My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 108 Replenishing Magic (True)

Chapter 108 Replenishing Magic (True)

Shuoyue escaped from the Holy Church by means of displacement magic, and sat in the small pavilion again, Shuoyue opened her eyes, subconsciously picked up the teacup, and took a sip.

Bitterness enters the throat, followed by sweetness.

The young man quietly thought about the next goal.

Although this unreasonable move of the Church of the Holy Church is not painful to him, it is really annoying.

This means that all the goodwill he cultivated before will be invalidated, and under the temptation of the command spell, the existing masters will all be hostile to him.

Yes, even the ally Matou Kariya, who was identified from the very beginning, has the possibility of betrayal.

After all, for the ultimate goal, Shuoyue would not be able to sign a self-enforcing certificate of "no harm to each other" with anyone.

But this should have been a fact that was not exposed until later, instead of suddenly becoming the target of public criticism when the situation is still uncertain.

However, this is also an opportunity...

Shuo Yue paused slightly when she tapped the stone table with her fingers, and gave up the idea of ​​killing the old priest tonight.

This is an opportunity to test Kariya Matou. As his ally, what will he choose to do?

With anticipation in mind, the golden-eyed young man raised the corners of his mouth happily.

The Holy Grail War has entered a new stage. The original chaotic state of multi-party checks and balances has been broken. After having a clear goal, the masters will definitely use their own methods to trigger more intense battles.

As the center of the vortex of the struggle, Shuo Yue not only did not feel panic, but even felt a little impatient.

In terms of combat power alone, apart from the Conquer King EX-level "Army of the King" and Gilgamesh in "Serious Flash" mode, he really has nothing to be afraid of.

It's just that out of caution and Tuntunshu's personality, Shuoyue is still raising chips and preparing cards for herself, so she doesn't seem to be too active.

Apart from the scene of the fourth battle that he had been looking forward to, Shuo Yue's eyes had already moved beyond this battle, and instead focused more on how to purify the black mud and gain a new life after winning.

The so-called Fourth Holy Grail War is just a good-looking serial drama, so it's okay to let it go until Shuoyue is fully prepared.

In terms of preparation, Aoqi Orange has already negotiated, and the doll is already on the way; all the surplus resources of the Matou family have been replaced with magic materials, and they can start making replacement cards in a few days; after last night, The third method has been improved to a certain extent. You can try to communicate with the "Saint of Winter" who sits at the center of the Holy Grail, and try to use the third method to trace back her consciousness; Blood, I don’t know if it’s from that person...

Thoughts paused, the young man blinked and suddenly realized something.

Did I overlook a question... How did the Church of the Holy Church know that he had the 'All Laws Bound to Break the Precept'?

You can get the answer with your toes.

"Kiritsugu..." Sakuyue slapped her forehead with a "slap" and let out a helpless sigh.

This smart-ass magician killer.

Killing is impossible, unless Sakuzuki can be ruthless enough to kill Irisviel and Saber together, otherwise he will only provoke a group of mortal enemies for no reason, but if he continues like this, Sakuyue suspects that Emiya Kiritsugu is a cold face The killer will drive an oil tanker to kill him...

Just kidding, with defense (Assassin), Emiya Kiritsugu can't hurt him by anything.

In her mouth, Shuo Yue still made a decision.

"Although I don't want to involve too many people, it would be nice to invite her to Fuyuki City for a day."

What's more, there is a girl who has a close relationship with her...

The young man turned his head and looked at Miyu hiding in the corridor, a pair of golden eyes glowed strangely.

"Come on, Miyu, come and give me a buff."


"What's this for, Oni-chan?"

Swaying her calf on a slightly higher stone bench, Miyu tilted her head and looked at Shuoyue waving her palm curiously, like a conductor, manipulating the magic material into a solution, and drawing strange magic tricks on the open space. loop.

"I just communicated with Ms. Chengzi, and got the technical principle of 'Tohko Travel' from her, which can be used now. After all, good steel should be used on the blade, and the magic power can be saved a little. .”

Tohko Travel is a patented technology reported by Cangzaki Orange to the Clock Tower. The destination is set in advance, and then it is like being pulled by a long-distance rubber band to fly over. It is a reverse method With the purpose, it is a violent teleportation formula that forces the flight formula to be established.

Although the extremely complicated flying magic is simplified, as a price, the flying experience of this technique is extremely bad, and one can experience Mach-level flying speed with only basic protection-presumably someone's step-sister has a lot of experience.

Arash Airlines sent a congratulatory message.jpg
Of course, in order to protect the person who is about to be teleported, Shuoyue used his own magic knowledge to improve the teleportation array. While ensuring the speed, it also strengthened the stability and comfort of the teleportation. The simplified technique is complicated in another direction.

"It seems, a little too much?"

After a while, Shuo Yue felt the dizzyingly complex structure of the magic circle, and fell into deep thought.

The teleportation magic that spans nearly [-] kilometers really can't achieve both speed and comfort?

Although it took both ends into consideration by virtue of the heaven-defying displacement magic and the simulated projection magic, what followed... was an almost terrifying demand for magic power.

If you want to describe it, it is enough magic power for Shuoyue to activate "Infinite Sword System" three times instantly.

Although as long as the maximum output can support the operation of the magic circle, Shuoyue, whose magic power and life are equated, will naturally not choose to use her own magic power.

Don't forget that the Caster Meiyou beside him is a large power bank in itself.

[Infinite supply of magic power: B]

As the literal meaning says, Meiyou has the infinite magic power provided by the magic wand of Wanhua mirror, but the output will be limited by the performance of the magic circuit of the operator himself.

"That is to say, I just need to provide my brother with magic power?" Miyu shook her head, her little head was dazed by a lot of jargon, and she simply walked up to Shuoyue with Sapphire, "Then Come on, Oni-chan, I'm ready."

The magic circle itself can only be activated by the caster, so what Miyu has to do is to reversely provide magic power to the Master Shuo Yue through the magic power line between the master and the slave.

However, Miyu still had some doubts in her heart.

As long as she only provides magic power, she can do it no matter where she is.

But why, O'Neill wants her to come by her side?
The next moment, her body suddenly lightened, and her whole body was embraced by strong arms.


The small exclamation stopped abruptly in the next moment.

A warm feeling suddenly came from the cold lips, and the long and hot breath hit her cheek.

Miyu's eyes widened slightly, her mind was blank, her amber pupils were full of shock at first, and then full of bewilderment.

Is this... being kissed?

By, by brother? !

"Brother Sakuyue, sister Miyu, Uncle Kariya said that if you don't eat any more, breakfast will be cold~~"

Xiao Ying walked in from the courtyard gate, but the scene that caught her eyes made her froze in place.

"Sister... and brother! You..."

Although I can't read it, I was shocked.jpg
The bright magic light rose up, blocking further prying eyes, but the glimpse had been deeply imprinted in her mind.

On this day, Sakura Matou opened the door to a new world.

 Just as you wish (stand hands.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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