My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 100 The Broken Yellow Rose

Chapter 100 The Broken Yellow Rose
Like a ghost.

Facing the young man in front of him, Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't hold back his hostility no matter what.

He is a magician killer. He has taken on many missions along the way and met many people, but no one has ever forced him into this situation. Knows well.

Even, forced to become a puppet dancing in the palm of others.

——This kind of thing should have been his right.

This kind of familiarity like looking at himself in the mirror not only did not make Kiritsugu let go of his vigilance, but on the contrary became more nervous, because he knew what extraordinary things he would do for his goal.

"Anxin, I don't intend to kill you." The young man said this, walking towards him step by step, "Anyway, Kiritsugu, you and your wife are me... people who are closely related to me."

"Really?" Emiya Kiritsugu replied calmly as if he believed it.

The next moment, the young man jumped up, holding the projected Zhenghuang magic gun, and stabbing the torso of the man in front of him!

Almost at the same time, the magician killer in black kicked his legs, moved at a very human speed, and escaped from the attack range of the magic gun.

"Is it inherently time-controlled?" Shuo Yue blatantly "tsk" when the assassination failed, without any sense of shame that he did not talk about martial arts, "It's really annoying."

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't criticize anything either, in his values, this kind of assassination was as natural and normal as eating and drinking, but the weird feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

In the city of Einzbern a year ago, this young man behaved so calmly that Emiya Kiritsugu only gradually discovered the abnormality in this young man one year later.

Like, so much like, as if carved out of the same mold.

This is already beyond the scope of imitation, it is almost like his own son who has been taught by Emiya Kiritsugu and has inherited all his skills.

To understand this exception.

The source of this anomaly must be understood before the final battle.

With doubts that could not be resolved, Emiya Kiritsugu spoke, and Sakuyue's voice sounded together.

"I think we need to talk."

Both of them are people who pursue efficiency. After being surprised, they kept a safe distance and tried to talk.

"You..." Emiya Kiritsugu opened his mouth to speak, but the end of the first word stretched endlessly, and he couldn't weave a complete sentence no matter what.

who are you?
Where did you learn your craft?

what is your purpose?
Pick any one of these three questions, and you can get valuable information, but it is precisely because they are too similar, so Emiya Kiritsugu concluded that such questions are destined to have no answers.

It's just that he responded with silence, while Shuoyue would talk nonsense and make people faint with specious jokes.

What he wants is not a lie, but the two of them are standing so close, but their hearts cannot be touched.

Kiritsugu's hesitation naturally wouldn't escape Sakutsuki's eyes, he smiled slightly and raised his hand.

The magic light curtain spread out, reflecting the battlefield between Lancer and Saber.

Since everyone is wary, it is difficult to speak.

Then find the opportunity to communicate, for example, the simplest and most straightforward way to talk about topics——

From the battle of these two heroic spirits, what did you see?

The red spear is sweeping like an angry dragon, and the yellow spear is dormant like a poisonous snake.

The two different styles were displayed in Lancer's hands. Saber, who was caught between the two styles, was exhausted. Even when she waved the holy sword that symbolized victory, she was forced to crumble by the two spear points.

Can't win.

Powerful intuition has come to a conclusion.

If it doesn't heal the wound on the arm.

If not restored to its full glory.

She will definitely be defeated by Lancer.

But if you want to lift the curse on your hand, you must defeat Lancer, but if you want to defeat Lancer, you must lift the curse on your hand... This is an unsolvable knot.

No, there is still a way.

If the goal is not to defeat the servants, but simply to destroy a certain object...

Intuition gave the answer. At a certain moment, Arturia's blue eyes brightened, and the battle skirt on her body disintegrated before the spear touched it. The "magic power release" broke out, and the petite (1.5 meters) girl The swordsman cut straight into the spearman's (1.8 meters) close body, held the hilt of the sword with his backhand, held the holy sword upside down like a dagger, and cut towards Lancer's right arm.

Finding that he is no match for me, are you planning to fight with your life... Although Diarmuid was not flustered, he clenched the demon-breaking red rose with his right arm, and avoided the bottom-up slash of the holy sword at an awkward angle. At the same time, the right arm closed from the outside to the inside, as if embracing Saber, he handed out the yellow spear point towards Saber.

The closer the hand-to-hand combat, the more oppressive the warrior's nerves and tested their instinctive coping. Even Diarmuid subconsciously made the best defense and counterattack methods, completely unaware that the corner of Saber's mouth curled up. A triumphant smile.

The silver armor covered the upper body in an instant. Although the perishable Yellow Rose could leave unhealable wounds, it could not destroy the armor woven by magic power. Even a sharp spear would inevitably lag for a moment before destroying the armor. Defense, cut Saber's fair skin.

Blood gurgled down, Saber's eyebrows trembled slightly with the pain of the curse, but the movement of her hand did not hesitate, but maintained the posture of holding the holy sword backwards, the blade collided with the returning red rose, and the hilt Then it slammed into Lancer's left wrist.

"Oh!" The impact from the outside world oppressed the nerves, Lancer's palm went numb uncontrollably, the spear blade in his hand came out, Saber grabbed it, and immediately the girl knight's call sounded.

"Strike Air!"

The frantic storm swept everything, and when Lancer broke through the magic wind field with the magic-breaking gun, Saber had successfully opened the distance.

Although her shoulders and arms were scarred by the curse, Saber's left hand was holding the source of the curse, Lancer's Noble Phantasm - the 'Yellow Rose That Must Be Destroyed' (Gae Buidhe).

"...Wonderful assault." After a moment of silence, Lancer showed a smile mixed with appreciation and bitterness.

This is definitely not a move that can be used in normal competitions. For fighters, any injury on the body will affect the movement and speed of the move, which is fatal in a skill confrontation.

But it was precisely because they descended as servants that Saber was able to take risks and adopt such risky tactics.

As long as the 'yellow rose that must be destroyed' is broken, the injuries that Saber has suffered so far will be restored to the original state. Unless it is a fatal injury such as penetrating the spiritual core, the follower is almost immortal.

This also means that Lancer Diarmuid, who has lost a weapon, is about to face the leader of the three knights in his peak state-Knight King Saber.

"Thank you for the compliment, Lancer." Even the tactic that he thought was dangerous was successful, and even the serious Artoria couldn't help showing a slight smile.

The 'Yellow Rose that Must Be Extinct' was thrown high, and the golden slash swept across, turning the magic spear back to its spiritual state. At the same time, the injuries on Saber's body, including the cut wound on her left finger, were extremely serious. Fast speed back to the original.

Moving his nimble fingers, the King of Knights took a deep breath, and re-clutched the hilt of the holy sword with both hands.

The invincible momentum was released wantonly, which represented the height of her fighting spirit at this time.

"I accept this victory, Lancer!"

(End of this chapter)

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