My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 122 The King's Banquet

Chapter 122 The King's Banquet
"Oh! Since the King of Heroes has said so, then I should reward you for providing you with a venue!"

The burly King of Conquerors patted his thigh, and suddenly pulled the thin Master behind him, and placed him in front of Shuoyue:

"I will give you my Master as a reward, Master of Caster!"

"Wha, what!" Suffering an unreasonable disaster, Wei Bo wanted to run away but was held back by his servants, and he was trembling for a while, "Idiot, big idiot, what are you thinking! You actually handed over the master to other people or something ...Are you an idiot who only thinks about conquering!"

"Hahaha... No matter what time you are, you two are very interesting." Looking at the angry Weber, the white-haired and blond-eyed young man couldn't help laughing, "Weber Velvet, your follower is amazing. He is not a simple soldier, it would be more appropriate to say that he is a politician. Just now, he was testing my tolerance."

"Give Weber to me, why, the King of Conquerors also has something to be afraid of?"

"Oh, how should I put it..." The King of Conquerors suppressed Weber with one hand, and scratched his chin with the other, "I am already dead, I just need to enjoy this second life to my heart's content. But this kid (Master) is different, he still has a future."

"Hmph, for the sake of your trust in me."

Shuo Yue spread her hands, and the projected light in her hand flickered away, creating a dagger.

"This is..." Saber at the side recognized the golden dagger, "Back then, help me extract the carrier of the curse."

"Exactly, after being infected with the curse, the damage caused by this weapon may be difficult to recover." Shuo Yue casually threw the dangerous dress to Weber, "Give it to you."

"Eh? Uhhhhh!" Weber hurriedly caught the golden knife and put it away carefully, "That...thank you?"

"Remember, brat." Shuoyue rested her chin, staring at the short-haired boy who will become the lord in the future, "The Holy Grail War was never just conspiracy and fighting. You were lucky to summon a great king. Look, remember it with your heart, feel it with your heart...that is the epic written for you by the king in BC himself."

"Needless to say, I'll do it too!" Replied with a stiff neck, and Weber was immediately carried behind by Rider.

"Thank you for your advice, little brother Shuoyue." Rider shook his wine glass and looked at the last of the three kings with deep meaning.

"It's your turn, Saber."

There is no doubt that whether it is the reward of the King of Heroes or the test of the King of Conquerors, Saber, who is also the king, has been pushed to a higher stage-if she does not respond appropriately to Shuo Yue's behavior, then in this round In the confrontation, the King of Knights declared a defeat.

Before Saber could speak, Irisviel stepped forward first, patted her shoulder with a smile, and looked at Shuo Yue:
"Unfortunately, I already have a husband whom I love dearly...then, let's hand Saber over to you, little Shuoyue~~"

It seems that Shuoyue's behavior of returning Illya has greatly increased Irisviel's favorability, so that even now, she can still joke with Shuoyue like she was in Winter City.

"Hey, Irisviel!"

Artoria didn't expect Irisviel to say such a thing suddenly, her pretty face was a little flustered, she turned her head and pretended to be reprimanding the restless Princess of Winter, but actually she didn't dare to face Shuo The moon looked like a smile but not a smile.

"Oh, this reward is very good, I like it very much, I like it very much." Rider nodded fearing that the world would not be chaotic, and let out a laugh that men can understand.

But Shuoyue didn't smile, his eyes flickered for a moment, then he curled his lips soon, and chuckled as if remembering something:
"Forget it, I'm not interested in this girl with the stomach of a giant dragon—anyway, if she's free, she'll just hang out in the restaurant that just opened, eating and drinking greedily every day, right?"

"What are you talking about, Shuoyue!" Facing this kind of insult, Saber was furious, "Tell me what the restaurant is... No, apologize for your inappropriate remarks just now!"

"[Boss! Please help me add some more! The compound fried food set meal, the rice is increased; the compound barbecue set meal, the rice is increased-ah, there is also a lunch set meal, of course the rice is also increased!], although it is What happened in another time and space..." Shuoyue stretched out her voice, and as expected, she heard the groaning from King Dumao's stomach, "But I think, as long as it's you, you can't escape this rut ​​anyway, right? "

"Well! After all, there was no good food in the era I lived in. It really seems like something I would say..." Arturia blushed, and a pair of beautiful blue eyes stared at the young man angrily, and began to chase people away, "Said , Speaking of it, you are not a king, you can't sit in this position at all, right?"

"Huh ha ha ha... stupid, how stupid, bastard!"

Undoubtedly, the King of Heroes who had just disconnected was finally reconnected, and at this moment he was laughing at Saber's ignorance: "Now in front of us, he is also a king!"


"That's interesting." Iskandar stared at the smiling white-haired young man and scratched his chin thoughtfully, "Brother Shuoyue, you just said 'another time and space', right? "

"Oh? Looks like I made a slip of the tongue." Shuoyue spread her hands without explaining, "In short, no matter whether I am a 'king' or not, since I have been recognized by the King of Heroes, I am also qualified to sit here, right?"

"That's natural, not to mention that you have proved your wisdom and tolerance, come on, continue to drink with us!" Iskandar raised his glass to touch Shuoyue, while Gilgamesh who was sitting on the other side Without making a sound, he hid his left hand behind his back.

That palm was corroded badly by purple-black spots at this moment, but no blood flowed out at all, but the endless pain came from the arm, reminding the price of the King of Heroes.

"Punishment for replacing eyes with palms, hmph...he really is a reasonable guy." Gilgamesh twitched the corners of his mouth as his icy snake eyes stared at Shuoyue, who was talking and laughing, and the joy in his eyes almost overflowed.

"I want to see what you can do to disrupt this war."


"Wow, it's delicious!"

Once again, Iskandar opened his eyes and applauded loudly, while Saber and Shuoyue, who also drank the wine, also showed signs of intoxication.

It's really the best wine I've ever tasted before, strong and fresh, full-bodied and refreshing.The overly intense gustatory pleasure overwhelms the sense of smell, and even dulls the sense of sight or touch.

"It's really great! This wine must not be brewed by hand, is it something from the age of mythology?"

Hearing Rider's words of praise, Archer also smiled leisurely.At some point, he also crossed his legs and sat on the upper seat, shaking the wine glass in his hand with satisfaction.

"Of course. Whether it's fine wine or swords, there are only supreme treasures in this king's treasury—this alone is enough to determine the level of a king."

"It's absurd to comment on the way of the king with the quality of wine, Archer."

"Indeed, if that's the case, Saber, who possesses the Holy Sword of the Stars, surpasses Rider in size?"

A refutation, a ridicule, after drinking the wine that declared war, the banquet of the three kings, no, the banquet of the four kings, was finally tinged with the smell of gunpowder.

(End of this chapter)

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