Chapter 103 Hypnosis Electric Wave

[I just want to stay away from this kind of butcher who would do it for the so-called glory and reputation. 】

[If you think my actions are despicable and accuse me of being cruel, feel free to scold me.Justice cannot save the world, and I have no interest in justice at all! 】

[The battlefield is hell!Even the so-called chivalry and justice cannot avoid struggle, and as long as human beings do not repent and regard struggle as the most evil taboo, the scene of hell will be repeated in the world again and again! 】

After watching the segment of the conversation between Sakutsuki and Emiya Kiritsugu, the dumb hair on Saber's head flickered slightly, and she fell into deep thought.

To be honest, after seeing Emiya Kiritsugu's contemptuous expression and such a fierce gesture, she stopped feeling angry at her Master.

Instead, there is deep compassion.

Yes, her master may be a man worthy of sympathy, and it may not be this world that needs redemption, but himself.

Such a distorted way of existence, throwing away all the past and future, living in the present like some kind of inorganic mechanism, judging the present... That is definitely not what a person should look like.

"If you do evil because you hate evil, in the end there is only evil. The anger and hatred that sprout from evil will definitely ignite new flames of war."

Saber couldn't help murmuring.

"Emiya Kiritsugu, I don't know how much betrayal you have suffered and why you are in despair. But your anger and sighs are undoubtedly only those who have pursued justice... The real you in the past should really want to be a partner of justice 'Right. You should believe more than anyone else, and long for a hero who can save the world..."

No one would give her the look of hatred after being seen through, because Emiya Kiritsugu had gone far away, and the only thing left in place was the cool breeze that had not changed for thousands of years.

And that smiling young man who concealed part of the truth.

"You should understand, Artoria." Sakuzuki said leisurely, "You and Emiya Kiritsugu have fundamentally different ways of doing things, and your paths will inevitably conflict."

"That's true...but."

Saber raised her head, her holy blue eyes were extremely sharp, as if she could see through Shuo Yue's deepest thoughts.

"What are you trying to do by letting me see this?"

"Make an alliance with me, Saber." The young man responded without thinking, and a lightning-like, colorful dagger appeared in his hand, "You should have guessed it, I have the means to break the contract between the master and the servant ——How about it, do you want to join my camp?"

"There is no need to doubt, I will naturally guarantee the safety of Irisviel and even Emiya Kiritsugu, and assist you in obtaining the Holy Grail."

Meeting Saber's searching eyes, Shuo Yue's expression was sincere, but she silently added something in her heart.

Of course, after getting the Holy Grail, it is none of my business to discover the nature of the Holy Grail...

Facing Shuoyue's invitation, Artoria remained silent.

In all fairness, this is a very tempting invitation.

The current Master has a cold attitude towards her, and she despises her methods, not to mention expressing his disdain for chivalry in a clear-cut manner... To be honest, Artoria has a good temper for not killing him.

A good bird chooses a tree to live in. If she joins Shuoyue's camp, not only can she crush other masters in terms of combat power, but she can also flex her fists in the Holy Grail War as she pleases. The gap between the two sides is clear at a glance.

But before that, she still wants to ask a question:
"Sakuyue, tell me, what is your wish to participate in the Holy Grail War?"

"Wish?" Shuo Yue blinked and smiled, "My wish is very simple, to survive, that's all."

For him whose lifespan (active time) is coming to an end, wishing to the Holy Grail to be able to continue living-this is a very reasonable statement.

However, Arturia shook her head.

"No, that's not what you really think." The young knight stared at the young man, asserting.

"Perhaps you don't even realize it yourself, your real purpose is not this."


Saber is gone.

After promising not to reveal the secret of 'Wan Fu Bing Bing', Saber expressed her gratitude to Shuo Yue again, and then left.

Shuo Yue stood there without moving, he was still thinking about what Saber said.

my real purpose...

A person who is about to die, a person who has to bet his hope of life on the Holy Grail, what is the point?
Unable to see eyelashes, Shuo Yue, who was completely puzzled, simply sighed, turned and left in a disinterested manner.

Tonight's operation was a complete failure.

Neither was able to subdue Lancer, nor persuade Saber. It can only be said that the heroic spirit of the third cavalry rank is not so easy to obtain (a certain Rin:?), but a few idle moves did fall, but I don't know if it will affect the overall situation.


The white-haired young man stopped and raised his head, his golden eyes reflecting the bright moonlight.

Why is there no great loss in my heart?

On the roof of another residential building, Emiya Kiritsugu found Hisau Maiya who had already cleaned up.

Although he was seriously injured in the battle with Kotomine Kirei, Hisu Maiya was still able to "use" after receiving the transplanted artificial life body ribs.

Although it has been a long time since she killed Solau, Hisau Maiya didn't ask any more questions. For her, accepting Emiya Kiritsugu's order and acting is all she has.

Emiya Kiritsugu looked up and down with calm eyes, after confirming that there was nothing unusual about Hisau Maiya, he turned and left without saying a word.

He needs to think carefully about how to deal with Shuo Yue, a dangerous person.

Fortunately, this entry was not fruitless, at least it confirmed the complete exit of the Lancer group, and the existence of... some dangerous props.

Even if he can't get rid of hidden dangers, he can still use other external forces, just like what Shuo Yue did to him...

The woman behind her is holding the gun case and following suit.

They didn't speak the whole time, which belonged to the deep tacit understanding between the two.

This is not a game world, so Emiya Kiritsugu did not notice that the "IQ-1" prompt appeared on Hisau Maiya.

After confirming that the two had left, a beryl-colored figure came out from the hiding place holding a sapphire cane.

The pretty little face, the calm expression, and the slightly revealing magical girl dress...

It was Caster, Miyu who hadn't been with Sakuyue from the beginning.

"Sapphire, they didn't find it, did they?"

"Now it seems that we should have caught up." The elf in the sapphire cane responded.

After being affirmed, Miyu's body relaxed slightly, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Hypnotic waves——

The mysterious function carried on the sapphire body spreads radio waves with a powerful hypnotic effect, which can change the memory and cognition of the surrounding humans.

Although it is a skill that may destroy a country if used maliciously, please rest assured that she will not use it indiscriminately, unlike Ruby.

In addition, perhaps because of the burden on the brain, the IQ of the hypnotized human will be reduced by 1.

Even Shuoyue didn't expect that this seemingly funny ability setting could actually be used.

"Let's go and find Oni-chan."

The task was successfully completed, Meiyou stepped on the magic barrier and ran towards the direction of Shuoyue.

 I want to see how much more subscriptions this chapter will have than other chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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