My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 102 Lancer Diarmuid, Exit

Chapter 102 Lancer Diarmuid, Exit

The light keeps gathering.

The soft and wish-like rays of light gather together one after another, as if shining on this peerless holy sword, embellishing the most shining brilliance is their supreme vocation.

The intense yet quiet light left everyone speechless.

This glorious holy sword is the sad and lofty dream of all the soldiers who died on the battlefield at the last moment across the past, present and future - the crystallization of the wish called "Glory".

"Ex-calibur (Sword of Promised Victory)!!"

Light is flowing.

The light is roaring.

The factor of the red dragon was liberated, allowing the magic power to continuously accelerate and turn into flashes, and the spiraling light flow from the lasing light illuminated the deep night.

Facing the bright aurora head-on, Lancer didn't say a word, just staring intently at the white and dazzling moment of destruction.


That's right—it was exactly the light he had hoped for.

He is also a knight, galloping across the battlefield in pursuit of this brilliance.

The past regrets were deep enough, but when Diarmuid was bathed in this light, new memories flowed in his mind.

Come down to the world and swear eternal allegiance.

Warehouse Street, fought against the beautiful King of Knights and won by a small margin.

Hyatt Hotel, share the worldly food with Caster.

In the Einzbern Forest, join hands with Saber, and fight fiercely with Berserker.

The abandoned factory, with the help of the lord, had a hearty battle with Shuoyue.

And at the end of the day, despite losing to the first and last enemy, we can still have a grand farewell...

Finally, Diarmuid realized something, with a happy smile on his face.

He is very satisfied to have such precious memories in his second life.

"I have no regrets..."

After muttering to himself, Fiona's warrior closed his eyes and greeted the final destination calmly.

Lancer Diarmuid, exit.


[Hidden condition 3*: 'Give Diarmuid a chivalrous ending' has been completed. 】

[Rewards: "Full Projection Permissions for the Demon-Breaking Red Rose (Gae Dearg) and the Destroying Yellow Rose (Gae Buidhe)"! 】

Scanning the hints on the retina, Shuo Yue turned her eyes to the fading brilliance again, and narrowed her eyes as if her eyes were burned.

He is intoxicated by the dazzling ideal light.

If it was the followers of the King of Knights, or all living beings, they would definitely fall under this ray of light.

But fools walking on their own paths will only stop to appreciate and sigh deeply from their hearts.

It is a pity that although the new moon a few years ago belonged to the former, the people standing here today can be excited and admired, but they will not chase the sad wish behind this light.

After all, he is not Emiya Shirou.

"At least in this regard, we have a consensus." A voice suddenly came from behind.

Recovering from the weakness from the consumption of a large amount of magic power, Kiritsugu took a rare step forward, walked to the magic light curtain, and carefully looked at the thin but firm back of his follower.

The remaining light of the holy sword illuminated the man's eyes, and there was a dead silence inside, and under the dead stillness was a blazing lonely fire.

Who exactly was the object of the anger in his eyes—of course it was self-explanatory.

"Did you see that? It is the brilliance that illuminates the troubled times." There was no expectation in the whisper, and deep despair was hidden in it.

"But King Arthur's final outcome was betrayal, failure, and a dagger stabbed at her back by his son Mordred... The chivalry she sang, the justice she upheld did not save her country and her son. The people, but pushed her into a situation beyond redemption."

"The battlefield is hell! Even the so-called chivalry and justice will inevitably struggle, and as long as human beings do not repent and regard struggle as the most evil taboo, the scene of hell will repeat itself in the world!"

For the first time, Emiya Kiritsugu had such a snorting expression on his face—this monologue was the resentment of a man who was exhausted by endless grief and lamentation.

"No matter how much human blood flows into rivers and corpses pile up into mountains, they will not be able to discover this fact. Because no matter what era, brave and invincible heroes will only deceive the eyes of the world with bright and beautiful legends, and will not admit it. This is the evil that causes blood to flow in rivers, and the essence of human beings has not progressed at all since the Stone Age!"

From the day when the flames of war were ignited in the land of Fuyuki, Kiritsugu has been carrying uncontrollable anger in his heart, looking at the radiant heroic spirits in front of him who are proud of their heroic deeds.

Kiritsugu harbored incomprehensible anger towards those who left their fame and those who yearned for their fame...People's prayers gave birth to the concept of "heroic spirits", and he felt deeply disgusted by this.

In the magic screen, Saber has disappeared, and must have followed the induction between the master and the slave, and found it.

However Emiya Kiritsugu didn't want to see Saber, so he turned around and walked outside without hesitation.

"Kiritsugu." Sakutsuki didn't turn his head, because Emiya Kiritsugu's footsteps would not stop.

"There must be a limit to the act of killing the few and saving the many. The importance of life cannot be measured by your ruler-if you continue to raise chips towards the balance, you will lose everything, 'partner of justice' .”

The man in black turned his head abruptly, his eyes full of pain and hatred almost turned into blades, but in the end Kiritsugu retracted his gaze and never looked back.

"End the vicious circle that cannot be ended. Only the Holy Grail can do it."

He said as if talking to himself, and started to walk again.

"I will use miracles to change the world and complete the reform of human hearts. I will make the blood left in Fuyuki the last drop of human blood. For this reason, even if I have to bear all the sins of the world, I will not hesitate .”

The figure of the man melted into the darkness again and disappeared.

This time, Shuo Yue didn't stop him again.

The young man with golden eyes closed his eyes, humming a little tune softly.

"Even if you are covered in bruises (伤つくのが)"

"Even in the face of an unbearable fate (运命(さだめ) だとしても)"

"This soul will still bloom with bright brilliance (心はまだ色を发つ)"


You are right, Kiritsugu, the battlefield is hell, and chivalry cannot bring salvation.

But this is only consequentialism.

Abandoning the past, ignoring the future, just judging the present, being the switchman who kills the few and saves the many in the infinite tram problem...but never thought that someone can stop the murderous tram that leads to death, even if That person is not you.

You've just been overwhelmed by the dark and brutal reality and given up on fantasy.

However, the ideals left by the heroic spirits of the past generations, the will inherited-this is the future of our humanity.

We walk under thousands of stars, Kiritsugu... In the end, we too will become a star, illuminating the path of future generations.

The Holy Grail cannot redeem human beings, as if there were no gods in this world from the beginning.

If you want to truly illuminate the darkness in people's hearts, then you only need more and more stars.

I always believe that one day, the stars in the sky will bring a bright day.

Even though, it is not me who shines the light in the sky.

In Shuo Yue's mind, the platinum radiance became brighter and brighter, and her soul became more and more clear like glass because of her established belief.

That is the brilliance of the third law.

At this moment, the crisp clashing sound of the armor and the girl's voice sounded together.

"Great singing." Artoria nodded slightly, showing a tired smile.

Even she personally sent away Diarmuid, who was also an enemy and friend, and she felt very uncomfortable.

As for Shuoyue, she opened her mouth in embarrassment, and her previous emotion was immediately thrown out of the blue.

Gan, I forgot that Saber is still here!

Suppressing the shame of rolling all over the floor, the white-haired young man covered his mouth and coughed lightly: "Well... I think we need to talk, Saber."

Seeing the rare blush of the young man in front of her, the corners of Saber's mouth curled up slightly, feeling much better.

"of course can."

(End of this chapter)

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