A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 439 Temporary residence permit and residence permit

Chapter 439 Temporary residence permit and residence permit

When the lanterns come on, Luoyang City is also very lively at night, especially during the Chinese New Year, it becomes even more lively.

Originally, Luoyang City had a curfew, but after Emperor Wu defeated the Huns, Luoyang City gradually began to lift the curfew, so many shops began to stay open all night.

Businessmen from the Western Regions, nobles from Luoyang, and businessmen from other places made Luoyang more prosperous, and it was these people who supported many high-consumption places in Luoyang city.

Xuande Street is the most prosperous street in Luoyang. The restaurant opened by the royal family here is one of the best in Luoyang. The delicious food and wine will make people forget to return after eating it once.

There are also many Qinlou and Chu Pavilions. After passing here, there is another street next to it that sells various rouges, gouache, and silk textiles. In addition to silk, there are all kinds of silk and satin, and even woolen fabrics designated as tribute by the imperial court. Also for sale here.

Many girls like to come here after shopping for rouge and gouache.

A group of servants surrounded three luxuriously dressed women, who were choosing rouge and gouache in the shop. Some scholars and businessmen on the street were talking and laughing while looking left and right, as if they were taking a tour of Luoyang's night scene.

The street further north is called Xujia Wazi, which is a place for various busking performances, monkey tricks, wrestling, and juggling.Every day the place is bustling with people.

To the west of this street is a gathering place for foreigners. Over the years, some foreigners have come to Luoyang. After seeing how prosperous Luoyang is, they are reluctant to leave and settle here.It has also brought together thousands of people over the decades.

These foreigners include people from the Western Regions, Dayuezhi people, Kushan people, and even people from some places further west.

In addition to Luoyang, there are also many foreigners living in Chang'an, and there are more or less foreigners living in other cities. The foreigners here mainly refer to those who are very different from the Dagan people in appearance.

The Yi people have deep eyes and high noses, brown hair, red hair, blond hair and blue eyes. As for the Huns, some have been integrated into Daqian, and some live in the southern Xiongnu tribe of Monan Grassland.

There are now as many as 4 to [-] foreigners living in Dagan. These foreigners have different living habits and customs from the Dagan people. Without intervention, these foreigners are likely to develop into... One hundred thousand or more.

The Wang family, which is very sensitive to the distinction between Huayi and Huayi, has also discovered this problem. If these foreigners multiply and live in Daqian in large numbers but do not integrate into Daqian, then they will create a country in Daqian. country?
If these foreigners grow stronger, they are likely to turn against the foreigners and even demand to formulate laws according to their customs, have their own armed forces, etc. Wang Xin will never allow this to happen.

After discovering this problem, Wang Xin began to prepare to deal with these foreigners.As for killing them directly, Wang Xin did not intend to do so. After all, most of these foreigners came here for business and did not violate the laws of the court.

What if foreign merchants come to do business after doing this?Wang Xin prepared to forcibly assimilate these people into Daqian.

Wang Xin would not force foreigners who came to Daqian to do business for a short period of time, but for foreigners who were ready to live in Daqian for a long time, Wang Xin was prepared to formulate special laws.

All those who come to Dagan and settle in Dagan for a long time must change their names to the names used by Dagan people, and intermarriage between foreigners is prohibited. All foreigners must marry people in Dagan. At the same time, the gathering of foreigners in the market is cancelled. .

Foreigners are not allowed to live together and must live together with Gan people. Foreigners are encouraged to learn Gan language and change to Gan people's customs.Foreigners were not allowed to build temples or develop religious beliefs in Daqian, and foreigners were encouraged to believe in King Wen.

He planned to use these methods to forcibly integrate these foreigners from all aspects including blood, language, customs, religion, festivals, etc.If you are unwilling to integrate and accept, you must leave Daqian within a limited period and are not allowed to enter Daqian's land again.

After Wang Xin made the decision, he quickly ordered the Legalists to start writing laws and then perfect them into the Daqian Law.

Within a few days, a long-term residence regulation for foreign residents in Daqian was released.Then the discussions began at the great court meeting.

But what surprised Wang Xin was that some people actually opposed this law.Wang Xin directly scolded him: "There is no distinction between Chinese and foreigners, just like a beast." Then he was dismissed and never hired.

The Legalists and Confucians in the court reached a rare agreement and believed that this law was very good. After all, this law was to consolidate the Zhuxia and the Huayi debate.

After being discussed at the imperial meeting, this law was implemented as quickly as possible.

As the regulations continued to be implemented, the original foreign settlements in Luoyang City soon changed, and those foreigners did not resist.After all, although there are thousands of these people, they all come from different places.And having lived in Daqian for so long, they know the strength of Daqian very well.

After seeing officials coming to announce the edict, these foreigners quickly accepted it and began to move away from here to other areas.

Wang Xin asked people to prepare some houses in markets in various regions for exchange or for them to buy.Luoyang City, with a population of 50, easily digested these foreigners.

At the same time, these edicts were sent to various places, and soon the foreign gathering places in Chang'an City were also disbanded, and then the foreigners were dispersed throughout the city.

However, tens of thousands of foreigners were quickly dispersed. It would only take 20 to [-] years for these foreigners to be assimilated into Gan people. After a few generations, even their original features such as blond hair, blue eyes, deep eyes and tall noses would disappear. Will disappear without a trace.

After solving these hidden dangers, all foreigners who come to Daqian will receive an exclusive road sign, which allows them to travel in several cities in Daqian.

However, they cannot live for a long time. The street sign can only live in Daqian for a maximum of two years. After expiration, they must leave. At the same time, these foreigners holding the street sign cannot buy real estate in Daqian unless they are willing to live in Daqian for a long time.

If you want to live in Daqian for a long time, you need to apply. After the application is approved, you must change the customs, change the name and surname of the Daqian people, and wear Daqian clothes. In this way, you can obtain the permanent right of residence after three years.

Daqian is a kingdom in heaven, how can it be so easy to join?
To put it bluntly, it is the ancient version of Daqian’s temporary residence permit and residence permit.

With the implementation of clear laws, even if Daqian's trade becomes more prosperous and more foreigners come, they will eventually be assimilated by Daqian and eventually become his subjects.

(End of this chapter)

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