I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 138 A Unique Confession

Chapter 138 A Unique Confession

Of course, Chen Fangqiu could tell that the two girls must be having trouble.

Occasionally there is a little friction between friends, which is also normal.

I just don't know what the conflict between these two girls is.

Sitting in his seat, Chen Fangqiu sent two messages to each of them: [What's the matter with you two? 】

Yu Xiangwei replied quickly: [Let's talk after class. 】

Yun Qi was a little tangled: [I don't know what to say now...]

Seeing them like this, Chen Fangqiu felt that he couldn't explain clearly by typing, so he replied: [Let's talk after class! 】

If there is only a little friction between the two of them, I can still reconcile from the middle.

Sometimes, a small estrangement can slowly turn into a big conflict if it is not properly resolved.

When Chen Fangqiu wanted to help them resolve their conflicts, he suddenly realized, could their conflicts be him?
If this is the case... the point is not whether the problem can be solved, but not to reveal the truth!
after class.

Yun Qi and Yu Xiangwei are no longer walking together as close as before.

Yun Qi left the classroom for a while before Yu Xiangwei left with the textbook.

Chen Fangqiu walked up to Yu Xiangwei, and asked straight to the point: "What's going on with you and Yunqi?"

Yu Xiangwei took a deep breath and lowered her eyelids: "Let's break up!"

Chen Fangqiu was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

Yu Xiangwei's eyes were slightly red: "I don't like you anymore, can't I?"

Chen Fangqiu knew at a glance that this woman was acting angry.

But I didn't mess with you!Why are you so angry with me!
"Speak well if you have something to say." Chen Fangqiu felt helpless.

"There are three of us, there is always someone who has to sacrifice." Yu Xiangwei said softly: "Yunqi is more suitable for you, go and be with her!"

"Why did you have to sacrifice yourself?"

"Don't ask, I just don't think we are suitable. Don't tell Yunqi that we have been in love, just pretend that nothing happened to us in the past."

After speaking, Yu Xiangwei quickly ran away.

Chen Fangqiu thought carefully about the behavior of the two of them this morning, obviously, Yunqi knew about it.

In other words, there is a high probability that this decision was made by the two of them together.

It's just that I don't know what method they used to make the decision that made Yu Xiangwei consciously willing to quit.

Chen Fangqiu thought for a while, adjusted his tone, and called Yunqi.

"Qiqi, Xiangwei finally figured it out." His tone was quite happy.

"What... what did she tell you just now?"

"She said she figured it out, and she doesn't like me anymore." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "She also said that you are more suitable for me, so let me be with you in the future."

Yun Qi became more and more melancholy: "Is she still saying good things for me..."

"This... This is not to say good things for you, she is just telling the truth."

"Alas..." Yun Qi sighed faintly.

"She has figured it out, why are you sighing! She is willing, and no one forced her to leave."

When Yun Qi heard this, her heart couldn't help but tense.

If he said that, he didn't know if he "forced" her to leave.

Thinking of this, Yunqi's heart sank even more.

During lunch.

Chen Fangqiu didn't see Yu Xiangwei.

I still didn't see her when I was having lunch in the afternoon.

She is really not coming.

Chen Fangqiu called Yu Xiangwei: "What's your situation?"

"It's nothing." Yu Xiangwei said lightly, "Don't look for me, go to Yunqi!"

"It's really inexplicable, I didn't do anything! Why is it like this all of a sudden!"

"It's not your fault, it's my problem." Yu Xiangwei said softly: "There can only be two people in this kind of thing. If you break up in the future, I will come to you again."

"I don't know what to do with your attitude today."

"You don't need to worry about me anymore." Yu Xiangwei said: "Whether you are talking about relationships or busy with your career, go do your own thing!"

After Yu Xiangwei finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Of course, Chen Fangqiu also knows that falling in love should really be a matter of two people.

But should, not must.

If possible, Chen Fangqiu would of course be happy to be together.

However, if Yu Xiangwei really had this attitude, Chen Fangqiu would not force her.

He, who has been resurrected for a lifetime, has already seen clearly.

If one day my girlfriend really wants to break up, then break up!
No matter how much you like her, as long as the other party is unwilling, Chen Fangqiu will not beg. If you have time to remember the past that you can't keep, it's better to look at the future.

There is so much money in this world that it is impossible to earn it all; there are so many good women that it is impossible to find it all.

