My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 107 Bounty and declaration of war

Chapter 107 Bounty and declaration of war

A deep darkness entrenched in the auditorium.

This unusual darkness contained an extremely thick demonic aura, which made Father Kotomine Risei feel a chill behind him.

There are more people gathered than expected—the old priest smiled wryly with this ironic thought in his heart.

An hour had passed since the signal to summon the Master was sent out, and none of the Masters appeared in Fuyuki Church without any defense.Instead, there are exactly five familiars sent by the Master.

Except for Kirei and Kenneth who have already been eliminated, all the masters have arrived.Although all the members were present, no one greeted the church. They just wanted to hear what was going on in the church.

"Originally, I deliberately prepared some hilarious words, but it seems that no one came, so I'll just say it directly."

After the simple opening remarks, the old priest continued to speak in front of the believers' seats without "people".

"The Holy Grail War, which can achieve your long-cherished wishes, is now facing a major crisis. Originally, the rule of the Holy Grail War is that the master and the servants use the master-slave contract to fight together, defeat the other six groups and win the final victory, but now it appears A traitor who has the tools to break the rules."

"The command spell has lost its effect—the absoluteness of the master-slave contract has been broken."

Although the demons didn't respond in any way.But Kotomine Rizheng can confirm that the masters on the other side of the familiar must be shaken.Just like Tokiomi in the morning, this is a normal reaction that a Master should have.

The reason why the Master can participate in the Holy Grail War is precisely because he has the bargaining chip of "Servant" in his hand, and it is precisely because the Master has the "command spell" in his hand that he can restrain the servants who are hundreds of times stronger than the magician, and let them serve Fight by yourself, which is especially evident in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Otherwise, like the first Holy Grail War, due to the lack of command spells, the servants would not obey the order, which would eventually lead to the complete failure of the ceremony.

"He and his followers are no longer your personal enemies, but public enemies who threaten this war. In this extraordinary period, I will use the supervisor's authority to temporarily change the rules of the Holy Grail War."

Kotomine Risei's words brought the Masters back to their thoughts. He made the announcement in a serious voice while rolling up his right sleeve and exposing his arms.

Although his muscles are old, it can still be seen that he had strong arms in his youth.From his elbow to his wrist, it was covered with tattoo-like patterns——

No, that shouldn't be called a tattoo.For the Master of the Holy Grail War, he knew what it was at a glance.

"This is the unused command spells of the masters who were eliminated in the Holy Grail War in the past. For everyone, these lines are of incomparable value. I can transfer these preliminary command spells to anyone according to my personal judgment. .”

Seeing this evidence, no one doubted Father Rizheng's authority as a supervisor. The Command Seals that the past Masters didn't have time to use are now kept by him as a manager.

Although the command spell possession itself is a miracle, and the engraving that appears on the master's body is indeed extremely powerful, but it is only a consumable physical blessing after all, and the command spell can be transplanted by conjuration, or Is to transfer with others.

After successfully attracting the attention of all familiars, Kotomine Rizheng paused, and finally stated the goal of the mission:
"All Masters immediately stop fighting with each other and try their best to annihilate Caster. As a special measure, I will give additional Command Seals to those who successfully eliminate Caster and his Master.

"If it is completed by a single person, it will only be given to that person. If it is completed by multiple people, it will be given to each participant. As long as it is confirmed that Caster and its master are eliminated, the Holy Grail War will start again immediately." Priest Rizheng said and put down The sleeves cover the lines that drive every master crazy.

Five familiars—this means that Caster's master also heard the arrest warrant issued by the church for him. This was not Kotomine Risei's mistake, on the contrary, he and Tosaka Tokiomi both hoped that Sakuzuki would jump over the wall in a hurry, Take it a step further to make "real" violations.

After all, this revision of the rules is actually not a complete logical chain. It is more like a wanted order issued by the church Xu Yizhongli. The Holy Grail War is not banned except for the minimum "mysterious concealment". Violence, cunning, and base trappings are all allowed.

Didn't Kenneth also successfully modify the master-slave contract, letting his fiancée pay the slaves magic power instead of him?

After all, Shuoyue's "everything must be broken" is just a more dangerous "means".

Yan Fengli glanced indifferently at the familiars in the auditorium, feeling neither sad nor happy.

No Master can resist the temptation of the Command Seal, let alone Satsuki, who is as powerful as a Servant, has been the biggest threat in this war from the very beginning.

The fate of the Caster group has been determined.

Putting down his eye-catching arms, the old priest smiled ironically at the corner of his mouth for the first time, and added a sentence:

"Okay, those who have doubts can now ask questions on the spot - the premise is that you must speak human words."

This is a tactful way of seeing off guests.

But what Yanfeng Lizheng never expected was that in the next moment, there was an undisguised sneer.

In the Holy Church, which rejects magic, there is a vortex of magic power, reflecting the brilliance of the stained glass windows on the wall, showing its existence domineeringly.

[Forbidden enchantment, break. 】

【Lock coordinates successfully】

【Replacement completed】

When the magic vortex dissipated, the cat familiar who was originally sitting in the audience had disappeared, and was replaced by a figure of a person.

Wearing a sunny kimono, the white-haired, golden-eyed young man appeared in the church, and smiled gently at Kotomine Risei.

"Being able to force the supervisor to modify the rules of the Holy Grail War-should I be angry? Or should I be honored?"

"..." Yan Fengli knew he was wrong, and remained silent.

As for Shuoyue, she didn't say much, she just glanced at him with dead eyes, got up, and nodded slightly to the other four familiars:
"The Church of the Holy Church in this war is doing all kinds of nonsense. Frankly speaking, I am very disappointed."

"The reward order has been released, I think the masters will not give up the great opportunity to obtain the new command spell, but please pay attention..."

Speaking of this, Shuo Yue paused meaningfully, and then said:

"Your heroic spirits, are you willing to let you have a new command spell?"

Accompanied by the expansion of magic power again, the young man disappeared in place after leaving the last sentence.

"War is declared, everyone."

"Caster and I are waiting for your arrival."

(End of this chapter)

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