Chapter 43 Ram Innovation
Population is very important to a country in any era. After learning that some people choose to drown their babies because of the tax, Wang Lin immediately decided to abolish the tax.

Tax reform is very difficult, because it touches the interests of bottom managers, but if the system is not reformed, the problem will become more and more serious.

At any time, the country's taxation is very important, and now Wang Linnian is in the prime of life, with great reputation and strong ability, and can subdue the nobles in the country.If he does not reform because of difficulties, it will be even more difficult when his son or grandson is born.

More importantly, he doesn't know whether his son and grandson will be more courageous and prestigious than him, and can promote tax reform.So he does not intend to leave this matter to future generations to do.

After hearing that Gongyang Jie changed all taxes to grain and cloth, another minister next to him immediately stepped forward to object.

"Your Majesty, Gongyang Shangqing's restructuring is indeed very good, but there is a very important shortcoming in it, and I suggest to postpone it."

"If Yu Qing thinks there is a problem, you can speak up!" Wang Lin said.

"Your Majesty, Shangqing Gongyang said that the taxation is complicated, and it is difficult to store and transport all kinds of physical objects. This is indeed a difficult problem, but it is also a last resort.

Collecting all grain and cloth does reduce the difficulty of tax collection and facilitates the people, but the collection of goods in kind is because of the needs of the country. Goods such as sow grass, salt, and horses are in demand by the country, so they choose to collect taxes and let the people Pay, if you no longer collect these, what should you do when the country uses them?Therefore, the minister suggested that the tax reform should be postponed. "

After Yu Qing finished speaking and bowed to Wang Lin, she retreated, and then the old god knelt aside, and there was silence in the hall.

Wang Lin took a deep look at Yu Qing. This Yu Qing was not simple. With just a few words, the tax reform was abolished from the national strategic level.

What Yu Qing said just now is quite correct. The country’s collection of sokcho, salt, cattle and horses, and large wood plays an important role. Although sokcho may look inconspicuous, it is indispensable. Sokcho can be used as food for cattle and horses , There are also other places that need it. Big wood is needed for the country to build palaces, ships, and chariots. Needless to say, cattle and horses are necessary for war, and horns and tendons are used to make bows and arrows.

All these things are basically strategic storage, and a large amount of storage is required every year. If they are not collected, once a war breaks out, there will be no time to collect them again.

These people wanted to use this method to block Wang Lin's reform of the tax system, but unfortunately they made the wrong calculation.Wang Lin knew that Gongyang Jie had already thought of a countermeasure.

"Gongyangqing, do you have a solution to the problem Yuqing mentioned?" Wang Lin asked.

Gongyang untied his clothes and tidied his clothes, then came to the main hall, first saluted Wang Lin, and then said: "Your Majesty, I have already considered the problem of Yu Qing, and it is a good idea to collect materials such as bunch grass, big wood, horns, and tendons. Indispensable for stockpiling in case of war.”

"Since it is indispensable, why did Qing Gongyang want to abolish these taxes in kind?" Another nobleman next to him couldn't help asking.

"Zhang Qing, you are right, don't talk nonsense!" Wei Ping snorted coldly.

Zhang Qing immediately reacted, and quickly complained to Wang Lin: "I am worried about the national policy, and I have been rude to you. I hope you will forgive me!"

Wang Lin waved his hand and said: "Forget it, deduct [-] food, and then we will win the title next time!" Hearing this, the minister was sweating profusely.

Wang Lin told them very clearly that he is aware of your little thoughts, and this time it was just a warning.

"Your Majesty, the collection of these taxes in kind is for war reserves, and I think it is better to buy them directly." Gongyang explained.

"Your Majesty, I think this method is absolutely impossible!" Yu Qing stood up again and said.

"Why does Yu Qing think it's not possible?" Wang Lin asked.

"If the country buys these materials with money, the price will be high, which is not good for finances, and wastes financial resources. It cannot be done." Yu Qing said.

"I'm afraid not necessarily!" Gong Yang said with a smile.

"What is Gongyang Shangqing's opinion?" Yu Qing looked at him angrily and said.

"It is indeed expensive for the state to buy these things from the people, but it is not a waste. The people are poor and do not have much food in their hands. If the state allows the people to obtain benefits through purchases, what will these people do if they have money in their hands?
In the past, the people were poor, and many goods were necessities for life. Even if they wanted to buy them, they had no money. But if they had money, the people would naturally want to buy them. This is human nature.

When the people buy goods, the merchants will naturally sell them. The merchants sell goods from various places, and the workshops in various places need to make them. The more goods sold, the more money the workshops make. At the same time, the merchants make more money, so the tax paid That's more.

It seems that the state has spent a lot of extra money to buy grass, logs, animal tendons, horns, etc. from the people, but in fact it has been paid back from other taxes.In this way, the common people can benefit, the business will prosper, the workshops will prosper, and the country will naturally benefit. "

"From this point of view, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

Gong Yang explained what he said was simple and straightforward, but the content stunned everyone. It was the first time these ministers had heard such an analysis.

Yu Qing just felt that her mind was in a mess, and she wanted to stop it but didn't know where to start.

"There are only so many wealth and goods produced in this world. If it is not for the people, it is for the officials! If the people get a share, the country will lose a share. Isn't that so?" said another minister.

"This is a fallacy. The growth of wealth lies in production. The people have opened up wasteland, cultivated over the years, mined gold and iron, and opened up salt fields. Is it a fixed number? Huai State has been established for a hundred years. Is the wealth a hundred years ago the same as today?" Gongyang Jie Sternly reprimanded.

The faces of several ministers arguing with him were pale, and Nuonuo dared not speak.

"Cai!" Wang Lin said loudly happily.

He had read Gongyang Jie's letter before, and he also understood the operation in it. If it can be carried out, the national strength of Huai country will definitely be greatly improved.

He also knows too much about whether the wealth of the world is limited or increasing. It is clearly recorded in the collection of books in the office that the wealth of the world is increasing.And with his ingenuity, he didn't know that the minister didn't finish what he said just now.

The goods are not only the officials and the people, but also the nobles.Don't they know that the world's wealth is growing?You must know that they just want to get more.

Wang Lin snorted coldly, and didn't argue with them any more.

Reforming the tax law also has another benefit, that is, the life of the people of the country is much easier, and it is also good for him.

The impact of the Gongyang reform has been far-reaching in history. Through the reform, the military, economy, and politics have been rectified. In particular, the development of commodity economy has been promoted, government finances have been enriched, military strength has been improved, and centralization has been strengthened. , Let the Huai country become prosperous and strong quickly. —— "General History of the World·History of China·Western Zhou Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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