A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 495: The Persistence of the Royal Family and the Difference between Huayi and Huayi

Chapter 495: The Persistence of the Royal Family and the Difference between Huayi and Huayi

When Wang Che was still young, his family members taught him to safeguard the interests of Zhuxia, told him about the differences between Huayi and Huayi, and that money, rights, etc. were not the most important thing.

At the same time, tell him that there are many things that he must insist on, such as Zhuxia civilization, such as honor, such as King Haotianwen, such as family, such as family, country and world.

At that time, he believed that all the nobles, officials, and powerful men in the world were just like them. Later, as he grew older, he understood that he and his family were different.

He knew that no matter what the world became, the Wang family would be protected by King Haotianwen. He also knew that if he were like those people, his family's royal family would be supported by all noble, powerful, and official families.

What they paid for was very simple, which was their conscience, their moral bottom line, and the Zhuxia civilization they insisted on.

In the royal archives, he saw various case files left by nobles, officials, and powerful men over the years. The things above made him feel unbelievable.

He still remembers asking his father for confirmation in a trembling voice.

"Father, are the things recorded on this true?"

"it is true!"

"Then why did I come into contact with the princes of Wu'an Hou and Wu Chenghou, and they are completely different from the nobles recorded here? These people have done so many bad things, why not exile them all?"

"Child, those records do not represent everyone. Noble, powerful, and official families are not static. Do you know how they came into being?"

"How did they come about?"

Wang Xin smiled and said: "Most of the honors are due to military exploits. The first generation of honors are all good men who are willing to shed their lives and blood for the country."

"As for officials, almost all officials are qualified when they become officials. As for those powerful people, most of them got their first pot of gold through hard work, intelligence and some chance coincidences when they were called powerful. "

"As the king of a country, do I want to punish the soldiers who have served the country and made military exploits? Or should I punish officials who are loyal to their duties, or should I punish the hard-working and simple people?"

"But father, why did they change from serving the country to soldiers, being loyal to their duties to officials, and being hard-working and simple people to become people in these files?" Wang Che asked in confusion.

"Because of greed, because of desire!" Wang Xin said lightly.

"People are lazy, especially after enjoying luxury, if they are asked to live a hard life, they will find it extremely difficult. This is why ordinary people want to be called nobles, powerful, and officials. power."

"Isn't there a way to solve it?" Wang Che asked.


"any solution?"

"Strict laws, perfect supervision system, and the constant influence of the court!"    "Although there have always been many degenerates among nobles, officials, and powerful people, there are also many nobles, officials, and powerful people who are willing to die for the country. Powerful."

"The imperial court has always been cracking down on those degenerate, criminal, corrupt, greedy nobles, powerful men, and officials. At the same time, it has been promoting those who died for the country and were loyal to their duties. This is to tell people what the country encourages. What is beneficial to the country, the royal family, the people, and the Xia, and what is detrimental to the people, the royal family, the country, and the Xia."

"Reward those who are good, punish those who are bad, and guide them to do so! For those who do well, the court can give them the warmth of the spring breeze, and for those who are bad, the court should give them the coldness of winter!"

It was also after that conversation that Wang Che matured quickly and understood the royal family's persistence.

The Bazhong Saltworks Incident made Wang Che extremely angry. The court began to imprison all the nobles, powerful men and officials from the surrounding counties and then interrogated them. The vast majority of these people were involved in these things. Many people may not have been involved in the salt field, but they were also involved in the attack by the southwest barbarians.

These people successfully captured a large amount of land through barbarian attacks in the southwest. Although the imperial court stipulates that one household can only have a maximum of 1,000 acres of land, the mountains are high here and the emperor is far away, so there are too many ways to do it.

Moreover, these powerful people destroyed a large number of villages and farmland outside the city through barbarian attacks, and a large number of people were harmed. Even if the southwest barbarians retreated, these people would still need to borrow money from nobles and powerful people to resume production.

It is easy to borrow money from nobles and powerful people, but when it comes time to pay back the money, few can afford it.

The economy here is basically controlled by the powerful and nobles. The common people can't sell food at a high price. If they want to pay back the money, they have to pay at least several times.

Those powerful nobles can exploit the people at will, even if you have land in your hands. At least half of all output must be handed over to those noble and powerful people.

The same noble and powerful officials used the same method to exploit the southwest barbarians. The barbarians in the southwest had no iron farm tools, no salt, and many commodities. If you want these things, you can only buy them from local powerful and distinguished officials.

In this way, furs, herbs, jade and other things from the barbarians were purchased at low prices. A large part of the reason why the barbarians in the southwest caused chaos was because they could not stand the oppression of these people. It can be said that these officials, powerful men and nobles are almost the emperors here.

This time the imperial court was ruthless and uprooted all these people. More than ten thousand people were exiled. It can be said that the ruling class here was wiped out.

Now that the local snake's cancer was completely clear, the imperial court was ready to dispatch officials from other places to take up posts here, and at the same time, it was also preparing to enfeoff some peasants and soldiers here.

Since the nobles and powerful officials here have all become corrupted, we should completely eliminate them, start anew, and replace the powerful and powerful officials with the peasant-soldier system. At least now it seems that the peasant-soldier system is more reliable than the noble and powerful system. At the same time, he also ordered that the royal caravan come here twice a year to conduct transactions and provide various commodities. Prevent others from monopolizing the goods and economy here.

As for whether the peasant-soldier system here would become corrupt and turn into another kind of local snake, Wang Che had also considered it. But this is also the best way now. If the peasant-soldier system becomes decadent in the future, then we can reform it at that time.

Wang Che plans to enfeoff 500 to 800 households of farmers and soldiers in each county here. To compensate, the farmers and soldiers who are enfeoffed here will have 400 acres of land, 100 acres more than in the Central Plains.

In this way, at least two thousand peasant soldiers can be supported here. Two thousand peasant soldiers plus five thousand auxiliary soldiers are enough to control this place and suppress the southwest barbarians.

(End of this chapter)

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