A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 494 How to open up Zhuxia by relying on insects?

Chapter 494 How to open up Zhuxia by relying on insects?

Wang Che looked at the secret guard's memorandum in his hand, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Shameless, don't these people have any differences between Chinese and foreigners?"

"They only have money in their eyes and no sense of shame. They are just a bunch of insects!"

"How can a group of insects rule the world?"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Several ministers around him persuaded him.

Wang Che vented his anger, "The barbarians in the southwest are causing chaos, and some powerful local officials are colluding with them. Do you have any good ideas?"

"Your Majesty, there is nothing to fear from the barbarians in the southwest. Please ask Zhengfa to mobilize a large army from Guanzhong into Shu to quell the rebellion."

"Although your Majesty, General Ma Heng of the Southern Conquest, failed in the first battle, he is the only one in the court who knows the southwest and is proficient in military affairs. Please give him a chance to make meritorious service!" Zhu Qi, the general of Jinling Zhennan, said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, I suggest a truce for the time being. Although the barbarians in the southwest are strong, they are just scabies. If they dare to enter the plains, our army will definitely turn into chickens and dogs. We can first deal with those officials, nobles and powerful people, and we will sort them out. Complete the place and then go out to fight against the southwestern barbarians." Minister Jia Jun said.

Everyone gave suggestions and Wang Che calmed down. Through the secret guard's memorial, Wang Che has understood the situation of the southwest barbarians. The environment there is harsh. If he wants to deal with the southwest barbarians in a short time, he must use his family's destiny artifact.

Wang Che weighed a few things, and then ordered: "Ma Heng's battle was unfavorable, and the army suffered a disastrous defeat. Ma Heng was dismissed from the post of General of the Southern Expedition. However, because he was loyal to his duties and familiar with the situation in the southwest, he was ordered to temporarily take over the position of General of the Southern Expedition and take charge. Stick to the southwest counties and stabilize the place to wait for the weather."

"I ordered Xue Chao, the royal censor, and Deng Sheng, the commander of the Xiuyi Envoy, to go to Bashu and be responsible for disposing of the Bashu well salt field and capture all those insects that dare to eat inside and outside!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

After Wang Che's edict was issued, the court immediately began to implement it.

A large number of Tiqi flew out of Jinling City and then quickly headed towards Bashu.

After receiving the imperial edict, Ma Heng immediately breathed a sigh of relief. This time he underestimated the enemy and caused a lot of losses to the army. Fortunately, the saint did not blame him and gave him the opportunity to make meritorious service, allowing him to continue to command the army and deal with the barbarians in the southwest.

The imperial court has mobilized a large army, and now it is just a matter of holding on. If he enters the mountains and forests to fight those southwest barbarians, he is not sure of victory at this time, but if those southwest barbarians dare to come out of the mountains and forests, he is 100% sure of defeating them.

Ma Heng set up beacon towers at the mountain pass. Once barbarians came out of the mountains and attacked the prefectures, counties, and counties, these beacon towers would be lit, and Ma Heng could provide timely support.

At the same time, more than 500 Tiqi and 3,000 Qingqi came following the imperial edict. After these Tiqi arrived in Bazhong, they immediately began to take action, and the nearby prefectures, counties and cities were quickly controlled.

Just when the nobles, officials, and local powerful people were still thinking about how to bargain with the imperial court, they discovered that the imperial court had no intention of negotiating with them at all.

When Tiqi arrived, he immediately led his soldiers to surround the houses of officials, powerful men and nobles, and then arrested them. Although these people are local snakes, the Daqian court is at its peak at this time, and they are unable to fight against it.

One after another, nobles, powerful men, and officials were broken into and arrested. Some who were unwilling to surrender took up arms and tried to resist. As a result, how can these people's servants compare with a large number of soldiers armed to the teeth? Even if some noble families secretly hide armor, they are just struggling to survive in the face of the large army.

Facing the court's crossbows, there was no resistance at all, and all the resisters were quickly killed.

The furious power of the imperial court made everyone tremble. Only then did the nobles, powerful men and nobles realize that the power they relied on was nothing more than a mantis' arm in front of the imperial court.

Dozens of powerful families, nobles, and officials were all uprooted. Xue Chao, the imperial censor, and Deng Sheng, the commander of the Xiuyi Envoy, directly began to interrogate these people.

Although most of the evidence was destroyed, the court was suppressing the rebellion this time.

This time, Wang Che specifically ordered that the principal criminals be tortured by being quartered on five horses. At the same time, all the accomplices were demoted to slaves and then distributed to Fusang, Western Regions, and Liaodong.

In the past, the imperial court would kill the chief culprits, and then exile the accomplices to the frontiers. Although the punishment was severe, these people who were exiled to the frontiers still had a chance to rise again.

Although the punishment of being exiled to the frontier is very heavy, these people still have freedom. With some support from their old friends, they can also gain a foothold in the frontier and then grow again.

And because most of these people have read books or have family backgrounds, they have more advantages than ordinary people and have more opportunities to rise again.

But this time the court directly demoted these people into slaves and then exiled them. Even when they reached the frontier, these people were still official slaves. Official slaves could only work for the court and did not even have personal freedom.

It can be said that it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to rise again.

There are only two ways to get rid of the slave status. One is to pardon the local princes and lords, and the other is to join the army and achieve military exploits. But these two conditions are not so easy to achieve.

The princes and vassals are from the royal family, and they are even the brothers of the current emperor. You want them to pardon you, unless you are really talented. But being exiled here, how many of them are talented? If someone is really talented, the court will pardon him as appropriate.

As for joining the army and achieving military exploits, this is not difficult. The imperial court stipulates that slaves can only join the sin camp. Every time the sin camp goes to war, they are cannon fodder. If you want to get rid of the slave status, you need to behead three levels to be pardoned from the slave status.

Then, after one level of beheading, you can leave the crime camp and become an ordinary soldier.

The crime camp was full of extremely evil people, and the imperial court incorporated these people into it in order to make use of the waste. The crime camp only had leather armor, no bows and arrows, and the weapons were either horizontal knives or long spears. You must move forward bravely in every battle, and deserters will be directly beheaded.

It was very difficult to survive the prison camps and escape from slavery. The survival rate of each battle in the crime camp is not even half. There may not be one person out of a hundred who wants to or leaves the crime camp.

This time the imperial court became ruthless and directly changed the exile into slave plus exile, treating these people as consumables to open up the frontier.

In many counties throughout the southwest, a large number of nobles, powerful men, and officials were purged, Tiqi was everywhere, and more than 100,000 people were sentenced to exile. Originally, the population of southwest counties was not large, but after this cleanup, many counties were even half empty.

Wang Che didn't hold back at all this time. According to his opinion, these people have no distinction between Huayi and Huayi. They have no family and country. They only care about their own interests. They will only be cancer on the border and weeds on the wall. Just like insects, how can we rely on these insects to open up the summers?

(End of this chapter)

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