Chapter 42 The Famous Chinese Sword
Standing in the void, Zijue looked at the land of Huai country in front of him. After a hundred years of development, Huai country has become stronger and stronger, and its influence on Bang Zhou has also become greater.

The mysterious bird of luck in the cave world is also becoming more and more powerful, but on the black bird of luck, there is a stain that cannot be wiped clean like a dark cloud.

A hundred years ago, the stain was only the size of a fingernail, but now, the stain has expanded more than ten times.It's just because of Huai country's strong luck, it was suppressed.

According to the current level of backlash, as long as there is no problem in Huai country, the power of backlash will not be able to shake the lucky black bird.But Zijue knew that the speed of backlash would increase faster and faster, and one day, the speed of increase in luck would be surpassed by the backlash.

In this case, we can only collect luck as much as possible.

[Huaxia Divine Sword: The emergence of the Ouye family represents the rapid development of the bronze sword casting process, and the ten famous sword missions have begun.Every time you collect one of the top ten famous swords, you will get a lot of luck and special props.And every ten famous swords will add 1 attribute point to your descendants. 】

[Your descendants have discovered the Ouye family, your family has made outstanding historical contributions, and you have obtained the ground-level props, the military soul flag]

[Earth-level props, military soul flag (will to fall into the battle, life or death): After using it, you can get a military soul flag. With the help of the military soul flag, an army of no more than 5000 people can get the military soul bonus, no matter in any Under any circumstances, the morale can be kept high, and the army will not surrender, flee, bomb the camp, and treat death as home.Note that this item can be used ten times, after ten times, it will be destroyed by itself. 】

Suddenly a system prompt sounded in his ears. After seeing the props that appeared, Zijue was a little silent. Is the effect of the military soul flag powerful?Very powerful, but also serious consequences.

This is equivalent to a 5000-man daring army, and when will the daring army be used?It will only happen when the Huai country is in crisis.Zijue does not hope that the family will use this flag one day, because once it is used, it means that the family has reached the time of life and death.

Zijue sighed, put the treasure away, and then looked at Ouye.Ou Ye should be the father of Ou Yezi, the master swordsmith in Zijue's previous life history. In the previous life history, Ou Yezi forged eight famous swords by himself.

[China Famous Sword] This task can be regarded as a sub-question.As for the remaining two famous swords, Mo Xie, was also forged by Ou Yezi's daughter and son-in-law.When the time comes, put away these treasured swords.

After gaining Wang Lin's trust, Gongyang Jie went out to serve Huai State and became the High Minister of Huai State.Gongyang Jie was very grateful for Duke Huai's trust, and vowed to govern Huai country well.

Although the Huai country is now powerful, it still has many disadvantages, especially after the annexation of the Han country, many new problems have emerged.

In addition to the land tax implemented in Huai State in the past, there were many miscellaneous taxes such as corvee. There are many types of taxes, which are not only cumbersome to collect taxes, but also easy to breed corruption.People are often not aware of these taxes, and the tax collectors who collect taxes can easily do it.

In the end, the people were squeezed and lived in hardship, but the national tax revenue did not increase. Instead, they fattened themselves and made the people resent the country.

Some of these taxes were set when Zijue was in power, and some were set by subsequent monarchs. Some taxes are outdated and need to be adjusted.

Gongyang Jie first spent three months going to various parts of the Huai country to understand the tax situation, and then sorted out the taxes over the years for comparison.

When Gongyangjie was dealing with the tax issue, there were also some gossip in the Huai country.

There are many rumors in the market, saying that Ram's explanation is exaggerated.A man who was originally a slave, relied on his words of mouth to deceive the emperor's trust, and then he got the high position of Shangqing. As a result, he became Shangqing for more than three months, but he didn't give a single government order.

Wang Lin didn't care about these rumors, he knew very well that this was the resentment of some people in Huai country.After all, Gongyang Jieben was a slave who was captured after the defeat, but he was appointed as Shangqing, jumping from the bottom of society to the top.

This made them very dissatisfied, but Wang Lin's prestige was too high, and they did not dare to object openly, so they thought of this method, they thought that they were from noble families, with noble blood, but they were not reused. How can a person of birth get a high position.

For these people's thoughts, Wang Lin is very clear that these nobles have limited talents and knowledge.Although many nobles have studied in the academy, the effect is not good.

Although academies have been established in Huai State since the time of King Wen, as time went by, these academies have almost become the academies of the nobles, where ordinary people cannot obtain knowledge, and most of the nobles who come here are also indulged in pleasure.

On the contrary, every generation of the Huai country's public clan has outstanding figures.

Although there were many rumors in the market, these rumors did not affect Gongyang Jie.

It took a month for Gongyang Xie to figure out the taxation of the Huai country, and after some calculations, he came to write a letter to Wang Lin.

"Your Majesty, there are many taxes in Huai State, and there are many kinds of taxes. In addition to the land tax, there are more than [-] kinds of tax, such as Sokcho tax, Dingkou tax, cattle and horse tax, corvee tax, silk tax, salt tax, merchant tax, etc.

The materials collected include grain, cloth, silk, bundles of grass, salt, horses, logs, etc. The taxation is extremely cumbersome, and there is no uniform standard, and it is all collected by tax collectors.The ministers implore the emperor to reform the taxation, unify the standard, restrain the tax collectors, and reduce the burden on the people. "

"What Qing has played, I know alone. I don't know if Qing has a good plan?"

"Your Majesty, this is the minister's tax policy!"

Gongyang Jie explained the tax reform to Wang Lin. In order to solve the problem of cumbersome taxation, Gongyang Jie advocated the abolition of those unimportant miscellaneous taxes. After calculating these miscellaneous taxes, they were added to the regular tax and collected uniformly.

This can reduce the number of times tax collectors collect taxes, reduce the difficulty for people to pay taxes, and increase the difficulty for those tax collectors to embezzle.At the same time, send people to preach about taxation and tell the people how much taxation is.

Taxes are no longer collected from bundles of grass, goods, salt, logs, etc., but only from grain and cloth.Reduce the difficulty of tax transportation and management.

According to the previous tax collection standards, the state collects various taxes in kind every year, which requires a large amount of storage. In many cases, due to poor storage, the damage can not be used. Of course, it is hard to say whether it is really damaged or reported as damaged and embezzled.

At the same time, some taxes were directly exempted, such as the Dingkou tax.

According to Gongyang Jie, the existence of the small tax is to limit the population.According to the regulations of the Huai State, after the age of 16, males need to pay [-] yuan of Dingkou tax every year, and females pay half of it.Some poor families could not afford the money, so they drowned their babies.

Therefore, Gongyang explained the letter and exempted the Dingkou tax.

(End of this chapter)

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