My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 101 The End of Honor and the Light of Legend

Chapter 101 The End of Honor and the Light of Legend

A heroic swordsman and a slender spearman.

A girl as beautiful as moonlight, a man as handsome as a goshawk.

Roaring swords, roaring guns.

What a passionate symphony that erupted between the collision of weapons, even the heart was pounding, beating with every movement and collision of them.

The noble knights spanned a long time and stood on the land of the world again. They sang the glory that had gone away and showed the world the glory they insisted on.

But such an exciting picture, in the eyes of a certain man, is as disgusting as impurity and filth.

Ugly, ugly, disgusting.

It's like seeing two wild dogs biting by the side of the road, or a funny clown show in a circus.

"I didn't aim to kill Lancer, so I deceived Diarmuid and destroyed one of his Noble Phantasms. As expected of Saber, as Kiritsugu's follower, the current advantages and disadvantages have been completely reversed." On the other hand, Shuoyue was still smiling, applauding sincerely.

Facing the compliment that had nothing to do with him, Emiya Kiritsugu frowned as if he had been insulted, and spoke in a dark and cold tone:
"She is not my follower, and I have nothing to say to her."

"Oh, why, this is Saber, the most powerful job in the Holy Grail War."

"For this kind of butcher who would do it for so-called glory and reputation, I just want to stay away from it." Emiya Kiritsugu raised his eyes, looking at Sakutsu who had been trying to induce him to speak, "Don't you think so?"

"How could it be? I can only admire and cherish such a beautiful scene, so how can I hate it?" The young man's expression was always smiling, as if he was wearing a mask that could not see the truth clearly.

Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't judge Sakutsuki's true thoughts, but he still sneered and said, "But you brought me here, if you like reading such fairy tales, why did you use my gun?"

"Do you have any dissatisfaction with chivalry?" Shuo Yue raised her hand and pointed to the two figures in the picture, "It is such figures that guide the troubled times. In the dark Middle Ages, they were a rare light."

"But they haven't changed anything!" Unable to suppress the depression in his heart any longer, the black-haired man in black shouted in a low voice, "The so-called knights can't save the world at all!"

"Those people have good and evil methods of promoting war. They always act as if there is something noble on the battlefield. Do you know how many young people are attracted by such things as valor and fame because of the fantasy played by heroes of all ages? Temptation, bloody sacrifice in the end?"

Along the way, the killer with blood on his hands made such an assertion. No one is more qualified to say such words than him. Even the passing knights cannot shake his rock-like determination.

Talking about chivalry in the Holy Grail War, in the eyes of Emiya Kiritsugu, this is no different from sending to death.

Yes, those who save the world are never people who follow the rules. The knights who dance under the rules are just clowns who can be manipulated by others. Only by pursuing power beyond the rules can we completely cut off the bloodshed and sacrifice in this world... …

"Even if it's just a dream for a moment, you still have to lay a wedge for it—maybe it's really just a fantasy, but human beings who lose their illusions can't live, people always have wishes and longings to move forward, Kiritsugu. "Sakuyue's face was calm, and she was not shaken by Kiritsugu's theory, "Or, do you want everyone in the world to become like you?"

"The same unscrupulous, same ruthless, self-proclaimed sobriety and reason, despise ridiculous rules and laws..." The heart of Emiya Kiritsugu was exposed inch by inch, but stopped abruptly at the last step, so from Sakuyue What he said was the chaotic future:
"There is no need for hell. If everyone imitates you, then this world itself will be hell."

"This has nothing to do with me, and I don't ask the world to be the same as me." Emiya Kiritsugu naturally wouldn't be confused, "On the battlefield, one should be decisive in killing and attacking each other, and the ridiculous plot of sympathizing with each other and being confidantes is still a gamer's house wine. Let's do it again when the time comes."

Staring at the clear picture of the battle situation, the man who seemed to be transformed into darkness put his hands in his pockets, and spoke calmly:
"Killing is the vicious means of last resort. Since this is the case, the best way is to use the highest efficiency and the lowest consumption to end everything in the shortest time. If you think my actions are despicable and accuse me of being cruel, then Feel free to scold. Justice cannot save the world, and I have no interest in justice at all."

He recognized the justice of chivalry, but also sneered at this so-called light.

In the image of magic, the battle has come to an end.


The golden holy sword was placed on Diarmuid's neck one step earlier than the scarlet magic spear, announcing the opponent's victory.

In the final decisive battle, both of them knew each other's abilities thoroughly, and their inherent skills 'Intuition' and 'Knight's Martial Strategy' and 'Eye of Mind·Truth' were also on equal footing, not to mention that they were also peak fighters whose skills touched the realm of God. There is not much difference in physical fitness.

It stands to reason that no one would be surprised to win such a duel, but there are still differences between the two sides.

There's a world of difference between "swinging a sword for the future" and "raising a gun for death," and it's clear which side Morgana (the Celtic goddess of victory) will favor.

"I lost, Saber." As if his wish had come true, Diarmuid showed a sincere smile on his face, half-knelt on the ground, lowered his head, as if accepting a knight's canonization, he bowed his neck and killed him.

"It's an honor for me, Diarmuid Odina, to meet you."

"This is the same for me, Lancer." The hand holding the sword trembled slightly, not because of exhaustion, but because of the thought of sending away this great hero who was both an enemy and a friend with his own hands, Saber felt distressed in his heart. The words are sour.

And so, the sword of sworn victory left the Lancer's fragile throat.

"Knight King, you are..." Diarmuid raised his head and said in surprise.

"Lancer, at the very end, please allow me to be willful for a while—" Saber pursed her lips, and suddenly showed a proud and sad smile.

"At least, it will allow me to say goodbye to you in the most solemn way."

grand way.

For Artoria, a king who has lost her country and is now just a servant, what she can show Diarmuid is the end of honor, the golden brilliance——

That is the ideal of knights.

Take pride in exalting this will, and honor in implementing this belief.

At this moment, the King of Eternal Victory loudly called out the real name of the miracle in his hand.


 To be honest, I always feel that there is something wrong with using a big move to send people away...

(End of this chapter)

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