My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 105 Let's Work, Aozaki Orange!

Chapter 105 Let's Work, Aozaki Orange!

Artificial dual personality.

Switch personalities by putting on and taking off glasses.When wearing glasses, it is subjective and humane, with a soft tone.When she puts down her glasses, she is objective and harsh, and her tone will turn into a cold tone, and even she herself is not quite sure which side is the real her.

This is Aozaki Touko, as the heir of the Aozaki family of the magician family, bearing the name of a genius, "was brought up as a "magician's egg", and finally became the "seal designated" person of the crown puppeteer .

Even if Chengzi's grandfather, the fifth magician, finally chose her younger sister to inherit the magic, causing Canozaki Chengzi to rebel against the family in anger, but she is so talented that she not only restored 24 runes in the Clock Tower, saved the rune magic system, but also Pushing the puppet technology to an unprecedented height, he became the leading puppet master. In "Night of the Magician", he even pushed his younger sister, Aozaki Aoko, who inherited the fourth magic, almost to a dead end.

This is Aozaki Orange, a strange woman who dissociates from orthodox magicians, but no one can ignore her existence in the magic world and even in the entire Xingyue.

Withdrawing the emotion of sigh, the young man held the hot tea and said leisurely:

"Miss Aozaki Chengzi, you must have received my greeting gift, right?"

"You said this?" Cheng Zi reached into the void (actually in the orange satchel beyond the magic image), and took out a pack of cigarettes with the pattern of "Tai Chi".

Its name is "Longyan", which is taken from the "Liver God Longyan character Hanming" in "Huang Ting Nei Jing Jing Xin Shen Zhang". It is produced in Taiwan and has a very unique taste. It is a cigarette that Cheng Zi prefers.

Because of the relatively small number of people, even the Matou family took a lot of effort to find it.

After signaling, Orange skillfully opened the box, unsealed it, took out a stick, lit it, took a sip, and exhaled a dense mist:

"I don't know a lot of people, but not many people know what I like. Although I don't know where you got the news from, but for Longyan's sake, I'll give you a discount on the entrustment fee."

"Thank you in advance." Putting down the teacup, Shuoyue got to the point directly, "Since I found you, the crown puppeteer, you must know what my purpose is."

"Heh, do you want a doll, or is it custom made?"

"Customization, to be used as a support for the soul that has lost its body, and it must be able to bear the output beyond human beings." Shuo Yue's tone was light, but the meaning contained in the words made Cheng Zi raise his eyebrows.

"Let's not mention how outrageous your second request is, simply as a soul possession... You also have the same technology as me? No, if this is the case, there is no need to find me... Body re-creation based on soul, that is to say , a complete soul preservation technique!"

If it weren't for the iceberg personality that took off his glasses, Aozaki Chengzi's face might not be able to hide the shock.

She was trained by the fourth magician since she was a child, and she easily realized what this technology represented.

The third magic - the materialization of the soul.

The young man who talked to her through a magic formula is a seeker of magic mysteries.

"As expected of Cangqi Chengzi, she is sharp enough." Shuoyue clapped her palms and agreed with a smile.

As for Cangqi Chengzi, after receiving Shuoyue's acknowledgment, she suddenly fell into an unspeakable silence.

Magic, magic...

Her whole life has been under the shadow of magic.Whether she was raised as a "magician's egg", killed the fourth magician by herself, or her grandfather, even now, she is falling into a trap because she was defeated by the sister who mastered the fourth magician. A state of self-indulgence.

Even at this point, "Magic" still refused to let him go, "Fifth Magic" abandoned her, and the owner of "Third Magic" came to find her again.

Such a bad fate joke made Aozaki Chengzi unable to laugh even if he wanted to.

The burning pain on her fingers brought her back to her senses, and the dragon smoke that she took a puff had burned out the shreds of tobacco, reminding her how long she had been in a daze.

"Ah... sorry."

"It's okay." Shuoyue, who knew this woman's past, naturally expressed her understanding, "If you're not in the mood today, we can come back tomorrow."

"No need, I accepted your commission. Now let's talk about the remuneration. Custom dolls are not cheap." Aoqi Chengzi admitted that she was not that fragile. After calming down, she put on the doll. Glasses, a little narrowly opened:
"Since you are the third magician in the legend, then my fee is higher, and it is worthy of your noble status?"

"Hey, it's too much to sit on the ground, Lady." Shuo Yue wryly smiled, seemingly subdued, but Cang Qi Chengzi didn't feel any emotional fluctuations in him at all.

It's like eating her.

Before she could think about the reason, Shuo Yue got up and took the two spears behind her.

Those are the two magic guns of scarlet red and yellow. Even through a magic light curtain, Cangsaki Orange can perceive how rich the "mystery" contained in them is, even the mythical dresses treasured by the ancient magic families are missing. To be able to beat these two guns.

"Legends sublimated, as the crystallization of human beliefs, the miracle endowed by the third law to the entity—how, is such a condition enough?"

Aoqi Chengzi didn't answer, but stood up and walked out.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Wait for me, I'll come over now!"

Just kidding, in the mysterious recession, if these two treasures are auctioned, I am afraid that even the Twelve Lords of the Clock Tower will definitely take them at all costs.

As a self-reliant lone ranger, Aoqi Chengzi can exchange a few dolls for such a treasure, even she cannot remain indifferent,
"Do you know where I am, you just come here?" Shuo Yue twitched the corners of her lips with obvious pleasure.

To make Aoqi Chengzi show such a state of impatience, this transaction is basically completed.

And the price is only the two treasures that Shuoyue can mass-produce now.

Brush Fury.jpg

After Sakuyue promised to use the Assassin to deliver her a courier and it would arrive the next day, Aozaki Chengzi calmed down and ended the communication.

At this time, she was in a love hotel, and the room was in a mess.

Of course she doesn't have a lover, but she got drunk again last night and found an orange shop for a temporary stay while her eyes were hazy.

It just so happened that I spent the last bit of money in my trouser pocket yesterday, and originally planned to pay it on credit in the name of my younger sister, Qingzi Canozaki, but thanks to this third-law qualified person, her poor sister escaped a catastrophe.

"However, are there too many guys who have asked me to order dolls these days? The guy in the red suit last time was also, mysterious..."

After muttering something casually, Aozaki Chengzi started to get busy.

Although the young man's requirements were relatively harsh, Chengzi happened to know a few old guys from the hermit family, such as the owner of Einzbern, didn't that guy collect holy relics for a long time, so he just took this opportunity to get them from him. Some precious materials, in this way, the performance of the doll can also be improved...

"Very good, let's get to work!"

The female magician whose attribute is "wind" has to work hard to make a living even today.

 Is it the devil who talks about it...

(End of this chapter)

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