I want it all after rebirth

Chapter 139 Is there such a choice?Come more!

Chapter 139 Is there such a choice?Come more!
"What conditions?" Yu Xiangwei was a little curious, but also a little apprehensive.

She was also quite afraid that Yunqi would put forward some difficult conditions.

"The three of us are together now. Until the relationship stabilizes, we can't...can't go to bed with Chen Fangqiu for the time being."

Yu Xiangwei: "..."

But I have already been slept by him!
If you said it sooner, I could still promise you, but now the raw rice has already been cooked.

What should I do?

"Can't you agree?" Yun Qi asked in a low voice.

"No..." Yu Xiangwei shook her head: "If we are really together and can't sleep...it seems inappropriate! After all, that kind of thing is normal between couples!"

"So what I'm talking about is temporary! I want to see first, whether the three of us can sustain it."

"How long is it for now?"

"One year!" Yun Qi breathed out lightly: "If the relationship between the three of us is still very good after one year, then...that's fine."

"But... do you think Chen Fangqiu can wait for a year? What if he wants?"

"He He……"

As soon as it was mentioned that Chen Fangqiu might want it, Yun Qi became a little entangled: "Actually, as long as the two of us don't want to do it, he will definitely not force us."

"That's true, let him endure it slowly!"

Yun Qi thought about it, and felt that a year might be a bit long.

"Then... half a year!" She took a step back.

"If you want to see if the relationship can be stabilized, three months is actually enough!"

Yun Qi thought for a while, but still shook her head: "Half a year, no less."

"It's just that the two of us can't discuss it!" Yu Xiangwei said softly: "I still have to tell Chen Fangqiu about this matter."

"Then...you go and tell him!"

"Aren't you together?"

"I can't, you can just tell him." Yunqi was a little embarrassed, she felt unable to speak.

Yu Xiangwei looked at the time: "Let's go back to the classroom first! Class is about to begin."



Chen Fangqiu saw Yu Xiangwei and Yun Qi coming back together.

Then sat in front of him, and went back to the two of them's previous seats.

The two girls ignored Chen Fangqiu for a while.

Yu Xiangwei knew that now was not the time to talk about that kind of thing.

Yunqi was purely because of the decision just now, which made her a little shy and embarrassed to talk to Chen Fangqiu.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fangqiu was a little surprised. In the morning, the two of them had officially broken off friendship, but they didn't expect to reconcile so quickly now.

Obviously, the two of them must have talked about something just now, and the reason for their reconciliation must be that they found a solution acceptable to both of them.

What would be the solution then?

Chen Fangqiu was puzzled for a moment, and a bold idea gradually popped up in his mind.

They can't be... really agree, right?

Looking at the situation in front of him, Chen Fangqiu felt that the possibility was very high.

Apart from the three being together, it is hard for Chen Fangqiu to think of other ways to make the two of them still feel like sisters.

Moreover, this method was originally proposed by Chen Fangqiu on purpose from the beginning, and it was also a small goal of his.

The two girls didn't say anything, so Chen Fangqiu naturally didn't ask questions.

"I'm going to a meeting." He got up and said softly to Yun Qi: "If there is anything in the class, you can deal with it."

"Hmm..." Yun Qi just buried her head and responded weakly.

Chen Fangqiu went to the conference hall alone.

This meeting was held temporarily, and the monitors of each class were required to attend.

The meeting was chaired by the Youth League Committee Department, that is, the department where Yu Shuting worked.

So Chen Fangqiu saw Yu Shuting again, and as soon as the two looked at each other, Yu Shuting immediately looked away.

She was embarrassed to go to see Chen Fangqiu, and the scene of being fired by him involuntarily appeared in her mind, which disturbed her mind.

Seven o'clock sharp.

The meeting officially started.

Chen Fangqiu is definitely not interested in these things, especially the official speeches of senior regiment officials, to strengthen xx, establish xx, and deal with xx seriously...

Che Jilu spun around a few times, making Chen Fangqiu doze off listening to it.

Later, when Yu Shuting, the deputy secretary, spoke, Chen Fangqiu listened carefully to a few words. At least she stopped saying those empty words.

What she said focused on last week's stipend.

First of all, Yu Shuting once again criticized Zhao Mingzhong's corruption of scholarships, and then praised Chen Fangqiu incidentally.

"...Of course, I am not encouraging everyone to pay out of their own pockets like Chen Fangqiu. In fact, we do not advocate this kind of behavior. As a monitor, as long as the selection is fair and just, if there are too many difficult students in the class If the number of scholarships is not enough, you can explain the situation to the Youth League Committee.”

