Chapter 440 Fleet Navy
Daqian Yuanfeng five years.

Just after the New Year, the weather began to improve. After the three winter snows last year, everything was in full swing.

In the blink of an eye, the Lantern Festival is here. The Lantern Festival in this era originated from Zijue. When Zijue first founded the country, he commemorated the Lantern Festival. It was said to commemorate the Yin Shang Dynasty, but in fact it was to commemorate his previous life.

Therefore, in addition to Yuan Day, the Lantern Festival was also a very important festival for the Daqian court. On this day, the royal family would specially distribute food, wine and meat to the people of Luoyang.

These things are not expenditures from the treasury and the Taifu, but are allocated by the royal family from the Shaofu.These items are exclusively available to the people of the capital, excluding nobles and officials.

It doesn't cost much, but it can win people's hearts.

After hundreds of years of development during the Lantern Festival, lantern parades have appeared, but the scale of the lanterns is not large.Because the imperial court was worried that local officials would plunder the people under the guise of offering tributes, and also to promote frugality, tributes from various places had always been very small, and lanterns were not allowed from all places.

There are such regulations because they have happened before.

At that time, Daqian was still the Huai Kingdom, and local officials rushed to offer various tributes. The court felt that this was a sign of local submissiveness and a good thing.

Just like the princes from all over the world paid tribute to the emperor of Zhou.But things soon changed. In order to be promoted, officials from all over the country competed to pay tribute, forcing the people to search for all kinds of rare treasures, but they paid no attention to political affairs. If the secret guards had not discovered it, there would have been a big mess in the end.

Therefore, after lessons were learned, tribute payments from various places were directly stopped. Unless the royal family issued an edict, no more tribute was allowed from anywhere.

During the Lantern Festival Lantern Parade, although there are no officials from various places to present lanterns, the lanterns prepared by nobles and wealthy businessmen are not bad. More importantly, this day is also a good time for young men and women from all over the world to date.

Wang Xin stood on the Suzaku Gate, looking at the brightly lit Luoyang City, but his mind was already far away.

As soon as the Yellow River floods passed, Wang Xin appointed the prince to supervise the country, and then led the ministers of the court to inspect the world.

Wang Xin visited the world this time, one to solve the business tax problem, and the other to deal with the Dengzhou Navy. As early as last year, he ordered Huo Qubing to go to Youzhou to train the army, accumulate food, and prepare to use force against Jizi North Korea. .

When the flood season on the Yellow River ended, Wang Xin took a boat to Daliang, and then patrolled all the way eastward along the Chi Road to Qidi.

Wang Xin did not go to Dengzhou immediately, but inspected Linzi. Linzi was good at fishing and salt, and had fertile fields and fertile soil. It also had prosperous commerce, but the commercial tax was not much higher than other places.

This is treating the court as a fool. In the fourth year of Yuanfeng, Wang Xin asked the court to issue a decree that if he paid taxes by himself before Yuan Day, he would be exempted from crime. However, these people did not take his words to heart.

After Wang Xin arrived in Linzi, the local nobles finally began to take the initiative to pay the taxes to the court. However, after seeing the taxes, Wang Xin almost threw the memorial away.

These noble officials and wealthy families only paid a few guan to this family, a dozen guan to that family, and the most paid was only [-] guan.Linzi, one of the five great capitals, with its advantages in fishing and salt, as well as fertile farmland, actually paid less than [-] guan in commercial tax.

Wang Xinyan said that Linzi was rich, but the commercial tax was only three hundred!Are you all so poor?
Seeing Wang Xin's anger, many noble families even sold their furniture and property on the street.For a time, this strange scene appeared in the entire Linzi city. Various nobles, wealthy families, and noble families were actually wearing rags and linen clothes, and even patched clothes, selling goods on the street.

There were a lot of discussions throughout the city of Linzi, and there were even rumors that the imperial court was going to increase taxes in Linzi and force the nobles to pay.

The people of Linzi City saw such a rare sight in a century.After Wang Xin learned about what happened in Linzi City, he laughed angrily. Instead of repenting, these people wanted to coerce public opinion and force the court.

"Is this the honor awarded by the imperial court? The late emperor treated the honorable nobles favorably, reduced their business taxes, and allowed them to guard the place. Is this how these people treat the honors rewarded by the imperial court now?" Wang Xin said coldly.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. They are just ordinary people with little money. Most nobles are still loyal to their duties." Xu Jie, the minister and guard next to him, said respectfully.

"Xu Qing doesn't have to speak for them. I know very well what they did today!" Wang Xin said coldly: "Don't they claim to be loyal ministers? In that case, please go to the Western Regions and Liaodong to guard the country's borders!"

Wang Xin directly ordered the embroiderers to take action. In Linzi City, more than a dozen noble families were confiscated and their property was confiscated, and then the whole family was exiled to the Western Regions and Liaodong.

In addition to these people, most of the officials in Linzi City were also dismissed and exiled. These local officials had long been in collusion with the local nobles and wore a pair of trousers.

Wang Xin's actions can be said to have completely cleaned one of the five capitals from top to bottom.This action also directly scared the remaining people.

Without waiting for the court officials to go, nobles from all over the country were immediately frightened by the court's thunderous tactics. You must know that before His Majesty ascended the throne, he had always treated others generously and rarely got angry. This time, he actually exiled these nobles directly.

For such a big move, other nobles immediately went to the court to pay taxes without any hesitation.

In Dengzhou, the climate has turned warm at this time, and the water village is bustling with people. With the investment of the imperial court, the place has become more and more prosperous.

After more than half a year of construction, there are already many large ships at the port, and the navy soldiers have already begun driving the ships to the sea for training.

Even though they are all fishermen and have new ships, it is still very risky when going to the sea for training.

But it won’t work if you don’t do this. If you don’t experience the baptism of wind and waves at sea, such a naval force will just look like nothing.

Wang Xin attaches great importance to the navy, and Zhao Yi supervises the navy. Even if there are casualties or injuries during training, pensions will be paid, and no one dares to deduct them.Therefore, even though the training is risky, the morale of the navy is still high.

By the time Wang Xin arrived in Dengzhou, the navy had completed most of its training and dozens of warships were docked at the port.

[Sea-ship (unnamed): a six-hundred-ton (36-ton) sea-going ship, a large ship built with three-year-old shade-dried giant wood, 12 meters long, six meters at its widest point, three meters at its narrowest point, with one main sail. It has three jib sails, eighteen oars, and two rudders. Speed: 45 miles per hour (still water). It requires a crew of 300 people and can carry 13 people.Resistance to sinking +[-]]

After seeing the big ship with his own eyes, Wang Xin was very satisfied with the ship. Such a big ship can be said to have gathered all Daqian's technology.

Seeing this fleet, Wang Zhixin suddenly had the idea of ​​​​traveling across the world.

PS: I have a flight to catch today, so the second update will be late.

(End of this chapter)

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