Chen Fangqiu took a walk in the school, and along the way, his mind was full of these things today.

These two girls are really tossing people today.

Finally, Chen Fangqiu called Yun Qi again.

"Qiqi." Chen Fangqiu said straight to the point: "Actually, I'm quite curious. How did you tell Yu Xiangwei that she figured it out immediately?"

"Actually... it's not that I've figured it out." Yun Qi whispered, "It's because I'm luckier."

"What do you mean?"

Yun Qi hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell Chen Fangqiu the truth, she didn't want to deceive him.

"It's just... we two are rock-paper-scissors, whoever loses will quit..."

"You guys..." Chen Fangqiu was a little helpless, this method was like a child playing house.

However, Yu Xiangwei really admitted it.

And it seems that her attitude is quite firm.

"Isn't it a little too childish?" Yun Qi whispered.

"It's a bit!" Chen Fangqiu said with a smile: "But as long as the result is good, the process is not important."

Yun Qi was silent for a while.

In the past, I was inseparable from Yu Xiangwei every day, eating and going to class together.

Suddenly, today I am alone, I am not used to it,

And she also knew that although Yu Xiangwei didn't say anything, she must be very sad today.

As long as you put yourself in another place and think about it, you can realize that if you don't let yourself and Chen Fangqiu be together, you will also be very sad.

"This result... is it really the best?" Yun Qi asked quietly.

"Isn't it?" Chen Fangqiu asked back: "Do you have a better way?"

Yun Qi remained silent.

She remembered what Yu Xiangwei said about the two being together... At first she felt that Yu Xiangwei's method was unacceptable, but now she thinks, maybe she can think about it slowly!

At least that way, no one needs to be injured!

Yun Qi shook her head in some confusion: "Let's not talk about this for now! You have to go to the monitor's regular meeting tonight! Get ready!"

"Well, I'll find you after I finish my work later, my wife bye~"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fangqiu found that he had received a message from Jiang Yuyin on his phone: 【Where are you?I have to give you the keys to your apartment. 】

Chen Fangqiu replied: [I am on the cobblestone road behind the library. 】

Jiang Yuyin: [I'll be there later. 】

After a few minutes.

Jiang Yuyin rode a bicycle and came to Chen Fangqiu against the dusk.

Although it was only after six o'clock, the sky was already getting dark, and it was getting dark earlier and earlier in the early winter weather.

"Here!" She handed over the key with a smile: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Chen Fangqiu smiled and took the key back.

"Then..." Jiang Yuyin pursed her lips lightly, her pretty face was flushed, and she hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Chen Fangqiu laughed.

Obviously, she had something to say.

Jiang Yuyin wanted to confess her love. She had been preparing for a few days, but every time it came to a critical moment, she was too shy to speak.

"I... I'm fine!"

"Okay!" Chen Fangqiu didn't pursue it, and changed the subject: "Will they still bully you when you live in the dormitory?"


The smile on Jiang Yuyin's face faded a bit, she avoided her gaze, and said ambiguously: "Anyway, I just ignore them, and they don't dare to hit me."

Chen Fangqiu understood what she meant, as long as she endured it, nothing would happen, but people love to push their feet.

The more Jiang Yuyin endured, the more the other party must have gone too far.

Chen Fangqiu only felt regret that he had no chance to teach these girls a lesson.

But having said that, if he taught them a lesson, there would definitely be two results.

One is that they are still afraid and dare not do anything to Jiang Yuyin.

The second is that they dare not do anything to themselves, but they will vent their anger on Jiang Yuyin.

Bullying is really not easy to deal with.

Regardless of the outcome, Jiang Yuyin would definitely be unhappy living with them.

As for telling the teacher, this kind of thing is likely to be a mess.

Not to mention that people didn't hit people at all, even if they did, most of the schools would make reconciliation.

"Open your hands." Chen Fangqiu said.

"Ah..." Jiang Yuyin was stunned for a moment, she looked at Chen Fangqiu suspiciously, curiously.

But she didn't ask anything, and opened her little white hands obediently.

Chen Fangqiu lost two keys in her hand: "One unit door key, one house door key, room 6 in Building 806, remember."

"I... No need..." Jiang Yuyin immediately wanted to put the key back in Chen Fangqiu's hand.

"Hurry up and take it, the house has already been rented, and now I can't refund it."

"But..." Jiang Yuyin was both moved and embarrassed: "You have helped me a lot."

