Chapter 374
The excavation of the Luohuai Canal made Daqian's economy more active, and a large number of shops appeared on both sides of the canal.Cities along the canal also developed rapidly.

In the tenth year of Tianming and the tenth year of Wang Jing's accession to the throne, Daqian became more and more prosperous. The excavation of Luohuai Canal greatly increased Daqian's tax revenue.

Among them, commercial tax revenue directly increased five times, and canal tariffs also became an important fiscal revenue for the imperial court.

Wang Jing took his servants and several ministers to visit Luoyang City.This is also the incognito tour that all the emperors of the Wang family liked to do.

As early as when Zijue established the Huai Kingdom, all the kings of the Huai Kingdom liked to go on private tours. Some of the kings even met great talents during their tours, which made many kings envious.

Even though many ministers objected to the emperor going out privately and paying private visits incognito on the grounds of safety, successive monarchs and emperors never took these advice seriously.

Some monarchs would even ask, "Do you want to prevent me from understanding the sufferings of the people?" '

In one word, the minister almost committed suicide to apologize.

Zijue never thought that the emperor or the king could govern the world by sitting in the palace.History has proven that few of those emperors who were raised in deep palaces and were better than women's hands became successful.

These emperors did not understand the sufferings of the people, the hardships of the common people, and the hard work of farming. They only said why not minced meat, and even thought that eggs were a luxury item worth 30 taels each.

These emperors thought it was too much to increase taxes on the people by one penny, but they didn't know that if they increased taxes by one penny, the officials below would dare to increase taxes by ten cents and a hundred cents.

Several emperors in Daqian liked to travel incognito, and would even take their princes with them.

Wang Jing took his servants and close ministers on a trip. Although it looked like an ordinary rich family going on a trip, there were at least a dozen guards secretly accompanying him around him, and even more people were escorting further away.

As for assassinating the king, unless the assassin has the courage to overlord, he will have a chance.

The market was very busy with people coming and going. Wang Jing took everyone to wander on the street with great interest, and even bought some good-looking food.

Outside Luoyang City, there are many tourists, and there are many places to visit near the city, such as the ten-mile peach grove on the bank of Luoshui River.

This ten-mile peach grove was planted by people during the reign of Emperor Wu Cheng, and now it has become one of the eight scenic spots in Luoyang.Every year when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, a large number of scholars and students from the Imperial Academy come to visit.

Wang Jing led people to the vicinity of the canal dock outside the city. To Wang Jing's surprise, the place was actually more prosperous.There are many ships on the canal, and merchants are constantly coming and going.Various restaurants and shops are lined up on both sides of the canal.

Wang Jing stood on the tallest restaurant by the canal, looking at the prosperous scene in front of him and sighed: "Such a grand scene can be said to be the prosperous age of the Qian Dynasty. Where is the painter?"

The palace painter hurriedly walked out of the queue, bowed and said, "I am here!"

Wang Jing said with a smile: "Take the pen and ink and draw a complete picture of this prosperous age for me, and name it "The Picture of the Prosperous Age of Daqian"!"

The painter accepted the order happily and was even more excited. His Majesty ordered him to paint such a picture of a prosperous age, so this picture will definitely be famous in history, and as the author of the picture, he will definitely be written into the history books.

No matter how many people ask for something like this that will be passed down through the ages, he has decided to spend his whole life painting the picture of this prosperous age in front of him.

The ministers nearby also praised it one after another, and the painter also unfolded the scroll and started painting here.The painter used his brush like a god, sketching quickly, and soon the scene of the canal in front of the window was outlined. He had made up his mind to paint an unprecedented painting, using his brush to describe the prosperous age of the Qian Dynasty and the splendor of Luoyang, the sacred capital. .

Wang Jing toured Luoyang and was very happy. The city of Luoyang at this time was not the cold words on the memorials, but a vibrant picture.

Wang Jing, who was in a happy mood, held a banquet in Changle Palace and invited the three princes and nine ministers, as well as the nobles in the capital, to attend. He even specially issued an edict to appoint ten of the most talented people from the Imperial Academy and the Academy. Scholars came to attend the banquet.

For a time, Luoyang City was crowded with people, and countless people wanted to attend the banquet.

The Daqian royal family held few banquets, but each time they were extremely grand.There were even rumors that Wang Jing specially invited those talented people from the Academy and the Imperial Academy to participate in order to select the world's most talented husbands for the royal family.

The spread of this message made nobles and officials very excited.The Daqian royal family was not keen on marrying nobles and officials. The queens of Wang Luo and Wang Ke were all from low-ranking nobles or officials. During the Huai Kingdom period, some were even from commoners.

The princesses and noble daughters in the Daqian royal family rarely get married. However, every royal daughter is a peerless beauty, and is a virtuous and virtuous wife. Coupled with the status of the royal family, it can be said that nobility and officials have no I don’t want to ask for marriage, but it’s a pity that very few succeed.

Therefore, after hearing the news, not to mention ordinary people, those noble and wealthy families also flocked to it, and they couldn't wait to bring all the outstanding children of the family with them.

So this banquet was held under such circumstances.

Wang Jing held a banquet and did not know that there were so many things happening in the outside world, but even if he knew, he would go with the flow. If there was a young talent at the banquet that he liked, he would naturally not stop it.

Of course, even if he agrees, marrying Wang's daughter will still depend on luck.Zijue was very tolerant of Wang's daughter back then.There are no forced arranged marriages among the Wang family.

In this era that has not yet been poisoned by feudal ethics, women can also go out on the streets, instead of the so-called ladies who stay at home and stay at home during the Ming and Qing Dynasties in the real history of later generations.

Every year during the Lantern Festival, the Qiao Qiao Festival, and other festivals, there are some activities all over Daqian. Many girls use these festivals to find their right husbands.

Of course, those wealthy and noble families are more particular about it. When a woman in the family gets married, she will invite other noble families, officials, and other families with suitable sons to come to the party.In this way, let your daughter choose the right one.

This banquet was misunderstood by these people because of this.

At the banquet, the atmosphere was lively, and Wang Jing was very happy, so he ordered people to write poems and rhymes to praise today's banquet and this prosperous era.

Hearing this, everyone who had been eager to try stepped forward one after another.There were people in the main hall who recorded these poems and songs.

Whenever a good poem or poem appears, everyone in the palace will cheer in unison.

Wang Jing laughed and said: "The imperial edict collects excellent poems and poems. In today's prosperous world, it should be seen in future generations!"

"The Picture of the Prosperous Age of the Qian Dynasty" is one of China's top ten famous paintings handed down from generation to generation.It is a Daqian genre painting, the only surviving masterpiece of Daqian court painter Zhang Yi. It is a national treasure-level cultural relic and is now stored in the National Museum in Beijing. It is another national treasure-level cultural relic donated by the royal family.

"The Picture of the Prosperity of Daqian" vividly records the urban appearance of Luoyang, the capital of Daqian in the 8th century in China, and the living conditions of people from all walks of life at that time. It is a witness to the prosperity of Luoyang in Daqian at that time and a portrayal of the economic situation of Daqian city. ——"Appreciation of National Treasures"

(End of this chapter)

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