A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 426: Supplementary officers are not happy

Chapter 426: Supplementary officers are not happy
After listening to Wang Hao's explanation, Wang Xin finally decided to add the marriage proposal, and the "Eight Pi" eventually became the "Three Pi".

At this time, it was already inappropriate to call it "Eight Pi", so Wang Xin changed "Eight Pi" to "Three Yis".

Although the "Three Discussions" left a judicial backdoor to many people and granted judicial privileges, under the centralized system of feudal monarchy, this kind of thing was unavoidable.

As the saying goes, if you are half a step ahead, you are a genius; if you are one step ahead, you are a madman.

Wang knew very well that social progress must match the development of the times. This is not only stated in the books left by Zijue, but can also be seen in the various books and history books preserved by Wang over the years. .

Just like the etiquette and laws of the Bangzhou period, many of them are no longer applicable now.Can the well-field system of that time still be used?It's definitely not possible.

Therefore, although the Wang family respects Confucius, they do not agree with some of his teachings.At the same time, he was very disgusted with Confucian practices that worshiped the ancients.

Confucians often praise some sage kings from ancient times to give advice.But the Wang family is a family that has been inherited from the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and they know the history of the ancient Yin and Shang Dynasties better than they do.

Therefore, whenever Confucianists want to use events from ancient times to dissuade them, Wang can always record them in more detail, leaving the Confucian scholars speechless.

Wang has always disliked the behavior of advocating the past and disparaging the present.Do these people who worship the past and downgrade the present really worship the ancient times?If they really had to live in that era, few people would be able to bear it. They only worship the past to belittle the present.

Belittle things they dislike or don't support, or things that will harm their interests.Their intentions are never pure.

As for the ancient times, when the holy kings were alive, the people lived in peace, everyone had a field, the world was well governed, etc., the real situation is that the productivity of primitive society was low, and the so-called people lived and worked in peace and contentment is completely nonsense.

Times are changing, and the laws of Daqian also need to be continuously improved.

The Wang family did not make any ancestral laws immutable. Starting from the Huai Kingdom, the Wang family took the initiative to promote reforms.

After the "Da Qian Lv" was updated and supplemented, some other problems emerged. 'Penalty atonement' and 'Official discussion'.

The provision of "penalty with fines" existed in the Xia Dynasty. Even after several reforms, this provision was not abolished. One of the important reasons was the issue of money.

"The Xia Hou family will not be punished unless they are killed, and the penalty of death is two thousand delicacies." This sentence means that the kings of the Xia Dynasty can use fines to atone for the crimes of death row criminals.

A meal is a unit of weight, which is equivalent to six taels of copper. Two thousand meals is equivalent to 370 five kilograms of copper, which can avoid the death penalty.

What was copper then?It is weapons and wealth, which are extremely important to a country.

Since then, each dynasty has its own way of atonement with fines.Daqian also had fines to atone for crimes. Of course, in Daqian's law, murder and capital crimes could not be atonement with fines, and later it was added that exile could not be used.

There have always been debates among Legalists about the atonement by fines, among which two are the most controversial.

First, atonement by fines may lead to different punishments for the rich and the poor. Crimes committed by the rich and crimes committed by the poor are completely two ways of punishment. In some extreme cases, the rich live and the poor die.

Second, penalty atonement may lead to reoffending.There is a very real problem here. In order to raise atonement fees, criminals may take desperate risks and commit crimes again.

Or it can also be said that fine atonement makes the law lose its deterrent effect on the wealthy, giving them the illusion that they can do whatever they want as long as they have money, which leads these people to trample on the law wantonly, and finally causes the law to become a piece of paper.But it is impossible to completely ban this kind of fine atonement. In this era, severe punishment cannot always be used. Appropriate leniency is also necessary.

After Wang Xin discussed with many sages of Legalism, he finally retained the "penalty atonement", but the scope of atonement by fine was further narrowed.

For minor crimes, the Daqian Code punishes them with flogging, caning, or hard labor.Those who are rich and have the ability to contribute in other disguised ways, or who are sentenced to a few years in prison can also pay a ransom. As for exile and capital crimes, they cannot pay a ransom.

In the past, people who were imprisoned under the Daqian Law could pay money to atone for their sins, but now it has been changed to a prison sentence of less than one year before they can use money to atone for their sins. It is also not possible to pay money to atone for more than one year.

Compared with the money gained from fines and atonement, Wang Xin felt that he would gain more from confiscating his home and being exiled.Powerful people from all over the world are like leeks. Once a crop is cut, new powerful people will appear in less than ten years.

To curb tyranny, we should pursue sustainable development.In this way, they not only gain a large amount of wealth, but also continuously immigrate to border areas.

After limiting the fine atonement to a smaller scope, Wang Xin and others began to discuss the issue of officials discussing crimes.

Officials' deliberation of crimes has been different from that of ordinary people since ancient times. Another prominent contradiction between Legalism and Confucianism is that when officials discuss crimes, when the country was founded, this law was quite lenient. After all, the world has been in chaos for many years, and those who can be officials Too little, so be generous.

But now, decades after the founding of the country, the situation is completely different.

Confucianism admires the Zhou rites. In the Zhou rites, there is a saying that punishments are not as good as those of officials, and etiquette is not as bad as that of common people.Legalists, on the other hand, advocated that both officials and the people were equally guilty.There has been no clear explanation in the "Daqian Lv".

Now Wang Xin and the Legalist sages have summarized the situation of officials committing crimes and bending the law for personal gain since the founding of the country.

Then it was discovered that the number of official crimes has been rising, and the harm caused by official crimes is far from comparable to the harm caused by civilian crimes.

Wang Xin said directly: "If you know the law and break the law, the crime will be increased by one level. From now on, officials' crimes will be punished according to the common people's crimes, and one level will be added!"

Wang Xin's attitude was strongly supported by many Legalists, but others felt a deep malice towards this set of punishments.

If an official breaks the law, he will be punished with an additional penalty!

Wang Xin handed the supplemented "Da Qian Lv" to the left and right prime ministers, and then the left and right prime ministers and the three gongs and nine ministers checked it. If they had any objections to it, they could write to Wang Xin. Qianlu was silent.

After a while, one of them said: "In the past, Lord Shang implemented reforms and the Qin State became strong and prosperous. However, his laws were not as harsh as before. Even Lord Shang could not escape the law and committed suicide in the end."

"The method you are using today is not inferior to that of Lord Shang. Aren't you afraid of killing yourself by doing it?"

It's a pity that his remarks are completely bullshit. Legalist scholars have never been afraid of self-destruction by practicing the law. What they pursue is reform through the law.Even more extreme, some Legalist disciples pursue the Five-Tripod Food. As for the Five-Tripod Cooking, that is a matter for the future.

Everyone looked at the supplemented laws in front of them. This was too strict, and it was hard to make a living as an official!

(End of this chapter)

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