Chapter 375 The Haze of War

The north wind was howling, and the howling wind was mixed with countless white snow, which made the skin on the face hurt.There is a vast expanse of white between heaven and earth.

The cold wind howled on the grassland, and the last time white snow appeared was more than ten years ago. At that time, a large number of livestock froze to death. Many small tribes went south to rob them, and most of them died there.

Continuous defeats prevented the Huns from going south easily. The Huns have been licking their wounds over the years and drawing blood from the Western Regions.

They even took the opportunity to annex those disobedient tribes, which made the Huns stronger.

After drawing blood from the Western Regions, trading with Daqian, and producing their own blood, the Huns have recovered and become stronger.

The grassland is different from the Central Plains. There are many pastures on the grassland. If you have grass, you can raise cattle and sheep. If you have cattle and sheep, you can have food. With food, you can feed the population.It's nothing more than the grassland's insufficient ability to resist risks.

In this era, technological development has not completely widened the gap. Without those advanced weapons, population is the standard for measuring national strength.

After the population recovers, the strength will be almost restored. With weapons and food, we can start a war.Without so-called technological barriers, a country can become completely strong in just one generation.

The Huns became more powerful, but they didn't know what kind of powerful country they were facing.

Wang Jing has been on the throne for more than ten years. He built the Luohuai Canal to make the world's commerce more prosperous. The most obvious manifestation is more money and food.

After recuperation, the gap between Daqian and the Xiongnu became wider and wider. The grassland empire was inherently inferior to the farming civilization in terms of the speed of accumulation of strength.

As long as the emperor is not confused or stupid, he can bring down the nomads through war even if he loses consecutive battles.Of course this is stupid.

In real history, in the war between the Han Dynasty and the Huns, the losses of the Han Dynasty were no less than those of the Huns, but the Huns disappeared in the end.The population of the grassland is far less than that of the farming people, and it is difficult to preserve cattle and sheep. If the grassland goes to war with the Central Plains, as long as they do not grab enough supplies, it will be a failure.

Rolling smoke and dust swept in, and the deafening sound of horse hooves sounded. Once the number of cavalry exceeded a thousand, it became very difficult to make accurate judgments when running.

The soldiers guarding the border were not afraid of the Huns' attack. The weapons of the Huns were still lagging behind those of Daqian. Only the Golden Wolf Guards of the Huns Royal Court had full-body iron armor. Most of the ordinary Huns were unarmored or armor-less. Leather armor.

In addition, the range and power of Dagan crossbows exceeded the Huns' bows and arrows. If the Huns wanted to break through the border, they could not even think about it without having several times or even ten times the number of troops.

The Huns also knew this very well. They usually did not attack the city. Instead, they detoured to weakly defended areas to attack, or went to villages to plunder, relying on speed to escape before the soldiers arrived.

In the past, Dagan soldiers had a headache facing this kind of guerrilla warfare due to the number of horses and riding skills. However, not long ago, the situation changed after the new cavalry came to replace the border guards.

A large group of Huns' cavalry roared past the city, and the defenders in the city also attacked. After seeing the cavalry of the Dagan people, these Huns laughed and did not take these Gan people in their eyes at all.

The Huns slowed down their horses, raised their bows and arrows one after another, and directed a hail of arrows at Dagan's cavalry.

These Huns were poor and used very messy arrows. In addition to iron arrows, there were also bone arrows. In order to increase the lethality, the Huns deliberately soaked these arrows in gold juice. Once injured by these bows and arrows, the wound would become infected. The probability is extremely high.

Wound infection is almost unsolvable in this era, and one can only rely on personal physical fitness to resist it.

It's a pity that they met their opponents this time. After the Huns fired a wave of arrows, the chasing Daqian cavalrymen controlled their horses with their legs and easily changed their direction, avoiding most of the arrows.The remaining arrows landed on the Daqian cavalry and were directly deflected by the armor.

"The second and third sons have made great contributions and will be granted the title of wife and arrogant son in the near future! Follow me to kill the enemy! Charge!" Daqian's perfect military merit awarding system allows every soldier to take the lead bravely. The Huns slowed down their horses because of archery, while Daqian's cavalry Suddenly launching a charge, the Huns did not expect that the riding skills of the Daqian cavalry would enter so quickly.

The war horse had no time to speed up, and the cavalry facing Da Gan had already charged forward.One side responded hastily, while the other charged forward vigorously.

The first group of Dagan cavalry took out the crossbows that had been strung up in their hands and shot at the Huns who had not yet reacted.


The sound of bowstrings was loud.

The next second, dozens of Huns were seen falling directly off their horses, crossbow arrows piercing their chests, and blood flowing out instantly, staining the ground red.

The Huns were shocked and drew their weapons to deal with it, but Dagan's cavalry had already rushed in front of them. With the help of the wind's horse power, Dagan's soldiers slashed across the sword quickly. The Huns only felt a strong wind sweeping away, and there was a pain in their necks. The next second he fell off his horse.

Thousands of cavalry galloped past, and in just a moment, they penetrated the Huns, and a large number of Huns died.

The Huns were so frightened by the huge casualties that they no longer had the courage to fight back, but it was already too late.Daqian's cavalry spared a circle and pursued the Huns.

Luoyang, the capital of God.

The battle report was sent over as soon as possible. Daqian was knighted for his military merits. He attached great importance to military merits. Every battle, no matter how big or small, he needed to report to the court and calculate the merits.

Zhang Liang looked at the report in his hand. He saw dozens of casualties in Daqian and 930 Huns beheaded. Such a large casualty ratio made him feel unreal, and he subconsciously thought of the frontline soldiers falsely reporting their military exploits.But looking at the seal of General Han Xin of Zhenbei below, he felt that the battle report was very credible.

You must know that in previous conflicts between the Huns and Dagan, the casualties between the Huns and Dagan were usually maintained at 1.5 to 1.

Although there were fewer casualties in Daqian, the difference in casualties was not as big as this time.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang quickly asked his assistant to find all the battle reports during this period for review.

"Prime Minister, there are three more reports about the Xiongnu invaders this month."

As a result, he was surprised to find that although the casualty rate of the Huns in the remaining two battle reports was not as high as this one, it was still far higher than before.

At the same time, several consecutive battle reports also allowed him to see other clues. The number of Huns' attacks this year has obviously increased.

"I've been going to the border for nearly three years to find out everything about the climate and grain taxes. I want to see the true story!"

The imperial court has always been concerned about the climate, and Si Tianjian keeps records every year.Soon the assistant officer found the information. After Zhang Liang quickly looked through it, he found that the harvest in the border areas had been average in the past three years, and the number of heavy snowfalls in winter had also increased.

Seeing this situation, he immediately realized that the Huns would most likely be unable to withstand the natural disaster and would go south to plunder!

(End of this chapter)

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