Chapter 53 The Battle of Handu
Handu, as the capital city of Han State, after Han State was annexed by Huai State, its status declined somewhat, but Handu is still an important city.

The army of Chu State came to attack from the north of the river, and tens of thousands of troops surrounded Handu, and the defenders of Hancheng were only [-].However, Hancheng is high and deep, and the city has enough soldiers and food, so it is not easy to break it by force.

Wang Sheng led the army back, but he did not go directly to relieve the siege of Handu. He had already received the news that although the [-] Chu army besieged the city, they did not attack vigorously. They were obviously waiting for Wang Sheng to rush back to the army for rescue.

Chu army camp.

Xiong Bo is discussing matters with many generals, because of the recent slack in the war, many generals have complaints in their hearts.

"General, our army has ten times as many people, and there are only five thousand in Handu. Although we have the advantages of the city, if our army attacks with all its strength, it will not be difficult to break through the city. What's the point of just besieging and not attacking now? Occupy Handu as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to occupy this place when the Huai army returns."

Xiong Bo looked at the surrounding generals and said with a smile, "You think so too?"

Everyone nodded.

"The city of Handu is strong. Although our army is large, the casualties will be heavy. How will we fight the Huai army? If there are many casualties, even if Handu is taken down, we will be unable to defend it. How will we explain to the king?" Xiong Bo said. arrive.

"Then our army is besieging the city here"

"I heard that the State of Wu asked Qi and Lu for help, and the two countries have already sent troops to attack Huai. If the Huai army heard that Qi and Lu sent troops, they would definitely spare no effort and return in a hurry."

"Our army just needs to wait here to relax and wait for the Huai army to come. If the Huai army wants to return to help, it is definitely unwilling to confront our army for a long time, and is eager to fight."

"With an exhausted army and our elite army, how can the Huai army win? When the main force of the Huai country is broken in the first battle, the Huai army in Handu will definitely be discouraged. There will be no reinforcements outside, and the morale will be low. The siege will definitely be broken in one fell swoop!"

Xiong Bo said vigorously, all the generals bowed down, and there was no dissatisfied one.

"Your Majesty, the Chu army is besieging and not attacking. I think we know that our army wants to come back to help." Chen Le said with some worry.

"Your Majesty, why don't you let the ministers lead an army of [-] to contain the Chu army, and your majesty lead the army back to repel the Qilu coalition army?" Wei Yun stepped forward and said, and the others also agreed.

Gongyang Shuo hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Don't divide the troops!"

"Your Majesty, Qi, Lu, and Chu are coming to attack. We have few soldiers, and if we rashly divide our forces, the three kingdoms will besiege and be easily defeated by each of them. It will be too late to regret."

"But if we don't divide the troops, the Chu army seems to want to fight us for a long time. If Handu is ignored, Handu will be in danger of falling."

Everyone talked about it, but they couldn't find a way to get the best of both worlds.Wang Sheng was also a little embarrassed when he saw that everyone was arguing but there was no result. At this moment, he suddenly saw a person in the corner who dealt with it calmly.

"Xu Qing is calm and composed, but is there a way to get the best of both worlds?"

Hearing the roll call, Xu Qing quickly stood up and responded: "Your Majesty, I have indeed thought of some methods, but they are also risky."

"Let's hear it!" Wang Sheng laughed.

Xu Mao said: "Your Majesty, the Chu army has come from a long distance, and the food needs to be transported a long distance. As long as our army cuts off the Chu army's food and grass, and the Chu army is short of food, there will be two results. Retreat without fighting, or fight to the death with me."

"At that time, the initiative will be in the hands of our army. Whether it is war or peace, it all depends on the king's will."

Wang Sheng was overjoyed, but he still asked: "Then what is the danger that Qing is talking about?"

"One is where the Chu army is hoarding food and grass, and the other is whether the northern defenders can stop the Qilu coalition forces." Xu Mao said: "If the northern defenders do not stop the Qilu coalition forces, the north of the Huai River may be in danger of falling."

Wang Sheng was originally a resolute person, and he made up his mind after a little thought: "Although Qilu is strong, he has evil intentions in his heart, so he must not be united. Even if Beidi is defeated, he will retreat when our army arrives, and Handi is our Huaiguo soldiers." Armor is an important place, which cannot be missed.”

"Gu, I'm going to follow Xu Qing's plan to cut off the food and grass of the Chu army."

"Your Majesty, the Holy Spirit!" Everyone responded in unison.

After all, the land of Han is more important than the land north of the Huai River. There are mines needed by the Huai country, which can provide a large amount of weapons for the Huai country. If the land of Han is lost, the Huai country will be in danger.

"Send all the scouts out to find the place where the Chu State is hoarding supplies, and the army is fully equipped and ready to call at any time!"

After the order was issued, the whole Handi started to operate immediately.Although the state of Chu hid it, this was the home field of the state of Huai after all. The place where the state of Chu used to hoard supplies was quickly discovered and reported to Wang Sheng.

After receiving the information, Wang Sheng was overjoyed, and directly ordered the army to go out and go straight to the grain storage area of ​​Chu State.The place where the Chu army garrisoned grain was located in the southwest, close to the border of the Huai State. The Chu State sent the grain and grass here by boat to stock up, and replenished the grain and grass every half a month.

After the investigation was clear, Wang Sheng led the army to besiege.The 5000 Huai army elite is unstoppable.The Chu army staying at the stronghold was only [-] people, and it was never expected that the Huai army was so fast.Before he could react, the camp was overwhelmed by the army, and five thousand Chu troops fled in defeat.

300 people were beheaded, 2000 were captured, and the rest fled in all directions.For Wang Sheng who escaped to pursue them one step at a time, he needed these defeats to convey the news that the Chu army's food road had been lost to the Chu generals.

Outside the city of Handu.

In the camp of the Chu army, dozens of rout soldiers came in a panic, and were sent into the camp by the patrol team.

"What! Say it again!" Xiong Bo's face changed suddenly, and he grabbed the soldier and asked.

"General, the Huai army sneaked into our army's food and grass barracks. Our army was unprepared. The five thousand army was completely lost, and the food and grass were taken away!" The soldier said quickly.

"Damn it!" Xiong Bo threw it away, his heart bursting with anger, but he had nowhere to vent it.

"The herald, block the news immediately, and order all the routs to be concentrated. Without my order, no one can contact them! Also send an order to the patrol team, and let them wait outside when they find the routs, and regroup after night!"

"It's the general!" The orderly got up immediately to execute.

Another general next to him said: "General, I'm afraid it's already too late!"

"There were dozens of these rout soldiers just now, and they were seen by the soldiers when they came in. Presumably the news that our army's food and grass were robbed has already spread."

"Damn it! Ahhh!" Xiong Bo slammed his fist on the desk.

"Damn Xiong Tuo, it's a big deal for me!"

"General, please make a decision as soon as possible for the current plan. Our army has only five days of food and grass. If we save food and money, we can last for eight days at most."

Xiong Bo's expression changed, and he soon came to a decision: "Order the army to rest, have breakfast at three o'clock tomorrow morning, break out at five o'clock, and return the army to regain the stronghold."

"As ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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