My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 123 Kingly Way: Sovereignty and Hegemony

Chapter 123 Kingly Way: Sovereignty and Hegemony
"The Holy Sword of the Stars?" Automatically ignoring Saber's question, Gilgamesh squinted at Shuoyue, "Do you think that the swords forged by mere planets are gone from my king's treasury?"

"No, that's different, King of Heroes." The young man responded, "You should be clear that judging the value of a sword is never based on its origin and quality, but on the basis of who holds it What a reputation he has earned."

"That is to say, 'Appoint people on their merits, regardless of their origin'?" Iskandar next to him interjected.

"It's really a subtle sense of confusion to say the famous words of ancient China from the mouth of the King of Conquerors." Shuo Yue nodded and smiled helplessly, "But that's exactly what I mean."

At this time, it was no longer a question of whether to talk about the sword or not - all the kings present understood this, and it was precisely because of this that Gilgamesh snorted coldly and did not make any rebuttals.

"Then, let's get back to the topic." The initiator of the banquet, Iskandar raised his glass and said to Archer:

"Archer, your top wine is indeed fit to be contained in the most precious wine glass-but unfortunately, the Holy Grail is not a wine glass."

"This is a Holy Grail quiz to test who is most qualified to get the Holy Grail. First, let's hear what great wishes you have placed on the Holy Grail, otherwise we will not be able to talk about it. Speak, Archer. As the leader of one party, you Can you say something that will blow us both away?"

"Bastard, don't push too hard. Also, this is already deviating from the premise of 'fighting' the Holy Grail."


Seeing Rider frown, Archer sighed helplessly.

"Speaking of it, it originally belonged to this king. All the treasures in the world come from this king's treasury. Although time has passed, some things will always be lost, but those treasures still belong to me. This king's."

"So, have you ever held the Holy Grail? Of course you know what the Holy Grail is?"

"I don't know." Archer flatly denied Rider's questioning. "Don't judge by the standards of bastards. The total number of treasures owned by this king has long been beyond the scope of this king's knowledge. But as long as that item is a 'treasure', it means that it must belong to this king's wealth. How dare you think If you want to take away the king's things without authorization, even a thief should stop in moderation."

This sentence sounds like a lunatic's nonsense, but once one thinks of the identity of the speaker—the holder of the 'King's Treasure', the oldest hero king, such almost absurd remarks are also It is not false.

"Is the wine served in the holy grail good?" Shuo Yue asked with a smile as if she knew this fact a long time ago.

"Stupid question, didn't you know it a long time ago? There is always a smell of blood." Gilgamesh glanced at him, "On your side, the Holy Grail is not even qualified to hold wine, right?"

"After all, the nature is different. What's more, compared with the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City, it is the treasure that truly guides the future of mankind—although I have always been dissatisfied with the wish made by that guy."

"No change?"

"At the beginning, it was to respect her wishes, but now, it has come to an end."

"So you came here?"

"Yeah, that's why I came here." Speaking of this, the white-haired youth's eyes were no longer calm, but there were small ripples.

"After all, there are not many opportunities for 'me'."

"Ahem, you two, don't digress while you're talking!" Iskandar became more and more confused when he heard it, and finally knocked on the table with his wine glass, interrupting the encrypted call between the two forcefully. Not only the two of you, Archer, but also Shuoyue!"

"Tch, fine wine can't shut your mouth, bastard." The King of Heroes glanced at Iskandar unhappily when the interest was interrupted, but the red-haired burly man seemed to be Shrugged like a normal person:

"So Archer, with your permission, we can get the Holy Grail?"

"That's right, but this king has no reason to reward bastards like you with treasures."

"You guy... you must be a miser, right?" Iskandar curled his lips. Such an expression made by such a burly giant made people a little bit amused.

"Stupid, you should accept my king's favor, only my king's subjects and people." Archer cast a mocking smile at Rider.

"So Rider, if you are willing to submit to the king, I can reward you with just a wine glass or two at any time."

"...Well, it's absolutely impossible."

Rider laughed as if remembering something.

"But Archer, you are not stingy with the Holy Grail, are you?"

"Of course. But for thieves who intend to steal the treasure, due sanctions must be given. This is a matter of principle."

"So, Archer—" In the middle of speaking, Rider drank the wine in his glass and continued. "Is there any meaning or reason to this?"

"It's the law."

Archer answered immediately.

"It is the law promulgated by this king as a king."

"A very perfect statement," Rider also accepted his statement, and let out a deep breath. "Implementation of one's own laws is the lord of a country. However, this king still wants the Holy Grail very much. This king's method is to plunder if he wants it, because I, Iskandar... am the king of conquerors. "

"Then there is no other way. If you break the law, the king will punish you. There is no room for debate."

"Well, in this way, only swords and swords will intersect." Archer's attitude was serious, while Rider showed a cheerful expression that swept away doubts.The two nodded at the same opinion.

