Chapter 126
The banquet of the kings is still going on, the three kings have exhausted the order, strength and responsibility of the kingly way, and they are also aware of the incompatibility between each other's kingly ways, but because of Shuoyue's supplement, Rider did not deny that Saber is a king Judging from his silent drinking posture, Saber's life, which was very different from his, probably shocked the King of Conquerors quite a bit.

And the oldest golden heroic spirit among the three kings, except for sighing after listening to the story, never paid attention to Saber again, instead, he frequently cast his eyes on Shuoyue, with a smile and a smile that no one understood in his eyes. banter.

Finally, Shuo Yue couldn't stand Archer's strange gaze any longer, and put down another empty wine glass.

"...King of Heroes, why do you look at me like that?"

"You know Saber's story very well, cook." The King of Heroes laughed meaningfully, "I won't ask you how to know these secrets—but since you care so much about Saber's past, You must have your own thoughts on this, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Rider stopped drinking, but even Saber couldn't help raising his head, showing a trace of apprehension.

From the beginning to the end, Shuoyue is fundamentally different from the three kings present: Compared with the three heroic spirits who came to Fuyuki City in 1994 as followers (Saber's situation is special), Shuyue is Human beings who are in the modern age and know the real history.

Thousands of years later, can my kingly ways still be recognized by you?

This may be the question that every king wants to ask the people of today after traveling through the years.

After listening to Archer's question, the young man with white hair and blond eyes didn't start a long speech, but just kept silent for a long time and shook his head:

"No, I have nothing to say."

"Why?" Artoria's expression was lost, "Why keep silent? Is it because what I did is really not worth mentioning?"

"How could it be, Saber." Shuoyue smiled helplessly, "It's just because everything has passed, and it's already taken advantage of looking at the past from the perspective of time, so why should I point fingers at it?"

Yes, everything is meaningless, the past is gone.

No matter whether Shuoyue expresses approval or dissatisfaction, these can no longer be changed, and all he has to do is "one who understands the past should not be admonished, and one who knows the future can still be pursued", that's all.

But sure enough, it's still a pity.

"The inner sage and the outer king..." After muttering in a low voice, Shuo Yue stopped mentioning this topic and turned to look at Archer.

"Speaking of which, Britain's demise was also caused by you, Archer."

"Huh?" This sudden topic aroused the astonishment of others as expected.

One is the King of Uruk in the Babylonian period, and the other is King Arthur who ruled Britain in the fifth century AD. There is at least 3000 years between the two. Apart from being the same king, there is almost no connection between the two.

So, why did Shuoyue say that the demise of Britain was related to Uruk?

While the banquet is still going on, don't forget that there is still such a master who did not attend, but chose to rest in the lounge on the second floor of Einzbern Castle.

Archer's Master, Tohsaka Tokiomi.

With Emiya Kiritsugu leaving with Illya and the others being brought into the king's room by Sakutsuki, Tosaka Tokiomi was in a state of being alone.

And it so happened that there was such a person who was not interested in the banquet of the kings, but instead focused on Tohsaka Tokiomi who was left alone in the castle.

That person, of course, is Tokiomi's good friend (crossed out), Tokiomi's opponent, Matou Kariya.

After receiving the news from Sakuzuki, Kariya brought Berserker all the way here.

Oh, and by the way, he had a passionate combo with Rider, blowing up Archer's Vimoye...

But Kariya's focus this time is not on followers. From beginning to end, he has only one goal.

Especially after meeting Rin Tohsaka tonight, Kariya made up his mind completely.


He ordered Kuanglan to turn into a spirit body to stand by, and he used Install again to incarnate as an unknown old man in the mountains and sneaked all the way into the rest room.

The lounge was sparsely lit, and the well-groomed man in a red suit faced the door and leaned on the chair, as if he had fallen asleep. Only the slight rise and fall of his chest proved that he was not a dummy.

Looking at this Tohsaka Tokiomi, this bastard who took away his loved one and sent his daughter to hell, this time, Matou Kariya no longer suppressed his inner desire.

"Kill you."

While muttering, the cloth strips wrapped around Kariya's right hand were untied piece by piece, revealing the crimson magic hand entrenched in it.

It was an arm that was too long for a human being. Even if it was bent and covered with a strip of cloth, the length was almost the same as Kariya's height. And when the seal was released, the arm from the demon god "Sunyi Tana" It sent out vicious fluctuations, making no secret of its desire for blood and heart.

Suppressing the fear of the strange-shaped creature that was planted on his body, Kariya raised his right arm and recited the true name of the Noble Phantasm.

"Delusion Heart Sound (Zabaniya)!"

As a result, invisible magic tentacles stretched out, forming a human-shaped heart in front of him, which was then held by Kariya and tightened tightly!
"Puff!" There was a sound as if there was an air leak, and as Kariya's heart shattered in his hands, Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was sitting on the seat, suddenly opened his mouth, spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground, his breath of life gradually dissipating.

Seeing the familiar face of the enemy turned into a corpse, even though Kariya was panting violently due to the massive consumption of mana, he still happily squeezed out a laugh from his chest:
"Hehe, hahaha... the patriarch of the dignified Tohsaka family is only at this level!"

A voice behind him responded.

"It turned out that it was you, Kariya, who fell into such a posture. It seems that I need to re-evaluate the Matou family."

"Wh-!" Jiantong Yanye turned his head in astonishment, but what met him was a dreadful curtain of fire.

"Roter Drache." Accompanied by the man's rapid chanting, the flame turned into a long snake and whipped Kariya. Caught off guard, Kariya only had time to grunt before being sent flying by the flame, hitting the wall hard, dreaming The summoning (Install) is released, and the card falls to the ground.

Although he borrowed the power of the heroic spirit, Kariya was limited by Kariya's lack of magic knowledge, and the curse arm Hassan itself did not have anti-magic power, so Kariya was knocked down by the two-section flame magic.

Matou Kariya narrowed his eyes amidst the severe pain in his limbs, and what caught his eyes was Tohsaka Tokiomi with black hair and green eyes, whose clothes and hair were not messy at all.

The release of flame magic will inevitably bring about changes in wind pressure, and the manic flames will not care about the surroundings—but not only Tohsaka Tokiomi himself, but even the surrounding decorations are not messed up in the slightest.

All of this is due to Tohsaka Tokiomi's magic skills honed over time.

Ordinary magicians would certainly not be able to help admiring, admiring this exemplary method, but Kariya was different, in his heart there was no awe, only hatred; no envy, only anger.

"you are always like this--"

Kariya stumbled to his feet, his eyes filled with hatred for Tokiomi.

"You have changed, Kariya Matou." Although the dream summoning has been lifted, recalling the power at that moment, even Tohsaka Tokiomi felt a little palpitating, "Although I don't know where you borrowed it from." You have become such a filthy incarnation, but just seeing your current ugly appearance, the Matou family cannot escape the name of corruption."

"Don't you know what the Matou family looks like?" Kariya replied roughly, turning his eyes to the right, looking at the corpse lying on the ground.

If the one standing in front of him was Tohsaka Tokiomi...

Then whose heart he crushed?
 Work overtime to rush out a new chapter, and add more (Sahua.jpg) for those book friends who cheered for me during the exam!
  In addition, the book friend group is about to prepare, you can look forward to a wave!
(End of this chapter)

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