Chapter 364 Chang'an
When the ministers in the main hall heard what the emperor said, the ministers who originally wanted to stand in line to object suddenly stopped.Who dares to answer this?Do you want to tell the emperor that you have committed a crime, so you dare not let the embroidered clothes inspector inspect it?

The words he had prepared could no longer be uttered. Even if the officials in the court were dissatisfied, they did not dare to speak out against it.

After no one objected, the Embroidery Department was approved and officially established.

However, the Embroidered Clothes Envoy is not something that can be done after being established. There is a lot involved.Wang Ce decided to personally inspect various places.

When he heard that Wang Ce wanted to go on inspection in person, Wang Jing said with some worry: "Brother, you are not in good health. I don't want you to work hard anymore to inspect the world. Besides, some local forces are intertwined. Once they play something The conspiracy caused my brother to be injured, how can I explain this to my father?"

Wang Jing was relatively clear about the affairs of the prefectures and counties in the world. The world was peaceful, Emperor Wen was benevolent, and his punishments and prisons were lenient. This certainly made the world prosperous, but also caused many officials to be corrupt.

Under the emperor's feet, Luoyang, Nanyang, Daliang, Jinling and other places are okay, but in other places, not only the nobles, but also the county guards and county magistrates have their hands.

When Wang Ke was on the throne, these people were very restrained, but after Wang Jing came to the throne, many people became suspicious of the young master.

At this time, the Embroidered Clothes Envoy is patrolling the world. If Wang Ce is allowed to come with him, who knows whether someone who is greedy for profit will take risks.

Wang Ce smiled and said: "Your Majesty, with the protection of the Yulin Guards, who dares to act rashly?"

"Besides, with the help of secret guards, those people can't afford to make trouble."

Wang Ce was touring the world this time, and he was accompanied by many soldiers and officials. The Yulin Guards alone had a thousand people.There were dozens of officials accompanying him.

Thousands of Yulin Guards are skilled in horsemanship and martial arts. They can ride and shoot when mounted, and rush into battle when dismounted. They also have excellent armor for protection, as well as bows and crossbows. Each person has three horses. With such equipment, even a ten-thousand-man army can form a formation. , they can go too.

A group of people passed on the Chi Road. After the Chi Road was built, it was repaired every year. The carriage moved smoothly and the speed was not slow.The mountains and giant trees on both sides of the road continue to recede.

"Your Majesty, we have entered the Weihan Passage. After passing here, we will enter Guanzhong."

Wang Ce's first stop was Guanzhong.Take the Weihan Channel to enter Guanzhong, then enter Bashu, then go down the river to Jiangzhou, the hometown of Chu, then enter Jinling, and go north to Qi.

Wang Ce said: "After arriving in Chang'an, you should not enter the city first. Send people to various places to find out information. Guhui will lead people to Chang'an first, and then ask some officials of Chang'an."

All the embroiderers responded one after another.

The convoy traveled westward and soon entered Guanzhong and arrived at Chang'an.Eight rivers surround Chang'an, eight hundred miles of Qinchuan River, and thousands of miles of fertile fields.

After decades of continuous migration of common people and nobles from the Six Kingdoms during the Great Qian Dynasty, the number of old Qin people in the original Qin Kingdom's homeland has been greatly reduced. On the contrary, the number of Huai people has continued to increase.

As the capital of Daganxi, Chang'an City occupies the fertile land in Guanzhong, is densely populated, and has an endless flow of businessmen and merchants, almost without stopping.

In fact, from the perspective of geographical location, surrounding environment, and mountain topography, Guanzhong Chang'an is more suitable as the capital than Luoyang.

But when Wang Luo unified the world, in order to better control the world, he did not move the capital to Chang'an, but settled in Luoyang.

Because Chang'an City is rich in products and has caravans leading to the Western Regions, there are many merchants coming here.There are only a few most prosperous cities in the world, and most of the businessmen come from these cities.Just by controlling these cities, a large amount of business taxes can be collected every year.Chang'an City is the Xianyang City of the past. When Shang Yang built Xianyang City, it was built with huge stones and rammed earth. The city was high and the pond was deep. There were eight rivers, including Jing and Wei, intersecting outside the city. It could be said that it was extremely difficult to conquer.

The battle to destroy Qin was not fought in Xianyang. After all, hundreds of thousands of troops besieged the city and Xianyang had become an isolated island, and they had no choice but to surrender in the end.

Chang'an has the foundation of an emperor, so there are no princes, not even princes, here. The people responsible for guarding the place are Yu Linwei.

The governor of Guanzhong County came to see Wang Ce with officials from Guanzhong County and Chang'an City.

"I'm here to pay my respects to King Su. King Su is safe and sound!"

Wang Ce sat in the wheelchair and did not speak. The surrounding Yulin Guards dismounted. One of them held the tiger talisman and walked directly over the crowd to the Chang'an City Yulin Guards. He said loudly: "By the order of His Majesty the Emperor Daqian, solemnly Wang Ce is patrolling the world, and all the Yulin Guards in Chang'an City are obeying his orders!"


When the Yulin Guards guarding Chang'an City saw the tiger talisman, they immediately bowed and saluted, and then stepped forward to pay homage to Wang Ce.

The governor of Guanzhong County and the Chang'an Order looked panicked when they saw this situation.Habayashi Wei, who was originally regarded as a support, directly became under the control of King Su.

Now as long as King Su is willing, the entire Chang'an City is under his control.

Seeing that the Yulin Guards were all under control, Wang Ce stepped forward and said, "Ministers, please don't be surprised. I alone shoulder the emperor's orders to patrol the world and promote the embroidery. There is no room for mistakes. Please forgive me."

After hearing Wang Ce's words, these ministers calmed down a little. They thought Wang Ce was going to take action just now.Some people even thought further, thinking that Wang Ce wanted to seize Chang'an to compete with Wang Jing for the throne.

Everyone hurriedly said: "Prince Su has a great responsibility, and his subordinates know it, how can they dare to blame him?"

Wang Ce glanced at the many officials. Each of these officials stood with hands hanging down, with false smiles on their faces. They looked very obedient. However, he had visited the world before and knew the virtues of state and county officials very clearly.

Only when he was walking around did he realize that the county magistrate was called Bailihou.Haha, Bailihou, none of the prefectures and princes in the court now have Baili.One can imagine the power of these county magistrates in the local area.

If the county magistrate is like this, then how can the county governor be simple?
It has been more than 40 years since the founding of Daqian, and the world has been at peace for more than [-] years.Many officials have long since fallen.

Wang Ce knew very well that among the officials who were as well-behaved as little white rabbits in front of him, he could find a few of them who were bending the law for personal gain, taking corruption and taking bribes with his eyes closed.

The secret guards discovered a lot of plundering, buying and selling by force, and even directly seizing people's fields after investigation.

The court has established systems and supervision, but it still cannot prevent official corruption.In the previous history, in order to curb corruption, Zhu Hongwu used tortures such as skinning and stuffing grass to punish officials, but corrupt officials in the world were still killed endlessly.

Even after its collapse, the corruption of Ming Dynasty officials immediately declined at an alarming speed.

No matter how good or perfect the system is, it still needs people to implement it. If it is entrusted to non-human beings, even if it is originally a law that benefits the people, it will become a law that harms the people and become a tool for officials to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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