"In addition, I know that there must be more than one case like Zhao Mingzhong's. In the future, as long as someone reports a report, the Youth League Committee will investigate. I hope that the class leader who made a mistake can admit his mistake. If he comes to the Youth League Committee now to "surrender himself", he will be punished. It will be lighter than Zhao Mingzhong, and the whole school will not report criticism, but if you are lucky and found out by the Youth League Committee, the punishment will only be heavier than Zhao Mingzhong..."

When the senior officials of the regiment spoke just now, the squad leaders below were all foolish, because they were all empty words, and they didn't feel it at all.

Yu Shuting's words made everyone sit down with their heads down.

Probably only Chen Fangqiu dared to look up at Yu Shuting on the stage.

The more serious and aloof she was, the more determined Chen Fangqiu was to stir her up again tonight, and the contrast was even more beautiful.

After about an hour, the meeting finally came to an end.

When leaving the conference room, Chen Fangqiu deliberately saw the timing and walked to Yu Shuting's side.

"Come out at night, I'll treat you to something to eat." Chen Fangqiu whispered.

Yu Shuting believed that he really wanted to treat herself to a meal.

It's just the mouth that eats, not the upper mouth.

Thinking of Chen Fangqiu's violence, Yu Shuting couldn't help feeling a little restless.

"Cough!" She took a deep breath to wake herself up.

Then he pretended not to hear what Chen Fangqiu said, and quickened his pace to distance himself from Chen Fangqiu.

On this occasion, she really didn't dare to talk about such things with Chen Fangqiu.

At this moment, another message came from the mobile phone, and it was indeed from Chen Fangqiu: [I am waiting for you at the old place next to the basketball court]

Yu Shuting picked up her mobile phone and didn't say she agreed or refused.

After going downstairs.

When Yu Shuting was still hesitating whether to go with Chen Fangqiu, she suddenly saw her boyfriend Gao Xiangfei.

"The meeting is finally over, I'll take you to play." Gao Xiangfei greeted him quickly.

"What are you playing?" Yu Shuting frowned, feeling that he was a bit disappointing for no reason.

"You will know when you go."

Gao Xiangfei chuckled, and took Yu Shuting to the nearby dark grove.

Yu Shuting naturally understood what he was going to do, and she was a little dissatisfied: "You only think about these things, don't you? I really don't want to be in this kind of place."

"Just try it!" Gao Xiangfei was a little excited: "I've never played with you in the woods before! How exciting!"

"I still have things to do right now!"

"It's okay, it will be soon." Gao Xiangfei said with a smile: "By the way, you are in the safe period now, right?"

"What! I'm in danger now." Yu Shuting frowned: "You don't have a condom, do you?"

"Uh...it's okay."

"How could it be okay, what if I get pregnant!" Yu Shuting refused to say anything now, her attitude was very firm: "Go back quickly."

"But..." Gao Xiangfei was a little unwilling: "Why don't you take medicine!"

"What?" Yu Shuting's pretty face sank, and she became even angrier: "You really went too far!"

"Forget it..." Seeing this, Gao Xiangfei didn't dare to force her anymore: "I'm asking a friend for one now, just wait for me for a while."

Gao Xiangfei took out his mobile phone, and when he was about to ask his brother for tools, he saw a friend telling him to play basketball: 【Hurry up!The opponents are those three people who beat us last time, don't you want revenge? 】

Gao Xiangfei immediately got excited and wanted to play basketball.

"Forget it." He sighed lightly: "I won't play today, you go to work!"

"What's wrong with you too?"

Gao Xiangfei nodded: "I have something to deal with."

"Then go get busy!" Yu Shuting was a little angry, but she didn't want to say anything more.

After Gao Xiangfei left, Yu Shuting turned on her phone and saw the message that Chen Fangqiu had just sent: [I want to invite you to eat, but I won't give you a chance? 】

Yu Shuting took a deep breath and replied: [What do you want me to eat? 】

When Chen Fangqiu saw the news, he knew there was something going on.

The point is not what she replied, as long as she replied, it meant that she also had an idea.

Chen Fangqiu: [You will know when you come. 】

Yu Shuting: [Don't lie to me! 】

Chen Fangqiu: [Okay! 】

So, after the two met.

Chen Fangqiu then pulled Yu Shuting into the grove.

"No... this... this is the last time!" Yu Shuting said that sentence again.