"Don't say these things are useless, just study hard and live well. If you are polite to me, you will be really angry."

Jiang Yuyin raised her head and looked at Chen Fangqiu's serious face, she didn't dare to refute, but said weakly: "When did you rent this..."

"At noon." Chen Fangqiu explained: "There are no houses on the lower floors, so I can only live on the eighth floor, but there is an elevator."


"Okay, hurry up and get busy! I'm going back to the classroom too." After Chen Fangqiu finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Yuyin subconsciously called out to him.

"what happened?"

Jiang Yuyin's little face was flushed again, she took a deep breath, and finally mustered up her courage: "You dared to hug me last time, then you...you...do you dare to kiss me?"

Chen Fangqiu wanted to laugh when he heard the words.

The way this girl confessed her love is really unique, the first time she saw her confession was to ask if she dared to kiss her.

"There's nothing you dare to do." Chen Fangqiu said seriously, "Even if you have AIDS, kissing won't infect you! But silly girl, kissing...is not something you can do casually."

When Jiang Yuyin heard this, she felt a little anxious, of course I knew that this was not done casually, I asked this question because I like you!

Don't you understand?
"Then are you...willing to kiss me?" Jiang Yuyin asked again in a low voice shyly.

She buried her little head and was too ashamed to lift her head.

Chen Fangqiu heard that what she asked just now was if she dared to kiss, but now she asked if she would.

"Of course I am willing!" Chen Fangqiu smiled lightly, and said frankly, "But with your head down like this, I can't even kiss you!"

"Hmph..." Jiang Yuyin smiled shyly.

Then, she plucked up the courage to raise her lovely face, which was already rosy, and bravely looked into Chen Fangqiu's eyes.

Her bright eyes were clear and deep, as if filling the entire Milky Way.

The atmosphere has already been enhanced here, and of course Chen Fangqiu will not be puzzled by the amorous feelings.

He lowered his head slowly, and gently kissed Jiang Yuyin's soft and moist lips.

"Hmm..." Jiang Yuyin's face was already flushed red, she was so nervous and shy that she almost couldn't stand still.

After the first kiss was finally taken away by Chen Fangqiu, Jiang Yuyin ran away shyly and returned to her bicycle: "I...I'm going to be a tutor!"

"Actually, there's no need to go." Chen Fangqiu said with a smile, "I'll raise you!"

"No, I have to do my best to rely on myself!" Jiang Yuyin blushed a little stubbornly: "Besides, I actually... don't have AIDS."

After finishing speaking, she ran away shyly on her bicycle.

Chen Fangqiu smiled, he was not worried about this at all.

Unless there is oral mucosal bleeding, or kissing generally will not be infected with AIDS.

Including sexual transmission, if there is no bleeding or mucous membrane damage during the period, it is basically not contagious.

In the final analysis, these are mainly blood transmission.

This is also the most serious reason for the spread of AIDS among gay men, because gay men's sex is very easy to cause damage to the rectal mucosa, and the infection rate is high if there is blood contact.

Chen Fangqiu walked towards the classroom contentedly. The relationship between the two finally made substantial progress. Now they must be boyfriend and girlfriend, just a matter of words.

Something happened to Yu Xiangwei today, but there was another girlfriend, Jiang Yuyin.

at the same time.

Yun Qi also called Yu Xiangwei.

"Xiangwei, where are you?"

This is the first time the two have spoken today.

"I... am in the center of Yangyue Lake!" Yu Xiangwei said softly.

Yun Qi knew that she must feel uncomfortable going to the lakeside to be in a daze alone.

"I'll go find you now." Yunqi put away her phone.

After a few minutes.

Yunqi came to the small island in the middle of the lake, and saw Yu Xiangwei sitting on a stone bench.

Yu Xiangwei turned her head and smiled at her: "What's the matter? I've already kept my promise!"

Yunqi sat next to her, watching the lakeside with ripples caused by the breeze, and was silent for a moment.

Yu Xiangwei also fell silent, and there was a brief silence between the two of them.

After a while, Yunqi finally broke the silence: "Your previous idea, I think...maybe you can give it a try!"

"Ah..." Yu Xiangwei was stunned for a moment: "You mean... the way we two and Chen Fangqiu...?"

"Hmm..." Yun Qi was a little embarrassed, and responded with a voice like a mosquito: "But... I still have one condition, you must agree to me."


(End of this chapter)

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