Chapter 425 Eight Laws
Even the most radical legalists only said that under the emperor, everyone is equal before the law.Even the creation of laws gave the emperor the privilege of pardoning sins.

Even if the Wang family is the emperor, Daqian's laws cannot reach this level. The Wang family can naturally restrain their direct descendants from breaking the law through long-term education, but they cannot force the remaining people.

After these years of development, Legalists have become aware of this problem, and now they are supplementing and revising the "Da Gan Code" to plug this loophole.

For the 'Eight Pis', Wang Xin planned to add some of them.

Among them, Yigui and Yigong were the first to be added to the "Daqian Code".Yi Gong refers to people with outstanding meritorious service; Yi Gui refers to people with the title of Duke, Nine Ministers and marquises who have made great achievements;
Those who can hold a first-grade title are basically those who have made great contributions to the country's expansion of territory.Such people with great merit should be given some privileges both emotionally and rationally.

At the same time, no matter whether it is the Three Officials, Nine Ministers or nobles with high titles, once the judicial department is given the right to trial, it is likely to cause serious consequences. These people have too many interests, and it is very likely that a large number of people will be implicated, and they may even become tool of political struggle.

The most typical one is party struggle.When party strife develops, it means that the party agrees with each other and opposes differences. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, it only depends on the camp.At that time, major affairs of the imperial court will not be implemented at all.

How can an official of this level be handed over to the judicial department for trial?It can only be decided by the emperor or after discussion between the emperor and several important ministers.

Those who have been clearly cancelled are the guests of the state, that is, the descendants of the previous monarchs are respected as state guests (the three Dukes and two Kes of the Zhou Dynasty, and in real history, the descendants of Confucius were among them).

When King Wu of Zhou Dynasty defeated the Shang Dynasty, he enfeoffed the three dukes and two ke, and enfeoffed the descendants of the Yin and Shang Dynasties as the Song Dynasty, giving them the title of duke.

When Da Qian unified the world, he also granted titles to the descendants of Emperor Bangzhou, and even granted rewards to the descendants of several other princes and kings.But giving these people judicial privileges does not make Wang Xin crazy.

They are already subjugated to their country. If they don’t keep their tail between their legs and still dare to act arbitrarily, such a person still wants judicial privileges?If you want to eat farts, just cut them off.

Next, Wang Xin vetoed Yi Neng, that is, a person with outstanding talents; Yi Qin, that is, a person who is diligent and hardworking;

Yi Neng refers to outstanding talents. Such people are basically smart people, but if they have no family and country in their hearts, the greater the talent, the greater the damage. Wang Xin does not want to keep such people.

Not to mention the discussion behind it.People say that there is hard work without merit, so the emperor will be asked to discuss his culpability, which will directly allow a large number of noble officials and even powerful people to take advantage of this loophole.

Commenting on the virtuous: that is, people who are well-educated and have a reputation for being virtuous (to put it bluntly, they are celebrities); this is a very nice thing to say.On the surface, it refers to a person of high moral character, a well-educated sage, and a famous person.But what are the standards for reviewing people who are highly virtuous, wise men, and celebrities?

In real history, where did those so-called great sages, celebrities, and virtuous people come from?During the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a special review.It means that the high-ranking families recommend some people to criticize the scholars in the world.

People who come out of this kind of evaluation are celebrities and wise men, or they use various show-off methods to tout their own virtues in order to achieve the purpose of being highly virtuous and highly respected.

How to perform a show operation?Don't think that the ancients didn't know how to show off. In fact, when the ancients showed off, Newton's coffin wouldn't be able to hold it down.

For example, lying on the ice to beg for carp, the story is very simple. Wang Xiang of the Langya family, his stepmother was not good to him. One winter, his stepmother was sick and wanted to eat fish. He ran to the frozen river and lay on the ice. Warming the ice, a carp jumped from the water into his arms.

Use your body to warm the ice?Even a strong man, not to mention a child, would freeze to death before the ice melted.Wang Xiang became a highly respected moral model because of his lying on the ice to beg for help.

Even if Sima usurped Wei, what did Wang Xiang do later?He changed from the third Duke of Wei to the Taibao of Jin.True moral model.

