Chapter 54 The Battle of Handu (2)

Xiong Bo led the army to rush all the way, and it took a day to arrive at the stronghold for hoarding grain and grass.It's just that camps have been established around this stronghold, and trenches have been dug, obviously intending to stick to it.

Seeing this situation, Xiong Bo's heart sank.Originally, he made up his mind that he came here quickly just to catch Huai country by surprise, and take advantage of the fact that Huai country has not completed the construction of the fortifications, so as to capture it again.

It turned out that Huaiguo was so cautious that he built a camp overnight.It was not easy to capture this camp at this time, but the arrow was on the string, so it had to be done, because the Chu army did not have enough food to withdraw.

Wang Sheng looked at the Chu army coming from outside the camp, and did not send troops to fight against them. The Chu army's morale was at its highest at this time.If Chu's generals are strong enough to inspire the army's will to die, even if they win, Huai will suffer heavy losses.

So he planned to stick to the camp. After capturing this grain storage place, he had already interrogated the grain transport officer. The Chu army had carried half a month's grain, and according to this, it had been ten days.When the Huai army captured the occupied point, the food transport team was preparing to set off.

That is to say, the group of Chu soldiers outside only have three days of food left at most. As long as he sticks to it for three days, and then gives a little preferential treatment, these soldiers will fall apart. Of course, there is a more ruthless move, directly The fire burned the food in the camp.

On the other side, Xiong Bo knew very well that his current situation was very dangerous, so after giving the soldiers a full meal, he immediately ordered the army to attack.

And it is preached that as long as the camp is captured, everyone can live.If you can't attack the camp, you can only starve to death.For a while, the morale of the Chu army soared.

When the Huai army saw the attack of the Chu army, they were not afraid, and even a little eager to try.In order to survive, the first attack of the Chu army was very fierce and thousands of people launched the attack. The army rushed up like a tide, and the Huai army flew out arrows all over the sky.

Before the two sides contacted, hundreds of people were killed or injured in Chu State.When the Chu army crossed the trench and Julu rushed to the front of the camp, the soldiers of the Huai army who had been prepared for a long time attacked quickly, and within a short time, they killed the rushing Chu army.

The Chu army attacked three times in turn, and each time was like a tide, as if they wanted to destroy all obstacles in front of them, but the camps of Huai State were like rocks in the tide, no matter how you hit them, they couldn't be smashed, on the contrary, the tide was crushed by the rocks Crash.

The Chu army failed to break through the camp after repeated attacks. After three times, the morale that had been condensed by fighting to the death also dropped.

By this time, the battlefield was full of corpses of Chu soldiers.Xiong Bo was extremely helpless, so he had no choice but to withdraw his troops, because the morale of the army had already collapsed at this time, if he continued to fight, he would only kill some more soldiers, and he would not be able to break through the camp at all.

The army returned to the camp, and the morale of the Chu army's camp was very low.Seeing this situation, Xiong Bo knew that if he did not capture the camp today, he would not be able to capture it the day after tomorrow.After all, morale will get lower and lower as failures increase.

Thinking of this, Xiong Bo immediately asked the generals in the army to select warriors, and then took out all the stored food to feed the army.

He didn't intend to wait any longer, and launched an attack in the dark tonight.Take the most elite warriors under each general as the vanguard, and sneak attack in the dark.

Up to now, Xiong Bo is like a gambler on a gambling table, betting all his chips on it, if he wins, the army will be difficult to solve, and even the land of Han can be occupied, if he loses, everything will be lost.

The golden crow hangs down, and the jade rabbit rises.

A night wind blows on the wasteland, and the night wind blows through the branches and grass, making a whining sound, as if weeping for the soldiers who died during the day.

There were only a few campfires in the Chu army camp, which was very dull.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and gradually the moon was obscured by dark clouds.The earth became dark.

In Xiong Bo's tent, the lights were brightly lit, and all the dozen or so captains were there.

"Everyone, I am responsible for the failure of the conquest of the Huai country. I did not send people to protect the food and grass stronghold, which caused the army to run out of food and grass. Now the Huai country army has cut off the food and grass, and our army has been cut off. The army has reached a critical moment."

"If you can't win this battle, you have to die!"

"I also hope that all the kings will work together to defeat the Huai army!"

"I would like to die for the general!"

"I would like to die for the general!"

"I would like to die for the general!"

Everyone said in unison, without any hesitation.

"Okay, since that's the case, then call the most elite warriors under your command, and once the ugly time is over tonight, we will attack the Huai army at night!"


Everyone got up and went to recruit their private army one after another to prepare for the night attack tonight.Of course, not all of them are willing to fight Xiong Bo to the death, and there are some people whose idea is to fight if they can, and surrender if they can't fight.

Time passed quietly like running water, and soon it was the time of Chou. At this time, it was also the darkest time of the day. In the camp of the Chu army, an army of thousands of people had already quietly lined up.

These soldiers are all tall and strong, with complete weapons and armor, and they can be seen as elite troops at a glance.These elites are the private soldiers of the generals and captains, and it is precisely because they are the private soldiers of the nobles that their treatment is far superior to that of ordinary soldiers, so they do not suffer from night blindness.

Thousands of people gathered here, but they didn't make a sound.Soon after hearing an order, the gate of the camp slowly opened.The army filed out silently.

Xiong Bo walked in the middle with his cronies, looking at the Huai army camp in the distance like a beast in the darkness, he felt worried.

The army moved forward silently, and soon came to the vicinity of the daytime battlefield. The army moved forward cautiously. At this time, the sky was dark, and it was almost impossible to see. The fire in the camp not far away was also very weak, and no Huai army was found at all.

Soon the first group of soldiers had already crossed the trench and was about to arrive at the camp. When the vanguard officer gave an order, the soldiers who had already arrived immediately rushed to the camp.

But at this moment, a burst of drums sounded suddenly, and in the next second, rockets shot out from the camp.

Thousands of rockets streaked across the sky, dispelling the original night.Immediately afterwards, arrows rained down, and a large number of Chu soldiers were directly shot to death.At the same time, the rattan armor army that had been preparing for a long time in the camp came out in full force.

A night attack originally highlights a suddenness, but when the suddenness is gone, it is not even as good as an ordinary charge.

The Huai State Tengjia Army came out in full force, the Chu Army was caught off guard, and a large number of soldiers were beheaded.The night raid failed completely.

Seeing such a situation, many Chu troops knew that the situation was over, and began to flee or surrender. The entire night attack army collapsed at an alarming speed.

In the third year of King Ping, Huai defeated Wu, and Wu sent envoys to seek help from Qi, Lu and Chu. The Three Kingdoms attacked Huai, and the Huai army retreated.Chu State besieged Han, and waited for work with ease. Xu Qing said: Cut off its food roads, cut off its back roads, and it will be in chaos.Duke Wu Zhao accepted the remonstrance and followed it.The Chu army was in chaos and defeated. ——"Historical Records: The Battle of Handu"

(End of this chapter)

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