Chapter 438 Luoyang City

Wang Xin asked the Shang government to check the business taxes, and gave these people the opportunity to pay taxes, but there were always people who felt that they could escape, or in other words, there were always people who felt that they could not be investigated.

In the end, most people did not pay taxes and pretended not to see it.I can only say that the saying "meat eaters despise" is absolutely correct.

Wang Xin wanted to give these people dignity, but these people just didn't want to show respect, so he had to let the Shang government order help them.

Luoyang, the capital of gods, is Shanglinyuan.

It snowed just now, and the whole world turned white.

Wang Xin's little daughter was just six years old this year. When she saw the heavy snow, she clamored to come out to play.Wang Xin was also very restless. He had been busy for a whole year and wanted to go out for a walk, so he summoned the queen, the prince and the princess, several princes and grandsons, and the whole family, and headed to Shanglin Garden.

Wang Xin now has six sons and five daughters. Four of his daughters are married. Plus several princes and grandsons, the number has exceeded 30.

Shanglin Garden is a royal garden located in the southwest of Luoyang. There are usually Yulin Guards stationed there.Starting from the first emperor Wang Luo, he would come to the capital camp every afternoon to inspect, and he set a rule requiring future emperors to inspect once a day.

Inspecting the capital camp is not to do anything, but to let the soldiers and generals know you and become familiar with you.Only in this way can the soldiers know who pays them and who gives them various preferential treatment.Let them know who they owe their allegiance to.

But in the later period of Emperor Wu, due to physical reasons, he handed over the inspection of the capital camp to the prince, that is, Wang Xin. Wang Xin could insist on patrolling the camp every day in the first two years after he ascended the throne, but later he began to be lazy.

From a one-day trip to a three-day trip.

Shanglin Garden is a royal garden. In addition to the army stationed there, it also houses many rare and exotic animals, such as auspicious animals from various places, such as white tigers and white deer. In addition to these, there are also rare and exotic animals donated by Lingnan and Dian Kingdoms. Elephants, rhinos and peacocks to name a few.

In fact, the royal family does not believe in auspiciousness, so why does auspiciousness have ancestor gods?
However, it cannot dampen the enthusiasm of the officials below, so the imperial court did not stop Xian Xiangrui, but it also did not encourage it.

The most popular thing in Shanglinyuan is the peacock. When they saw these peacocks for the first time, they were all amazed by their beauty. Many people in the royal family fell in love with this animal.So Wang Xin sent someone to build a greenhouse to keep it well.

Peacocks like warm climates, but the winter is too cold and now they can only hide in greenhouses.

"This peacock is so beautiful. Daddy, can you take it out to play?" A little girl who looked like a girl was grabbing a handful of millet and feeding it to the peacock.

"That way they will freeze to death!" Wang Xin said with a smile, reached out and touched the little girl's head and said with a smile.

"But can't magpies be outside? Peacocks are also birds, so why can't they?" the little girl raised her head and asked.

"Well, peacocks are birds from the south and magpies are from the north. They are not accustomed to the climate and climate here." Wang Xin explained with a headache.

He now also has a headache with the curiosity of children. They always ask strange questions. Even Wang Xin, who is well-read, sometimes cannot answer these questions.

"What's the point of not being acclimatized?"

"It's just that they're afraid of the cold."

"They're afraid of the cold, so put some clothes on them!" "Well, they don't like it."

"How could they not like how warm the clothes are?"

After Wang Xin finished dealing with his little daughter, the little guy no longer had time to ask why. He ran outside and started playing wildly in the snow.As the youngest daughter of Wang Xin, the little one is the most favored in the family, so she has become a demon king. Her nephews are afraid of this aunt.

After playing in Shanglin Garden for a day, Wang Xin drove back to the palace.The snow on the roads in the city has been cleared. The imperial court has special clean-up personnel. At the same time, there are regulations in Daqian that the people are obliged to clear the snow.

When Zijue established Huai'an City, he had already formulated a set of urban health management regulations and urban traffic management regulations.

All along, these two regulations have been implemented seriously.The larger the city, the stricter the enforcement of these regulations.

Every street in Luoyang City has sewage canals and a public toilet on every street.Luoyang City has clear regulations that prohibit public defecation and must go to public toilets.

At the same time, all livestock will be asked to tie a bag on their buttocks after entering Luoyang City.This bag is for holding livestock manure.

Everyone who enters Luoyang City must comply. If feces is dropped on the streets, they will be criticized and educated for the first time, and then they will spend one day in the next month to clean the streets.

If you make a mistake again for the second time, you will not only need to sweep the streets, but you will also be fined.As for the third time, you will have to sweep the streets with a flail for a month and be fined.

Therefore, the caravans that came to Luoyang not only tied bags on the buttocks of the livestock, but also sent people to clean up the excrement behind them, so as not to be punished.

At the same time, there are also regulations for those caravans who like to drink, get drunk, urinate everywhere, etc. Anyone who drinks, gets drunk, and urinates everywhere will be punished by cleaning public toilets.

Similarly, the first time is one day, and the second time is one month. As for those who persist in refusing to change, the tools for committing the crime will be confiscated directly.

Of course, although this system has been implemented for many years, no one has persisted despite repeated admonitions.

Even if public toilets are cleaned on time, being punished to clean them is not a glorious thing.So few people make the mistake a second time.

The imperial court divided the residents and shops in Luoyang into districts and cities. Each district and city was managed by the district chief. For example, these public facilities were managed by the district chief, and then the people in the district took turns cleaning them. This was also the obligation of the people. .

The feces in these public toilets is good stuff. After fermentation, it becomes high-quality fertilizer. In this era without chemical fertilizers, this kind of farmyard fertilizer is the favorite of farmers.

There are specialized people in the city who will collect the excrement. After collecting the excrement, they will sell it to farmers in the suburbs of Luoyang.

Even because of these feces, some feces bullies appeared in Luoyang City.Then these dung tyrants were severely beaten by the court. How could these people be allowed to be arrogant in the most virtuous place in the capital?
Ancient China’s pursuit of hygiene was unimaginable by others. At a time when large cities in Europe were still surrounded by mountains of feces and filled with feces and urine, ancient China already had special “City Management Regulations” more than 1000 years ago. .

When Marco Polo came to China, he found that the cities here were incredibly clean, so he called it paradise in his travel notes. ——"The Impact of Plague and Hygiene on Civilization"

(End of this chapter)

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