If you think lying on the ice begging for carp is the end, there is an even more awesome trick called crying bamboo to grow bamboo shoots. This one directly makes the bamboo grow bamboo shoots in winter.Of course, maybe their bamboo shoots are a mutated variety.

The noble families praised each other for being highly virtuous, sages, and famous people. They may have real talents and knowledge, but Wang Xin did not believe in the integrity of these people, so the discussion was canceled directly.

In the end, Wang Xin canceled the remaining negotiations, and the marriage proposal, which he hesitated for a long time and finally decided to cancel.

Relatives of the emperor usually have titles that can be used to negotiate. The direct descendants of the Wang family will basically not commit any heinous crimes, and they will simply be cancelled.

After some discussion, 'Eight Pi' was changed to 'Eight Pi' by Wang Xin.

But just when Wang Xin and the ministers were preparing to add to the law, a memorial was sent over.Wang Xin opened the memorial and read through it, his face getting uglier.He ordered the memorial to be handed over to several important ministers to read through, and the faces of several important ministers were equally unhappy.

Wang Xin immediately said: "Zhao Fu bullied the market, beat the merchant to death, burned his goods, and his son complained. As a result, the Luoyang order not only did not declare Zhao Fu guilty, but only fined him. Later, Zhao Fu actually dared to punish the merchant. The merchant’s son had his legs broken.”

"If the son of a businessman has no friends in the academy, if the scholars in the academy don't speak up for his cause, and if the doctors of classics don't write letters, will this matter just go away without any news?"

Wang Xin was furious and shouted loudly, and several ministers in the hall quickly apologized.

"Your Majesty's forgiveness!"

"Excuse me! Forgive me for what!" Wang Xin stood up suddenly.

"The Luoyang Order is doing all kinds of things, are you puppets too?"

"I have just exempted the emperor's relatives from the right to discuss crimes. Now you go and judge this case!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Seeing Wang Xin's anger, everyone did not dare to say anything more, so they had to leave and deal with the case first.

Wang Xin left Qianyuan Hall angrily and returned to Changyang Palace. At this time, Internal Minister Wang Hao came to see him.

"What are you doing here, uncle?" Wang Xin asked.

"Your Majesty, please postpone the marriage discussion." Wang Hao said.

Wang Xin's face suddenly darkened and he said directly: "But the Queen asked the Emperor's uncle for mercy?"

"The Queen has never contacted me!" Wang Hao shook his head and said, "I only came here because the marriage proposal was inappropriate."

"What's wrong?" Wang Xin said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, do you know why Zhao Fu's incident turned into this situation?" Wang Hao asked.

Wang Xin was a little surprised and said: "Aren't those officials bending the law for personal gain, afraid of their status and not daring to impose a sentence?"

"Yes, but not entirely!" Wang Hao said: "In the past, there was no 'Eight Pis' in Daqianlu, so it was difficult to deal with a relative of the emperor like Zhao Fu."

"That's why I canceled the marriage proposal from the Eight Pis. In the future, if there is no explicit provision of the law, if there is a law, officials will naturally sentence them!" Wang Xin said.

"Your Majesty, officials are also human beings. It is impossible for all officials to be impartial and selfless. They also have their own selfish motives." Wang Hao said.As the prince and emperor, Wang Xin, who often comes into contact with the Wang family, has not realized this yet, or in other words, he has subconsciously ignored it.

Wang Hao continued: "There were no Bapi in the past. Therefore, local officials did not dare to try Zhao Fu for his crimes. They were afraid of the queen's identity and worried that the queen would hate him if they were sentenced. They did not dare to convict or even help them get away with the crime."

"There are too few people who really dare to sentence him regardless. These people are indeed good officials, but the vast majority of them can't do it."

"Therefore, the marriage discussion among the Eight Pis actually has another meaning, that is, local officials did not dare to judge, so they reported the matter to the court, reported it to the emperor, and then handed it over to the emperor for personal trial."

"In this way, local officials will not be resented by the emperor's relatives. They will naturally not hide things and report them as required. Instead of hiding things and not reporting them like the current situation, they will help them get away with it."

(End of this chapter)

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