a country like Daqian with a population of more than 2000 million, there are too many things going on.Many times, it does not mean that he can solve the problem with just one edict.

After all, he is only one person, and all the edicts need to be executed by others. When it comes time to execute them, the difference will be huge.

Just like collecting taxes, they basically rely on thousands of low-level officials in various places. As long as these people raise the standards a little, they can get a lot of benefits.

After all, the weighing tools of this era were not very accurate.

Just like Wang Luo ordered the collection of books and bamboo slips, if those officials were lazy or did not implement it seriously, many books would be saved by the people.After all, there are so many people, and it is impossible for the court to keep an eye on them every day.

The imperial court said it would collect books, but it couldn't set a certain number. There were too many operations involved.Although the books collected in the end were piled up in piles, many of them were damaged or lost.

Everyone has selfish motives, and the same is true for grassroots officials.In this era, books are very precious things. A volume of books can be used as a family heirloom. Naturally, someone would want to hide such a precious thing.He wanted all officials to be impartial and selfless. Except for his ancestor Zijue, he really couldn't think of anyone who could do it.

This kind of problem does not exist in ancient times. Even in modern society, the problem of grassroots officials has not been completely solved.

(End of this chapter)

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