My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 106 The Call of the Holy Church

Chapter 106 The Call of the Holy Church

"Excuse me... is this Mr. McKenzie's residence?"

"Well, the owner here is indeed called Mackenzie."

"Um... may I ask if there is a man named Iskandar the Conqueror... my lord...?"

"It's me."

"...Oh, that's right. Haha... Ah, please sign here to accept the mail."

"Do you want to sign it? Well, I have indeed received it."

"Thank you for your patronage. Excuse me."

"Well, hard work."

In the bedroom on the second floor of the McKenzie house, which he was used to living in and was as familiar as his own home, Weber woke up from his sleep.

The dark circles under the eyes on his face are as thick as a Huaxia panda, his black hair is as messy as the draft paper on the table, and he is a symptom of overwork-really, there is some shadow of the future at a young age.

At this moment, Weber hadn't recovered from his senses, and he dreamed of that strange scene again—the sky was cloudless, the ground was windless, and the deserted coast was like an endless sea at the end of the world.

The sound of the waves undulates. Only those who study the end of the world are qualified to appreciate the melody of the distant sea.

For Weber, the look and feel of this dream is extremely strange, as if he has no impression at all, but is extremely clear, as if he is peeking at other people's memories.

Undoubtedly, this is Rider's memory, not just this magical Servant, but the memory of the Conqueror who lived on the Throne of Heroes, who broke through thousands of territories.

At this time, Weber suddenly realized that this morning he did not hear the loud snoring that usually came from not far away.

Waver lifted the blanket vigorously and looked around, but Rider, who was supposed to be sleeping on the floor, was nowhere to be seen.He doesn't like the spirit body so much, he will never become invisible without a reason.Even if he is really invisible, Waver can at least tell where the servant's aura is: Rider is not in this room now.

There was the sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs in the corridor.

The heavy quality of listening habits had already reassured Weber halfway, but after realizing the meaning of the footsteps, his expression became helpless again.

"Oh, you're awake, boy."

Rider's huge body slowly walked in through the door, and the small package in his hand was neatly written "2-2-8 Mackenzie House, Conqueror King Iskandar, [-]-[-]-[-] Chugoshi, Fuyuki City" The content of this ridiculous content, the sender is "Character goods specialist Namba store".

"Rider..." Waver drooped his eyebrows and let out a moan that was almost a sigh.

This is already the second time this uncle has taken money from his pocket, shopped online without authorization, and went out to pick up goods without authorization-during these two days, Weber not only had to make up for his reckless entry into the Holy Grail War, but also knew nothing about its mechanism and content There are loopholes, and strategies must be formulated to prepare for the next war, and the already tired tongue is about to stick out.

It is commendable to be able to wake up from the stupidity in time, but there is no room for the real corner of the glimpse after waking up. In order to win, Weber had to squeeze the short two days and 48 hours to try to win. Keep up with the pace of other masters.

In the end, even so, his servants were still making trouble for him. Wei Bo was really afraid that one day he would be lying on the bed well, and a servant or master would touch him in and cut him with a knife.

"Boy, look out, don't be so suspicious." The muscular idiot who was no different from a gorilla slapped him, almost turning the thin Weber into Weber sauce, "In war, the strategist's strategy is important, but the real The outcome of the battle has always been based on the sword—speaking of which, we haven’t been out for two days, my Thunder Bull with Flying Hoofs can’t hold back anymore, huh?”

"I know, I know, let's go out and act today..." Wei Bo replied angrily, and at this moment, a deep and distant crackling sound hit his ears.

But in fact, it was a wave, which touched the inspiration that Weber had trained as a magician—that is to say, it was a pulse of magic power.

This is the summoning of all the Masters by the Church Overseer.


Templar church
"There are abnormal magic power values ​​in the Yuanzangshan area, and a small number of objects have the symptoms of spiritualization? Well, I know, it should be that the Great Holy Grail has received the fluctuations generated by the new servants. After all, Lancer left last night. Know the reason... it is still within the controllable range, pay attention to strengthen the defense."

After hanging up the communication, the old priest sighed and rubbed his temples to soothe his tired spirit.

As the supervisor of this Holy Grail War, Kotomine Rizheng has not closed his eyes for two days.

Not to mention that the World War I on Warehouse Street affected the logistics and supply of many companies, just the timed explosion at the Hyatt Hotel almost prevented the old priest from kicking his legs and directly typing GG amidst laughter.

Then there is his proud son Kotomine Kirei, who seemed to be at odds with the Holy Grail War, passed out at the church door the day before yesterday, Assassin died in battle, and was imprisoned last night, if Archer hadn't been shot in the head by an arrow, Now he is deeply injured, and he is lying in the room with a dead body.

After finally dealing with these things, Yan Fengli was just taking a can of antihypertensive medicine, and when he was about to have breakfast, a familiar with a sticky note fell from the sky and brought them new news.

"That is to say, Shuoyue has props that can break the master-slave contract?"

Wearing a red suit, Tosaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Rizheng, who had just finished visiting his disciples, stood side by side, looking at the news on the table with solemn expressions.

It uses printed characters to provide information about that prop in a concise manner.

Lightning-like, colorful like a poisoned dagger... Tohsaka Tokiomi, who had practiced in the clock tower and had a wealth of knowledge, thought for a moment and came to a conclusion.

"It is rumored that in Greek mythology, Medea possessed the ultimate magic weapon. I am afraid it is this weapon."

The moment the conclusion was reached, the church fell into silence.

Regardless of the power of this weapon, in terms of functionality alone, it is too high in the Holy Grail War with the Servant system.

For Tohsaka Tokiomi, whose self-confidence had been shattered and his relationship with Archer was shaky, Sakutsuki possessing such a weapon was already beyond his tolerance.

So, after sorting out his words, Tokiomi spoke thoughtfully.

"Speaking of which, the props owned by Caster's Master will obviously hinder the progress of this Holy Grail War, and they have seriously broken the rules."

Yan Fengli understood instantly, and exchanged a secret look with his allies.

So far Tohsaka Tokiomi has consumed two Command Seals, how did Zhengchou get replenishment from Kotomine Risei through legitimate channels, and this information provided by someone is just the pillow he gave when he dozed off.

"A certain degree of rule change is allowed within the purview of my supervisor. For now, temporarily suspend the normal Holy Grail battle, and mobilize all masters to attack the Caster group."

"Have you any idea, Father?"

"I will prepare rewards that will be beneficial to the future battle situation for those who get rid of Caster. The other masters don't want the Caster team to use despicable means to win the victory, right? They will definitely accept it."

"I see. That is to say, the policy of the game is changed, is it a game of fox hunting?"

In the flickering candlelight, the two looked at each other and smiled, and a few simple conversations pushed the Caster team to the stake.

As for the evidence... Dear, this is the Holy Grail War, is it possible that the plaintiff and the defendant should be invited to attend?

Interests are the eternal driving force.

Therefore, after initiating the church call, Yan Fengli faced five familiars and issued new rules:
"All masters immediately stop fighting with each other and try their best to annihilate the Caster group. As a special measure, I will give additional Command Seals to those who successfully eliminate Caster and its masters."

 Although the True Love group is out, the Caster group will still be rewarded—yes, everything is the choice of Steins Gate (kimbo)!
(End of this chapter)

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