Although each other's royal ways are not compatible, but the hostility between them is clarified, so it is also a kind of recognition for each other.

"But Archer, let's drink up the wine first. Anyway, if you want to fight, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

"Is that natural, or do you mean that you originally planned to spoil the good wine that the king entertained?"

"Don't be kidding, how can this top-notch wine be left undrinked?"

Saber has been silently watching in amazement that Archer and Rider have gradually created an exchange relationship that does not know whether it is hostility or friendship.At this moment, she finally asked Rider.

"King of Conquerors, since you have admitted that the rightful ownership of the Holy Grail belongs to others, do you still want to use force to seize it? You do not hesitate to do this, what do you want to pursue from the Holy Grail?"

Hearing Saber's question, Rider's eyes suddenly drifted away. Although he couldn't tell whether his rough face was flushed or not, judging from the way he looked around and drank another glass of wine—this king's wish for him was outrageous. The degree is very self-aware.

"Get the body."


Sure enough, such a wish aroused the doubts of Archer and Saber, and among those who were amazed, the one who shouted the loudest was Rider's master——Webber.

Shocked for a moment, Weber ran over from behind Rider, and slammed his fists weakly on Iskandar's shoulders: "Isn't your wish to conquer the world... Woohoo!"

Amidst the clear sound of flicking his forehead, Rider bounced Webb's words far away, and fell into the grass. Irisviel, who was on the side, had never seen such a distinctive master-slave interaction, and was a little dazed for a while.

Shocked my wife for a whole year.jpg
"Idiot, what's the point of letting a cup conquer the world for me? Conquest is a dream I want to realize. What I want the Holy Grail to realize is just the first step to realize my dream."

With his back turned to Waver, who was still twitching with his butt pouted, Rider finally expressed his inner thoughts.

"Bastard, are you challenging me just for such a trivial matter?" Even Archer showed a surprised expression, but Rider's expression was still very serious.

"Although we come here by magic power, we are only followers after all. I want to become real beings in this reincarnated world, take root, and challenge the world with my own body. This is the meaning of 'conquest'." The whole act!"

Iskandar tightly held the giant palm with protruding joints, looked at his fist and said in a low voice:
"Start actions like this, step forward, and achieve goals..." Sipping the wine in the glass, the king who once conquered thousands of territories put down the glass and said in a deep voice:
"This is my arrogance."

"Hmph..." Archer, who had listened quietly to these remarks, let out a chuckle that he didn't know whether it was a mockery or a sigh, and the expression on the corner of his mouth was different from any expression this golden hero had had so far.If you really want to describe it, it's an expression close to a smile, but Archer has only shown a mocking expression from the past until now, so this expression is really too gloomy, and it makes people feel scared when they see it.

"It's decided——Rider, this king will kill you with his own hands."

Did you notice the change in title? Iskandar laughed loudly: "I don't think there is any need to remind you now. I also really want to snatch all the treasures in your treasury. Be careful."

The two kings chatting happily didn't seem to realize that besides Shuoyue, who had been watching all this silently, there was another king who attended the banquet together, but up to now he had always had a sullen face and never smiled.

Saber heard Rider say that this was a question and answer to explore what kingship is, and in fact she also participated in this banquet for this purpose.But in the verbal confrontation between Rider and Archer, she couldn't find any chance to participate in the discussion.Because she thought that the opinions expressed by these two heroic spirits were far from the standard of kingship she enshrined as the King of Knights, and had nothing to do with her.

It's all just my own thoughts——

That is not the right path that kings follow. Saber takes integrity as her philosophy, and from her point of view, the arguments of Archer or Rider are simply the thinking of a tyrant.

Although both Archer and Rider are formidable enemies no less than her, Saber's heart is resurfacing with an indomitable fighting spirit.

You can't lose to these two, you can't give up the Holy Grail to them. What Archer said made no sense at all.As for Rider's wish, Saber admits that Rider has the nobleness of a warrior, but his wish is only a personal desire after all.Compared with the two of them, Saber has the confidence to say that the deep wish hidden in her heart has a higher value.

However, just when she raised her eyes and was about to speak, Shuoyue stood up abruptly and interrupted their speech.

"Sorry everyone, I have something to excuse me first."

"Oh? What are you going to do, cook?" Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes and smiled.

And Shuoyue also answered gracefully: "Although I'm sorry to disturb the banquet of the kings, but I have to go to pick up my dear servant—— Meiyou."

"Oh, is that little girl's real name 'Miyu'? It's a very local name." Now that he showed his sincerity to reveal his real name, Rider naturally didn't go into it, but waved his hand, "Then go ahead." , we will wait for your return."

So the white-haired and golden-eyed young man gave a deep salute to the three kings, turned around, disappeared into the wall beside him, and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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