Chapter 682 The end of the road

Jieli led the guards and the defeated soldiers who had gathered together, and rushed west without stopping. As a result, when he was running westward, Wang Xuanji appeared here.

The moment he saw the tens of thousands of Tang Dynasty cavalry, Jie Li felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

I finally managed to escape with my life, but the next second I was loaded with more Tang troops.

But this time he didn't have such good luck.

After Wang Xuanji defeated the Turkic West Route Army, he quickly outflanked Jieli's escape route.

Jie Li also knew at this time that he had to fight desperately, and without hesitation directly ordered the army to escape while the Tang army did not take advantage of the formation.

Jie Li said viciously: "Although we lost this time, there are still tens of thousands of Turks on the grassland. As long as I escape, I will definitely come back and capture Chang'an!"

Jieli's army fled quickly, but how could Wang Xuanji let him go? He immediately led his army to pursue him.

Jie Li fled in a hurry, without all the soldiers and armor, and only one horse per man. After the initial charge, some distance was indeed opened, but the war horse was not an animal with strong endurance, and it would not take long before it had to slow down.

It is not over until the enemy has no strength to escape, the enemy's confidence collapses, and the enemy's troops scatter and surrender.

Wang Xuanji was proficient in cavalry, and he also had a lot of ruthlessness. He could chase the enemy and bite him, eat on the horse, chase the enemy without taking off his clothes and armor, and chase the enemy until there was no way to the sky or to the ground.

And as time went by, these Turkic horses became more and more tired and could no longer run.

Jie Li was chased in such a panic that he fled all the way to Yinshan, while Wang Xuanji also continued without stopping. Along the way, Turks' horses continued to fall behind, and were later overtaken and killed by the Tang army.

The same was true for the pursuit of Jie Li this time. The troops around Jie Li continued to collapse. Two days later, there were only less than 500 soldiers left around Jie Li.

These two thousand cavalry were all composed of one man and three horses, and with their superb riding skills, they held on to their advantage. Even though the Jieli Turkic horse was an extraordinary horse, it was impossible to get rid of it when the three war horses took turns.

Wang Xuanji commanded a large number of cavalry this time. After seeing Jie Li fleeing, he immediately led two thousand cavalry in pursuit.

Originally there were thousands of people following Jieli, but as they chased after him, the number became smaller and smaller. Some Turkic soldiers saw that something was not going well and ran away, while some also surrendered.

Most of them are his personal guards and the most loyal to him. The others have already fled.

Even the remaining personal guards had reached their limit. Wang Xuanji chased him all the way without giving him any time to rest. Once, he deliberately let Jie Li rest and let him cook, but the result was that before he had time to eat, At that moment, Wang Xuanji led an army and rushed forward.

Jieli looked at the food that had just been prepared and didn't even take a bite, so he had to lead the people to continue running away. Wang Xuanji and the others did not dislike the food, so they simply ate it three times, divided it by two, and then mounted their horses to catch up.

It's just like treating others in their own way.

Wang Xuanji, on the other hand, was still chasing after him unhurriedly. The three horses alternated, and one of them always conserved his energy. This was originally a long-distance raid that only the northern nomads could afford, but this time Wang Xuanji took it out to chase Jieli.

Jie Li looked sad and angry, and the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt.

Too bully.

You have been chasing me for two days, and you haven't eaten for two days. I finally made a hot bite, but I didn't eat a bite, and you caught up again. The food we just prepared ended up filling the stomachs of the Tang people. Those Tang people even ate the food they made and continued to chase them after they were full!

And these people still have to run hungry!
The more Jieli thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved. From the time he was born until he became the Turkic Khan, he had never suffered such a great injustice.

"Khan, you can't run anymore, we can't outrun those Tang people!" the guard captain next to him said in a low voice.

"Those Tang people are one person and three horses, and they take turns riding. If they really wanted to chase us, they would have caught up with us long ago. Now they are hanging behind us, just to exhaust our energy!"

"This is the fighting method of our grassland. It's like those wolves that keep chasing their prey. They wait until the prey's strength is exhausted, and then they will pounce on their prey with fangs and kill it!"

Jieli also understood, but before that he had been pinning his hopes on a Turkic tribe coming to rescue, or that the Tang army behind was not good at riding and could not catch up, or that the Tang army itself lost its way.

Now all these expectations have been shattered, and the miracle he expected has not appeared. If he keeps running like this, when the horse's strength is completely exhausted, they will no longer have any resistance.

After understanding this, Jieli could only stop and prepare to fight to the death.

On the everlasting grassland, the north wind howled, and at the foot of Yin Mountain, two cavalry armies finally clashed here.

Yinshan Mountain, the sacred mountain in the hearts of nomadic peoples, has witnessed the rise and decline of nomadic peoples. Today it once began to witness the decline of Turks.

The sky was gloomy, the north wind was like a knife, and the surrounding killing cries echoed through the sky. Wang Xuanji led two thousand cavalry and chased for three days, finally forcing Jie Li to fight him.

Two thousand Tang troops armed with horses, bows and crossbows launched a charge against the Turks. The Turks shot arrows one after another, and then charged forward with various weapons.

The war horses neighed, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. People kept falling off the horses, and then they were trampled into pulp by the war horses. The blood quickly soaked the earth.

How could the Turks, who had long been exhausted, be a match for the elite of the Tang Dynasty?

The army once again defeated the Turks in a battle, but this time the Turks had no chance to escape, and Jieli Khan was captured alive by Wang Xuanji.

Jie Li wanted to resist, but when faced with Wang Xuanji, he couldn't even make a move. He was knocked off his horse by a horse, and then pinned to the ground by Sisi, the surrounding soldiers.

Wang Xuanji did not want to kill him. After all, Jieli, as the leader of DTZ, was the king of a country. Only the emperor was qualified to decide the life or death of an enemy of this level.

"Jie Li, surrender, you have no way out!" Wang Xuanji said while riding on his horse, looking at Jie Li.

Jieli Khan had completely lost his spirit at this time, and his lofty ideals seemed to have been wiped out by a blow just now.

"Wang Xuanji, you dare to go deep into the grassland with just such a small number of people. Aren't you afraid that the whole army will be annihilated?"

"The whole army was wiped out. It seems that you, Xie Li, haven't heard of my reputation as the Wang family!" Wang Xuanji said with a smile, "Forget it, how do you, a barbarian who doesn't read history books, know about my Wang family?"

"I will escort you back to Chang'an now!"

(End of this chapter)

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