Chapter 365
As Xijing, Chang'an also has a palace. The palace in Chang'an was rebuilt from the Xianyang Palace of the Qin Dynasty.However, this Xianyang Palace was in dilapidated condition due to years of disrepair. Only the main hall was still intact, so Wang Ce would not live in it.

Rejecting the residence arranged by the Chang'an Order, Wang Ce and his group moved directly into the inn.

And because of his attitude, the atmosphere in the entire Chang'an City became depressed. The originally noisy and lively streets gradually became deserted for some reason, and it seemed that the entire city was shrouded in dark clouds.

The door creaked, and the wooden door of the posthouse was pushed open. An attendant walked in and said respectfully: "Sir, the captain of the secret guard of Chang'an City has arrived."

In Daqian, everyone else addressed Wang Ce as a prince or an official. Only people from close clans, who had just left the fifth service, and who had a close relationship with the family within several generations could call him this way.

These people are not slaves, but have a relationship between king and minister.Every generation of Wang's children is born, and corresponding attendants are arranged.

The attendant pushed Wang Ce away from here and came to the main hall. Wang Ce saw Wang Zao, the head of the secret guard in Chang'an, at a glance.

"Uncle, have you collected the evidence of those people's crimes?"

The important positions of the secret guards controlled by the Daqian royal family are all controlled by family members. Important places such as Chang'an and Jinling must be controlled by family members within three generations.

There is more or less some news about the secret guards in Daqian Chaotang, but everyone keeps it secret.Because of the existence of secret guards, the royal family has a high degree of control over these important cities.
There is no way to hide what those powerful officials want to do.

This time, Wang Ce just wanted to clean up the moths, and at the same time let the embroidered clothes take root in various places.

"Cer, you are not in good health and are too tired from traveling long distances. Let your other brothers patrol." Wang Zao looked at Wang Ce who was sitting in the wheelchair with some distress.

"Uncle, my nephew is in good health. He knows the severity. My brothers are still young. Let's wait a few more years." Wang Ce said with a smile.

Seeing that Wang Ce insisted on doing this, Wang Zao could only agree and hand over the information to Wang Ce.Wang Ce opened it and checked it, and after a quick scan, his expression suddenly changed. These nobles had fallen too fast.

During Wang Ke's 26 years in power, most of the land growth of these people was through land reclamation or purchase, and very few of them took advantage of it.

But when Wang Jing came to the throne, in just three years, the land in this area increased several times.

The way these people robbed the land was very simple. The court said that reclaiming wasteland would be tax-free for three years, and then half of the tax would be paid for the next three years. The full tax would not be collected until the seventh year.

But when reclaiming wasteland, most of them need to borrow grain or tools from the government.Generally speaking, repayment is only collected after the people harvest their crops, but these people will ask the people to repay the money when there is no harvest.

At this time, the people had no money or grain to repay their debts, so they had to pay with their fields. In addition to these, they would even deliberately delay the people when they came to repay the loans, so that the people could not repay the loans, resulting in a surge in interest, and in the end they were unable to repay the loans. , forcing people to sell their land to them to pay off their debts.

If the people do not borrow money and open up wasteland on their own, these people will upgrade the people's cultivated land into farmland.

The imperial court divided fields into superior and inferior fields based on the yield per mu, the fertility of the land, and whether it was irrigated land.

Because the yield in the field is higher, the tax collected is higher.As for the judging criteria for entering and leaving the fields, it is completely under the control of the government.Therefore, some people changed the lower field and middle field to upper field to force the people to pay more taxes.

Do you think this is all?They even deliberately refused to register the land for those people to reclaim, and then waited until a few years after the land was reclaimed before inspecting the land.Because the law stipulates that newly opened land needs to be registered, but registering land requires paying some handling fees. Although the handling fees are not high, many people just don't want to spend the money and don't go through it.

However, if the land property procedures are not completed, the government will naturally not know when the land will be cleared. Therefore, the local government will treat it as tax evasion and charge a one-time tax of three years as a punishment based on the normal land revenue. How many people can afford it?

Even these operations are legal and legal.

Through these operations, those nobles, powerful people and local officials colluded to easily force the people into bankruptcy.Finally the property had to be sold.

There are even people who deliberately set up gambling games to trick people into participating, and then bankrupt those people a few times, using various methods.

These people use various methods to enrich themselves by plundering people's property.

Seeing this, Wang Ce just felt an evil fire rushing straight to his forehead. He came here not to look at those flowers and flattery, but to do something and give these people a long memory.

Wang Ce put away the evidence with an ugly expression and said in a deep voice: "Summon officials from Guanzhong County to the mansion immediately."

Immediately, the attendants left the post house to convey the order. It had been a few days since they arrived in Chang'an. After figuring out the situation here, Wang Ce began to prepare to take action.

After receiving the order, the officials of Chang'an City rushed to the post house non-stop. After everyone was gathered, Wang Ce came out and gave the order directly.

"Catch all these worms in the imperial court!"

The Yulin guards who had been prepared outside the posthouse immediately stepped forward and arrested Chang'an Ling, the governor of Guanzhong County and many of his subordinate officials.

The sudden change caught these officials off guard. The Chang'an Order never expected that Wang Ce would dare to arrest all the officials of a county. He was so panicked that he couldn't care about anything else. He shouted loudly: "King Su, what do you mean? Arrest a county." All officials, do you want to rebel?"

"Rebellion? What a big hat. I arrested you because you were corrupt and perverted the law!"

"King Su, all my ministers are members of the Legalist family. How could they be corrupt and pervert the law?"

When Wang Ce heard that Chang'an Ling said that he was a Legalist, he was furious and said: "You traitor, what kind of Legalist are you? Legalist students learn Legalist ways to maintain national order, not to get involved. Use loopholes in the law to satisfy your own selfish desires!"

"How dare a scum like you call yourself a disciple of Legalism? If the sages of the Legalist dynasty knew that there were scum like you, they would definitely clean up the family themselves!"

"As your commander, you colluded with the local powerful and nobles, deliberately distorted the laws, preyed on the people, and made money wantonly. The people suffered greatly. The people reported it to the government, but you took the opportunity to punish the people. You act so wantonly and recklessly. You don't need the evidence of a solitary general." Fall on your face!"

Chang'an Ling's expression suddenly changed. On the surface, the things he did were done in accordance with the law. Even the patrolling censor couldn't fault it. Wang Ce had only been here for a few days, so why did he know everything about it?

Before he could continue his defense, Wang Ce imprisoned them all and prepared to send them to Luoyang for trial!

(End of this chapter)

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