A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 683 I’ve heard for a long time that Jieli is good at singing and dancing.

Chapter 683 I’ve heard for a long time that Jieli is good at singing and dancing.
"Then what did Li Tang give you to make you run thousands of miles regardless of life and death, without leaving your armor, without enough food, and to come here at such a risk? Aren't you afraid of dying here?" Jie Li couldn't help but couldn't bear to accept it. Zhu asked.

"Haha, Jieli, you don't understand the culture of our Zhuxias, let alone the history of our Zhuxias." After Wang Xuanji captured Jieli, he was in a good mood and couldn't help but chat with him for a few words.

"I, the Wang family, are descendants of King Haotianwen. Naturally, I want to bring glory to all the Xia. How can you, a barbarian Hulu, understand this?"

"I have heard for a long time that there are as many good singers and dancers as stars on the grassland. Today, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty is especially fond of singing and dancing. I heard that Khan is one of them. Please come to Chang'an with me today and show off my dancing skills. I don't think Khan It will disappoint the emperor!" Wang Xuanji said with a smile.

Dance your mabi dance.

Jieli Khan just wanted to curse, but he didn't dare to refuse at all. Wang Xuanji didn't kill him, but that didn't mean he wouldn't insult him. Now that he was a prisoner, it was best to keep a low profile.

Jieli looked at everything in front of him. Until now, he still didn't want to believe that this was true. A few years ago, he was a great khan who commanded hundreds of thousands of string-controllers, millions of people, and a territory of thousands of miles.

He even led an army into Guanzhong and drank the Mawei water, forcing the emperor of the Central Plains to return with a large amount of wealth. A year ago, he ruled thousands of miles of territory, with countless people crawling at his feet, but in just a few months, these guards were the only ones left around him.

He himself became a prisoner.

Six armies attacked the Turks, but the originally powerful Turks disappeared so easily. Everyone was extremely excited.

Chang'an, Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shimin is handling government affairs. As an emperor on horseback, he prefers the battlefield to dealing with government affairs. At least he knows who the enemy is on the battlefield and there are not so many twists and turns.

Therefore, many times, he prefers to let his ministers handle these matters for him and provide solutions, and then he makes decisions.

Li Shimin sat casually on the upper seat, looking a little lazy. Next to him, Wang Xuanjing was processing memorials sent by various states and counties.

Politics requires various compromises and needs to take into account the interests of all parties. Li Shimin is very smart and he has made rapid progress. Of course, if compared with him on the battlefield, his civil and political skills will be mediocre.

Li Shimin had no intention of killing the hero. On the one hand, because of his personality, he was confident that he could control the situation. And another reason is youth.

This is different from many kings in history.

Li Shimin was very close to the ministers who had made great achievements with him, and would not put on airs in front of them except on formal occasions. He never thought that the achievements of the people below would overwhelm the emperor, and that his throne would be unstable.

Li Jing commanded the Chinese army, captured the Turkic royal court, and captured tens of thousands of Turks. The women and children in the royal court were captured in one battle. Those Turkic soldiers who were still resisting the Tang army on the front line learned that their family members were captured and the Khan was captured. The already low morale was completely shattered.

But compared with other emperors, he is still very good.

DTZ, which was once powerful, had millions of people in control, and covered thousands of miles, perished like this.

As the founding emperor, Li Shimin was too young to be young. Even the youngest of his original heroes in the Qin Palace were twenty years older than him.

In this case, the Turks could only surrender to the Tang army.

He is now in his prime, and if nothing unexpected happens, almost all of those heroes will be in front of him. He is not worried at all about his great achievements.

"Xuanjing, how is Lao Du's condition?" Li Shimin wrote down his opinions on the memorial and asked casually.

Lao Du is Shangshu's right servant, Du Ruhui. Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling and other former ministers of the Qin Palace had a good relationship with Wang Xuanjing. Du Ruhui was in poor health and was ill in bed some time ago, which increased the number of government affairs handled by Li Shimin. Many members of the Wang family were proficient in medical skills, so Wang Xuanjing invited two national experts to diagnose and treat him.

"Not too optimistic!" Wang Xuanjing sighed slightly. Even though Wang's medical skills are superb, he still cannot cure all diseases.

Du Ruhui's condition is like this. Wang's two national players can only maintain it for a while, delay the condition for a while, and there is basically no hope of curing it.

Li Shimin's mood was a little low, so he said, "Let's do our best to treat him."

They have known each other for more than ten years and have worked together since the time of King Qin. They have a deep relationship. Du Ruhui is only forty-eight years old this year. This age is the most brilliant period of his life.

"The weather is too cold now. Let Lao Du go to Huaqing Palace to stay for a while and come back when the weather warms up."

Huaqing Palace, also known as Huaqing Pool, is a hot spring. The Sui Dynasty built a palace here. Later, after Li Yuan came to the throne, Huaqing Palace was renovated and it was regarded as a royal hot spring.

However, Huaqing Palace was not very big, so it was not beyond the rules to allow officials to live here.

Li Shimin immediately issued an edict and asked the palace officials to go to Du Mansion.

The next few people were preparing to continue discussing various matters when they saw a palace man from outside hurried in with a victory officer.

Seeing the look of the official reporting victory, Wang Xuanjing knew that Li Jing would definitely win. It has been known since ancient times that the exposed cloth brings success. Coming all the way, I'm afraid everyone in Guanzhong already knew that the imperial court had won a great victory.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Li has reported a great victory. He captured Jieli Khan and captured tens of thousands of people from the Turkic royal court. The Turks surrendered!"

Li Shimin burst out laughing when he heard the victory officer's voice.

"Send the battle report quickly!" The eunuch next to him immediately sent the battle report up.

Li Shimin said while watching: "Xuanjing, this capture and killing of Jie Li finally made me feel bad!"

"Destroying the Turks in one battle, His Majesty's achievements have shocked the past and present! It is comparable to the Mingjun of ancient times!" Wang Xuanjing said with a smile.

After reading the battle report next, Li Shimin was even more excited. In this battle, not only was he a brilliant victory, but the Tang army's casualties were also unexpectedly small.

This war to destroy the country, both in terms of the scale of manpower and material resources used and the duration, was smaller than that of all previous imperial periods.

But the results obtained were extremely brilliant.

The war ended in just a few months, and the Central Plains court did not have a big burden at all. Moreover, the money spent by the court in this battle was far less than the spoils captured.

Because Li Jing used a surprise attack, the Turks were completely unprepared. The Tang army suffered very few casualties, and even Wang Xuanjing was shocked.

This battle completely eliminated the threat from the north of the Tang Dynasty and captured more than one million cattle, sheep and horses. To put it bluntly, the achievements of this battle are the best in ancient and modern times!
The Tang Dynasty court showed its fangs for the first time, and the barbarians from all directions were shocked, followed by fear.

(End of this chapter)

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