My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 121 Between the Mysterious Spear and the King

Chapter 121 Between the Mysterious Spear and the King

The garden in the atrium of the castle was chosen as the venue for the banquet. The three kings sat on the ground, and Shuo Yue also sat in the vacant corner, showing no intention of leaving.

Except for them, after confirming Illya's safety, Emiya Kiritsugu took her out of the castle, and Tohsaka Tokiomi didn't follow Archer, and went straight to the castle's lounge, obviously not wanting to accompany this For the banquet, only Weber and Irisviel stayed here, watching this banquet that connected time.

The scars from the night before yesterday's battle didn't spread to this place, and it wouldn't be embarrassing to entertain guests, but Archer was still very dissatisfied with this place.

"I didn't expect you to choose such a small and breathless place to hold the 'King's Banquet'. Just by this, you can see how heavy you are. Please come here specially, how do you plan to make amends? "

"Don't say such angry words. Come, drink!" Rider laughed, and ignored Archer's words, while handing the spoon containing the wine to Archer.

"Although the shape is a bit strange, this is a traditional drinking vessel of this country."

Weber is not Japanese, and Irisviel is also a natural Princess of Winter City. As for the three heroic spirits, of course, only Shuoyue sighed and said helplessly: "This is called a wine spoon, or a wine spoon. It is a tool for breaking up wine or oil, but it is definitely not used to hold red wine, let alone be used as a wine glass.”

"Oh, is that so?" Rider didn't feel ashamed, he laughed and took back the wine case in his hand, "No wonder the owner of the store looked so strange at me, it turned out that I made a mistake. That, Saber's Master, Are there any drinking cups in the castle?"

"No need." The white-haired, blond-eyed young man rested his chin lazily, his lightning-shaped brows caught people's attention, "Archer, don't you think the venue is too bad? I'll help you settle this matter."

As the young man opened his right hand, a spear appeared in his hand.

What a beautiful treasure that is.

The slender gun body, its fine shape can be called an art, the dark blue flow clusters cling to it, and when it encounters light, it will reflect the crystal blue brilliance.

The blade of the gun is sharp, and a moonlight orb is inlaid at the joint of the gun shaft, which complements today's moonlight, making the spear look more mysterious and gorgeous.

"Oh, this is..." Rider showed a smile that he only saw when he saw a treasure, and even Archer raised his eyebrows, unable to hide his surprise.

In his Gate of Babylon, he has never seen anything similar to this spear.

If Miyu was present, she would definitely be puzzled - after all, her brother Sakuzuki had never taken out this spear.

"Don't be dumbfounded, you two kings, learn from Saber and calm down." After teasing Shuo Yue, she held the handle of the gun backwards and stuck the spear upside down on the ground.

The next moment, the magic power surged, and the new scenery spread around the spear, covering the entire courtyard of the castle in an instant.

The young man with white hair and golden eyes sat on the spot, lazily and calmly, uttering words from his mouth:

"Bring a plate!"

Then the knife, fork, plate and cup shining with pure silver light quietly appeared in the air.

"Bring the table!"

So the white satin tablecloth covered the black walnut round low table, and the linen napkin in the shape of a Dutch bonnet embroidered with an unknown coat of arms fell on it.

"Bring the Jade Seat!"

Then the platinum king descended with a bang, and star-like spirits floated outside the painted window, as if they were sitting in the universe, high in the middle of the universe.

Of course, Shuoyue did not forget Weber and Irisviel, who were sitting behind their respective servants, staring dumbfounded at the changed world.

The young man who had made all these grand gestures withdrew his spear and bowed his head to the three kings who couldn't hide their shock.

"Everyone, the table is already full of people... Utensil of the King, please enjoy it to your heart's content."

"Although I can't wait..." Iskandar picked up the knife and fork with his broad palm and tapped it on the plate, making a crisp sound, "but what about the wine? What about the food? Meatballs with fish sauce and wine What about risotto?"

"With the King of Heroes around, I won't make a fool of myself." Shuoyue directly blamed the other king, and Gilgamesh was not angry, but smiled triumphantly.

"The cook is worthy of being a cook. Those eyes that can see the despicableness are your only advantage."

The golden ripples opened. After seeing this scene, Weber and Irisviel knew that this was the precursor to the production of countless treasures. They immediately felt chills all over their bodies and stood up.

However, what Archer summoned from his side tonight was not a weapon or anything like that, but a heavy golden wine bottle filled with transparent and colorless liquor, like the nectar on the grass ears in the morning.

"Look, and remember, it's called the 'Wine of Kings,' bastards."

"This is really great." Rider didn't take Archer's humiliation seriously at all, and happily poured the newly acquired wine into the glass.

The rich aroma of wine immediately lingered among the kings. Irisviel was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Weber with some dissatisfaction. Weber, who was too strong to drink, desperately fanned the wind with his palms, for fear that he would collapse without taking a sip. Was ridiculed by Rider again.

While Iskandar was pouring the wine, Gilgamesh chased after the victory and said proudly to Shuoyue: "Cook, your performance is very good, and this king is very happy--as a reward, you can be in the king's treasury. Pick a treasure at random, and it will be your reward for your hard work."

"Oh, can I pick one?"

"Shut up, you brought nothing but a bucket of stinking swill, bastard!"

Rider's request was ruthlessly dismissed by Gilgamesh, he narrowed his eyes and continued to stare at the silent Shuoyue.

"So, what would you choose, cook?"

Hearing this, Shuo Yue finally concealed the look of reminiscence in her eyes, and raised her head:

"Are you testing my wisdom? Are you going to confront me on knowledge?" Having said that, Shuoyue then gave the answer:
"Give me, then, a golden apple."

" seem to have this treasure already, right? Are you teasing me?" Gilgamesh narrowed his snake eyes in displeasure.

"Already have it?" Shuo Yue was taken aback, then chuckled, "Then, you don't have anything to give me, King of Heroes."

This is the truth.

The kings present were all experienced people, so they could naturally see that what Shuo Yue said was true.

He is true, and has no regard for the treasures of the King's Treasure.

But why, he asked the King of Heroes for the golden apple he already had?

But Gilgamesh didn't get angry because of this. At this moment, a certain intuition in his heart reminded him that there was a certain peculiarity in this young man—a peculiarity worthy of making an exception for him.

This intuition came without warning and was so strong, so the oldest hero king was silent and made a choice in silence.

If he came into the world as a virtuous king, no matter how interested Archer is in his heart, it's impossible for Archer to break the taboo, right?

But this time, Archer was summoned in the same form as when he descended into the underworld and fell into the abyss to seek the spirit grass, that is, when he was the proudest and most prosperous. Therefore, the king broke the restraint he set without restraint, Chose intercepted the power sealed by him and used it for his selfish desires.

Then, the endless future showed sharpness in his eyes.

 Feeling a little confused?Do you think it's weird that the protagonist is looking for Jin Shining, even though the protagonist has already taken the golden apple?Hehe... that's right, you just need to know that the author didn't fall ill due to excessive exam pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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