A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 373 The origin of 'XX has been since ancient times'

Chapter 373 The origin of 'XX has been since ancient times'
Armored cavalry, light armored cavalry and rangers are used in different situations.

Armored cavalry is the most expensive, and with Daqian's current national strength, he cannot equip many of them. The cavalry units Daqian plans to form are light armored cavalry and rangers.

It's not that Wang Jing looked down on the Xiongnu, but it was a complete waste to use armored cavalry to deal with the Xiongnu.Most of the Huns were light cavalry, with very low armor coverage.

Light cavalry and rangers are enough to deal with them.

In comparison, what is more worrying about the equipment of the cavalry is actually the quality of the soldiers.Although Daqian's cavalry has been well trained, their riding skills are still lagging behind those of the Huns who grew up on horses.

Only a few talented and hard-working soldiers could have horsemanship skills that could match or surpass those of the Huns.

In order to reverse this situation, Wang Jing finally took out the three-piece cavalry suit after the number of horses in the military horse farm was sufficient.

After Wang Jing inspected several military horse farms in the North, he wrote to Wang Jing that all the military horse farms in Daqian could provide 50 horses.

The craftsman is the supervisor, Beiyuan Proving Ground.

Dozens of war horses are running in the field, and beside them are a large number of people recording data.These guys are testing the effectiveness of the cavalry three-piece suit.

The cavalry three-piece set includes a saddle, horseshoes and stirrups.

In fact, saddles already existed in this era. When King Wuling of Zhao was riding and shooting in Hufu, saddles had already appeared, but the saddle at that time was just a curved cushion on the horse's back.

The saddle here is a completely different high-bridge saddle. The high-bridge saddle combines human body mechanics to help the rider sit on the saddle better and with less effort.Because the front and rear are very high, the body can be stuck and prevented from being thrown off when the horse is running.

The stirrups on both sides of the saddle can help the knight better control the horse and free the knight's hands, while the horseshoes serve to protect the horseshoes.

Especially horseshoes. Due to environmental problems, the number of war horses in Daqian is less than that in the grassland. The appearance of horseshoes reduces the wear of the horseshoes of war horses.

The horse's hoof is the horse's nail, which is a layer of cutin. With this layer of cutin protection, the horse can run. Riding for a long time, or riding on gravel roads, will cause serious wear and tear on the hoof, making the horse unable to run. The horse is useless.

Basically, after a battle, thousands of war horses were killed or injured due to various reasons.With horseshoes, war horses basically don’t have to worry about hoof wear.

On the school grounds, dozens of war horses were galloping, and the warriors on the horses controlled the horses to make various movements.Many knights even began to brandish weapons with both hands or engage in mounted shooting.

Dozens of knights held halberds and rode horses to charge back and forth on the school grounds. They even fought in pairs. Even many soldiers in the Habayashi Guards couldn't do those moves, but they could do them easily with the help of stirrups and saddles. arrive.

The war horses galloped, and several knights drew their bows with backhands. There was a loud bang, the bow string vibrated continuously, and the straw man not far away was instantly turned into a hedgehog.


The soldiers beside the school field cheered.

Immediately afterwards, several more warriors swung their swords across quickly, and their horses jumped over. These straw men who were the targets were cut off in an instant.The whole process was smooth and neat. Although they were mentally prepared, everyone was still shocked.

On the other side, several Habayashi guards were controlling the war horses to run on the gravel road. The war horses were crisscrossing back and forth. If they were galloping on this kind of road before, the war horses would have fallen down long ago. But now the war horses are galloping back and forth without any problems.

After a while, the test came to an end, and the excited knights dismounted one after another. "Everyone, how does it feel to ride?" the craftsman supervisor next to him asked.

"It's an artifact! It's an artifact!" the knight said excitedly: "In the past, my riding skills were only pretty good. I couldn't make many movements on horseback, let alone use weapons with both hands."

"Now I can control the horse with only two legs and complete mounted shooting on horseback!"

Several knights next to me also said: "Yes, I am the same. Originally, my riding skills were just barely, but now I can control the horse with my legs."

"It was made by a great craftsman. The horseshoes are not damaged at all, the horseshoes are almost not worn, and the nails are not wobbly." The craftsman next to him inspected the horse running on the rocks, and then said excitedly.

After receiving feedback from everyone, the craftsman and supervisor were also very excited. After dozens of improvements and adjustments, this Cavalry Sambo was finally a success.

In fact, there are basically no secrets to the three treasures of cavalry. As long as you read them once, you will know their principles, and you can get the same equipment by experimenting again.Precisely because there are no technical barriers, even though the ancestors of the Wang family knew that it could greatly improve the combat effectiveness of cavalry, they still did not use it.

Before occupying an excellent horse farm and possessing a large number of war horses, taking out the three treasures of cavalry is to aid the enemy.

"Hahaha, thank you for your hard work. I will report the news to His Majesty as soon as possible!"


After Wang Jing received the report, even though he had confidence in his ancestors, he was very shocked after the test of the three-piece cavalry suit was completed.

Immediately issued an edict to the craftsman supervisor, asking him to build at least 30 three-piece cavalry sets within five years.At the same time, he ordered the racecourse to prepare enough war horses. After the three-piece cavalry suit was completed, he began to equip them. He ordered the formation of the Longxiang Army and the Hussars Army.

He also ordered everyone not to leak the information, and anyone who dared to leak it would be punished with treason.

There are now more than 600 million people in Daqian, and it is extremely amazing to use their full strength.It was precisely because of this that Wang Jing had the confidence to order the formation of 20 cavalry. Among them, the Longxiang Army was light armored cavalry and the Hussars were rangers.As for the armored cavalry, they have not been formed yet.

Although it was only a matter of time before the three treasures of the cavalry were leaked, Wang Jing was not demanding, as long as he kept it secret before the war with the Huns. After the battle, the Huns would also discover this secret, but they did not have time to make it.

What's more, with the productivity of the Huns, they would not be able to popularize the three treasures of cavalry within ten years.By that time, it was already too late, Daqian would not give him any time at all.

Although the Huns formed a huge empire, their technological strength was still inferior to that of Daqian. More importantly, iron ore was scarce on the grasslands, and the Huns were not able to forge weapons and armor.

At the same time, the emergence of horseshoes also made it possible to ride with armor. Without horseshoes, the weight of the armor would cause the horseshoes to wear out very quickly.

The emergence of cavalry changed warfare. When it first appeared, the chariot slipped from its dominance and finally became an auxiliary unit.When the three treasures of cavalry were born, the cavalry directly became the king of the cold weapon era.

It is precisely because of the emergence of cavalry that the expansion of China, a farming nation, has been so amazing that today we can always hear the sentence: 'Since ancient times, XX has been a sacred and indivisible part of China.'

Only cavalry with the three treasures of cavalry can be regarded as real cavalry. From then on, until gunpowder weapons matured, cavalry has always been the master of the battlefield.Since its appearance, it has dominated the Cold Weapon Age until the end of the Cold Weapon Age.

At the same time, the emergence of the three treasures of cavalry also allowed farming civilization to not be restricted by riding skills and was able to form cavalry teams on a large scale. ——"The Relationship between the Development of Ancient Warfare and Agricultural Nations·Cavalry"

(End of this chapter)

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