My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 125 So, Let’s Tell a King’s Story

Chapter 125 So, Let's Tell a King's Story...

Facing Shuoyue's sudden interruption, Rider frowned unhappily:
"Master Sakuzuki of Caster, think about your position and identity before speaking—are you a modern human thousands of years later, pointing fingers at the achievements of our two kings?"

Before Shuoyue could speak, the golden spirit on the other side of the seat suddenly stopped laughing, tapped the edge of the table with his glass, and spit out warning words:
"Attention, King Conqueror. What is in front of you is not a simple human being. If you continue to fool people with that set of fallacies, even this king will not be able to save you."

"Archer?" Iskandar didn't expect it to be the proudest king who spoke up to excuse him. After a short silence, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the sense of oppression on his magnificent body gradually dissipated.

"Let's listen to what you say, brother Shuoyue."

"Oh? Then should I say thank you King of Heroes?" Shuo Yue smiled, and immediately took the jug to fill the wine glass, and drank it all in one gulp, with a leisurely tone:
"Then, let's tell a story about a king..."

The over-familiar tone made Saber raise her hair, and Archer and Rider couldn't help but listen quietly.

That is, the epic that is still passed down to this day.


In the 5th century AD, the blood of the British king, the ideology of the incarnation of Britain as a red dragon, and the female blood used to perfectly integrate the two were mixed to create a mother fetus.In this way, the legendary King Arthur——Artoria Pendragon was born quietly.

At the age of 15, Uther Pendragon died, and Artoria Pendragon pulled out the sword in the stone that represented the new king's qualifications - the Golden Sword of Victory (Caliburn).Immediately, the long river of time was frozen for the king, and the king's body and appearance stopped growing and aging, and stayed at the moment when he was 15 years old.

After the crusade against Vortigern, King Arthur began to revive the ruined fortress city. Due to the return of the holy sword holder, the city also regained its original mystery and was reborn as Camelot, the city of chalk.

The years of King Arthur's reign over all of Britain refer to the ten years between the completion of the campaign from Camelot to the Hill of Camlann.That was arguably the last age of romance on this planet.The island still has its mysteries, magic, fairies, and the sanctuary still remain in the twilight.

Mysterious evening.

Planets change the laws of physics according to the life that lives on the surface.The era that was full of mystery and magic in the past has come to an end and gradually declined because human beings have become the largest force on the surface of the earth.Nature, which used to have a personality, becomes a mere natural phenomenon, and the ether in the atmosphere dissipates.

After the death of Solomon, the king of magic, the rate of decline of mystery accelerated.

And 500 years ago, the age of mythology completely ended, and this planet became independent from nature and became a world separated from the natural cycle.

But this island is different.

This island still retains the air and mystery of the age of mythology. After all, the more isolated it is from the mainland, the easier it is for the land to remain mysterious.

Britannia is especially important, after all it's like the navel of the planet.

This is the last remnant of the age of mythology, and it is also a fulcrum that can subvert the world.

—but to put it another way: the island is a mysterious wreck, a heresy of the planet.

In the glorious future of mankind, such lingering shadows are not allowed to exist.

The age of mystery is long over.

Then came the Age of Civilization, the Age of Man.

King Arthur's fundamental strength cannot be compatible with human beings. As long as the king is alive, Britain has no future.

It is precisely because of this that during the reign of King Arthur, this island has always been a year of violence - this is not caused by the king's lack of morality, but simply because the world, the way of heaven, is suppressing this last mystery. That's all.

Britain will be destroyed.

And King Arthur, the radiant king of ideals, delayed this inevitable destruction for ten years.


After the young man finished telling this distant story drunkenly, a suffocating silence fell among the kings.

Whether it is the most ignorant artificial man, or the magician who is still learning the mystery, or the conquering king and the older hero king, they all sit motionless.

Only the protagonist in the story, the king who is still a young girl, poured wine for himself silently, sipping it, his holy blue eyes were empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Finally, Rider let out a long breath and broke the silence.

"Are these stories true, Saber?"

"Except for describing me so well... everything else is basically the same as what Merlin said." Saber lowered her head, her tone a bit dull.

For others, this may be a magnificent epic, the honor and praise of a king's life.But to her, it was just a bloody scar when it was torn open.

Although she was surprised that Shuo Yue knew so much about her past, judging from Saber's drooping hair, it was obvious that she had no interest in talking at all.

However, Rider's next words made her raise her head in astonishment.

"That's it...then, I apologize to you for my previous recklessness, Saber."

Facing the astonished Saber, Rider bowed his head sincerely, expressing his apology.

"Frankly speaking, in my 33 years of life, I have never encountered such a desperate situation like you-Shuo Yue is right, my dominance can only be galloped on a vast territory, and a fragmented island like this , you can only mend it with your skillful hands."

"It's a boring and sad experience to put a little girl in such a situation." Archer rarely spoke in a tone of sarcasm with a sigh.

At this moment, he suddenly realized the difference between this girl and his best friend.

Even though he stretches out his hand to a height that does not belong to humans, Enkidu only has one person in his heart, while Saber has an entire kingdom in his heart.

Even the Red Dragon of Britain would groan in the face of such a heavy burden, right?

However, this girl not only held up Britain in this inhuman way for a full ten years, but also hoped from the bottom of her heart that someone could replace her and change the unfortunate ending after the country came to an end.

To be able to save that country.

To make people laugh.

For this reason, even everything she once owned is insignificant, and even her freedom after death can be given up.

Saber is different from Rider and Archer who were born kings, after taking off the mask of the ideal king, what hides under that brilliance is the melancholy and remorse unique to girls.

If it wasn't for me...

If someone else pulled out the king sword...

Her dominance, her beliefs, her life, her ideals, her dignity—had been shattered the moment Britain was declared dead.

'Use the Holy Grail to change the fate of Britain's destruction' or something, it's not because Saber denied everything around her——

It's just that the girl Artoria believes from the bottom of her heart that those knights who follow her light should deserve a better ending.

It should not be because of the king, fighting against the same family, setting off rebellion because of the king, and regretting all his life because of the king.

So, Holy Grail.

Please save my hometown and change the fate of Britain's destruction.

Britain will end one day, but it should be a more peaceful, sleep-like end.

The only thing that can be destroyed is the self, and the only thing that can meet the stupid death is the foolish king.

I hope that the people of Britain will laugh from the bottom of their hearts, and I hope that our round table will run around Britain and spread the virtues of chivalry to every corner.

Even if I pay for the peace after my death, even if the girl "Artoria" is wiped out of history... Please save my country, save my beloved land.

This is the true wish of the girl Artoria Pendragon.

It was also the last sacrifice of the king named "Arthur".

 Personally combined with the interpretation of the Court of Avalon, after all, Lao Xu did write a bit hard to describe Dumbao in fz...

(End of this chapter)

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