Chen Fangqiu smiled without saying a word.

Cheating is similar to domestic violence. Unless it is sanctioned, there is only a difference between zero and countless times.

If there is one time, there will be a second time.

There may be some guilt at first, and I feel sorry for my boyfriend.

But as the number of times increases, this sense of guilt will become smaller and smaller.

A few minutes later, amidst Yu Shuting's half-push and half-shrug, Chen Fangqiu suddenly said: "Oh no... I don't have a condom anymore."

Yu Shuting was already a little confused, she shook her head: "No...it's okay, I can take medicine."

Now that she has said so, Chen Fangqiu is naturally not polite.

After things are over.

Chen Fangqiu turned on the phone, and there was a message from Yunqi: [Why haven't you come back yet!Is the meeting so long today? 】

Chen Fangqiu thought to himself, I have another meeting with the Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee alone.

Chen Fangqiu replied: [I won't be going back to the classroom later, what's the matter? 】

Yunqi glanced at Yu Xiangwei, hesitated for a moment, and replied: [That... Xiangwei will look for you later. 】

"Hey..." Yu Xiangwei hurriedly said: "Why do you only talk about me! You also have a part in this matter!"

"Didn't I just say that, you go and talk to him!" Yun Qi said a little embarrassedly.

"No..." Yu Xiangwei shook her head: "I think it's better for both of us to be present for this matter. At worst, you don't need to talk by the side, just let me say it!"

"Then..." Yun Qi hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay!"

So, after class, the two girls went to find Chen Fangqiu together.

The three meet on the playground.

"You two are separated and reunited today, and I'm completely confused." Chen Fangqiu showed a helpless look: "What's going on now?"

Yu Xiangwei and Yun Qi looked at each other, they lowered their heads almost at the same time, they were shy and embarrassed to speak for a while.

Yun Qi kicked Yu Xiangwei lightly, motioning for Yu Xiangwei to speak, and she had already agreed to let her speak, if you want to keep your word!

"Cough...then I'll just say it straight." Yu Xiangwei raised her head and whispered, "Both Qiqi and I like you, don't you know?"

"I... know." Chen Fangqiu pretended to be embarrassed: "Why did you say this suddenly?"

"Don't you want to hide it? Isn't that lying to yourself?" Yu Xiangwei breathed out lightly: "This matter must be made clear sooner or later."

"You two are like this now, which makes me a little dizzy." Chen Fangqiu patted his forehead helplessly.

"You are also a party, if you decide, what will you do?" Yu Xiangwei asked intentionally.

"It's really easy for me to decide!" Chen Fangqiu said seriously: "I will be with whoever I like."

Hearing this, Yu Xiangwei felt that Chen Fangqiu would definitely choose her, because she was his girlfriend now!

Yun Qi felt the same way.

Both girls felt that if the competition was fair, they would be winners and the other sister would be losers.

If everyone is happy in this way, that is naturally good.

However, such a result has been seen today, and it is not an ideal result, and they are not willing to accept it.

"Your thought will hurt one of us." Yu Xiangwei puffed up her mouth.

"Then I can't help it!" Chen Fangqiu spread his hands helplessly.

Yu Xiangwei took a deep breath: "The two of us thought of a way so that we don't need anyone to get hurt."

"What?" Chen Fangqiu already knew what their solution was.

Yu Xiangwei turned her head and looked into Yunqi's eyes, making a final confirmation to her: Do you want to say it?
Yun Qi closed her eyes and nodded slightly.

Yu Xiangwei then said: "The way is, the two of us will be with you in the future."

"What?" Chen Fangqiu pretended to be shocked: "You mean..."

"That's right, that's it." Yu Xiangwei interrupted him.

"No!" Chen Fangqiu waved his hand, his attitude seemed very firm: "I can't do this kind of thing."

Seeing his attitude, the two girls were very happy at this moment.

Most men would be overjoyed when encountering such a thing!
Chen Fangqiu's attitude now made them quite at ease, which showed that he was indeed a reliable man.

Chen Fangqiu's attitude also made them feel that their choice was right.

"This is what we both want." Yu Xiangwei said with a firmer tone.

"It's not a matter of willingness, I really..."

"Then we will give you a choice, you can make your own decision!" Yu Xiangwei said.

"What choice?"

Yu Xiangwei snorted softly: "Either agree to what I said just now, or we both ignore you in the future, you choose one yourself!"

Chen Fangqiu: "..."

These two options are too difficult to choose! !


(End of this chapter)

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